Discussion 1: Impact Of Unmet Expectations On Employee Attitudes


Work expectations are conditions that employees consider likely to happen in their current or future job situation. Most employers communicate certain expectations clearly: pay, personal time off, and core work hours. Other expectations may be less clearly conveyed. For example, people may expect—but do not always find—some degree of structure, a reasonably safe and inviting work environment, or recognition for a job done well. Expectations, whether spoken or unspoken, have a profound impact on employee attitudes. Employees with clearly defined, well-communicated expectations have more job satisfaction and are thus more successful than those whose expectations are unclear or unmet. When expectations are met, employers can find more productivity and decreased attrition can result. 

RJPs provide applicants with a true picture of the characteristics of the job and the organization, both positive and negative. RJPs, if used properly, are a valuable tool to help reduce unrealistic expectations and lessen attrition.

In this Discussion, you will explore how unmet expectations can influence job attitudes and whether RJPs can make a difference.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Watch the video Antecedents of Job Attitudes. Choose one Walden Sports employee from the group (attached the transcript of video). Take notice if the employee expresses unmet expectations and how this might affect their job attitude. Consider the merits of an RJP for this employee.
  • Read the article “A Historical Approach to Realistic Job Previews: An Exploration Into Their Origins, Evolution, and Recommendations for the Future.” Consider the impact of RJPs as an ethical obligation of employers and the effect it could have on job attitudes. Consider if there is a difference in formal and informal RJPs.
  • Read the article “Employees’ Expectations and Organizational Silence.” Silence in an organization is when employees deliberately, and individually and collectively, withhold their opinion on work-related improvement or change. Consider this as a potential consequence of employee unmet expectations.

By Day 3

Post a response to the following:  

Provide a description of two unmet expectations experienced by the Walden Sports employee depicted in this week’s media. Then explain how this employee’s unmet expectations might affect his or her job attitudes. Finally, explain how an RJP) might have changed the employee’s experience.