Decrypt the following ciphertext that is encrypted using RSA:
RSA public key (N, e):
N = 9443933355875323479428701223436866003317020345062337184168866482442741746051755875714077225424938697068202237079691276886895796347334130227954217861122456746475811995655599937678751969288324093545863325957721247606698180886906068377558846502707583137394885329858060292972366775543495590847656457
e = 65537
A modulus N of the standard RSA consists of only the two large prime p and q.
But the modulus N in this assignment consists of many primes, which may weaken the security of RSA (so making this assignment practicable).
Students can use the following website for integer factorization:
Refer to the provided example code (