Decision-making processes

The report will reflect on various aspects of the project, including group dynamics, decision-making processes, and overall business outcomes. The objective is to produce a detailed reflective account, analyzing key data, discussing findings, and offering actionable recommendations for future improvements.

The chosen candidate will be provided with access to the data and relevant information from the simulation
• Write a 9,000-word reflective management report that evaluates the experience of managing a business within a simulated environment.
• Analyze key performance data from the simulation (e.g., sales, inventory, financials) to discuss strategic decisions and their outcomes.
• Reflect on key management skills such as employability, project management, and team collaboration.
• Break down the report into structured sections, including introduction, methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
• Provide actionable recommendations based on the findings, highlighting areas for improvement and lessons learned.
• Adhere to the structure outlined below while ensuring clarity, professionalism, and attention to detail.

Report Structure:

1. Title Page: Include the business name and the project title.
2. Executive Summary (150 words): Concise overview of the report (not included in the word count).
3. Table of Contents
4. Chapter 1: Introduction (2000 words)
• Provide background information on the chosen business and industry.
• Outline the objectives and goals for the business.
• Discuss the roles of the team members and the challenges faced.
• Include the company logo and a brief explanation of the report structure.
5. Chapter 2: Methods (1000 words)
• Restate the business objectives.
• Explain the type of data collected during the simulation (e.g., financials, inventory) and the rationale for its inclusion.
• Discuss how this data will be analyzed.
6. Chapter 3: Findings and Discussion (5000 words)
• Present results from all simulation rounds.
• Analyze each round’s data, highlighting key decision-making challenges and outcomes.
• Use analytical frameworks (e.g., SWOT, PESTEL) where appropriate.
• Provide visual aids (e.g., tables, graphs) to enhance data analysis.
7. Chapter 4: Conclusion (500 words)
• Reflect on the business objectives and the extent to which they were met.
• Discuss theoretical implications and potential managerial takeaways.
8. Chapter 5: Recommendations (500 words)
• Offer recommendations for management practices and potential improvements for future simulation projects.
• Critically reflect on the findings and their implications.
9. References: List all sources using Harvard Referencing Style.