Discussion Forum 250


After a careful review of the lecture narrative and reading assignments for this module, you should have a better understanding of teacher licensure in North Carolina and employment options for birth-kindergarten licensed teachers. For this discussion assignment, you will make connections to this information and your future goals and plans.

The Prompt

Respond to the following prompt for this module.What are your professional goals and expectations for teacher licensure?   Complete these specific tasks as you respond:

  • In your first posting for this discussion assignment, outline at least three professional goals you have regarding achieving a birth-kindergarten teaching license.
  • Continue in your first post by describing your expectations of teacher licensure.
  • Outline any concerns or questions you may still have regarding licensure.
  • Summarize your expected outcome of becoming a birth-kindergarten licensed teacher.


Discussion Forum Assignment Guidelines (opens in a new window)
https://vlc.nccommunitycolleges.edu/bb-templates/discussion-forums.htmlTo successfully complete this discussion assignment, you should refer to the lecture narrative and reading assignments for Module 1.

Grading Criteria

Your discussion forum posts and replies will be evaluated using this rubric:  Discussion Forum Rubric (MS Word Document) Discussion Forum Rubric (MS Word Document) – Alternative Formats (opens in a new download window)


For a satisfactory score, your initial responses should include specific support from course materials, including any readings, videos, or lecture narratives, your own experiences, or other sources as detailed in the assignment instructions. An appropriate opening response should include the goals and expectations as outlined in the prompt. Post your opening response to the question early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.You should also respond in a substantive way to other students, moving the conversation forward, presenting an alternative viewpoint, or providing additional support for classmates’ ideas. Supporting information is expected in those responses as well.In addition, you are expected to reply to those who may have responded to your initial postings. Thorough, conscientious participation throughout the week will be rewarded.