Discussion Question:
Write a paragraph summary about the history and epidemiology of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Include the origin, spread, introduction into the United States and its current state in our society.
****Discussion Forum Guidelines****
The weekly discussion forums are designed to enhance your understanding of the weekly topic as well as promote a robust discussion. Follow the guidelines in order to obtain full points for your participation.
- Discussion posts must be a minimum of 250 words in length, not including citations
- Use at least 1 citation from the peer-reviewed literature other than the textbooks from our class.
- Use APA format for all citations.
- Discussion posts must be insightful, unique, and in relation to the weekly content.
***Discussion Forum Grading***
All of the following will result in an automatic zero for your discussion post
- Late Work
- Unoriginal Work (Refer to the academic guidelines)
- Posts less than 250 words
All of the following will result in point deductions for your discussion post
- Incorrect use of APA formatted citations
- Not addressing the prompt
- Failure to add original content or thoughts to the discussion