Discussion Response

The concept that just sticks out to me is that of nonverbal language. There are so many cases in what we have to work with as nurses and leaders. To get the language of the nonverbal to be heard and needs to be met. On page 216 talks about resisting distractions. This is very challenging for nurses due to the fact that we are always assessing any situation. As leaders, we need to be made as role models for the workers to actively listen without distractions. Cell phones, work phones, emails, charting, all fall under the category of distractions. Ours is a noisy age. People are distracted not only by what they hear but also by what they see. Poor listeners tend to be influenced readily by all types of distractions, even in an intimate face-to-face situation. Often they create distractions themselves by tapping feet, drumming fingers, clicking pens, and using electronic devices (Manning & Curtis, 2018). 

As we learned this, I catch myself getting distracted more and more, but not since I know, I correct it. More eye contact has been used which is extremely important in listening. I will now use this concept every day, not only at work but at home with my family. I know for a fact this will make a positive impact in work and at home, and especially in the future as a leader. Distractions, in the form of interruptions, are a major enemy of the leader striving to effectively apply focus.
“Persistent interruptions become especially insidious when we are unaware of the peripheral role our surroundings
play in shaping our thoughts, moods, and choices” (Grenny, 2017, p. 106). Leaders can greatly enhance their ability
to focus by structuring their immediate surroundings and general work environment to intentionally minimize
interruptions and other forms of distractions. This can be difficult, though, because of the expectations of others to
have untethered access to them (Bartz, Bartz, & Doctor, 2018).


Bartz, D. E., Bartz, D. T., & Doctor, J. (2018). Leaders accomplishing results. International Journal of Education and Human Developments4(2), 1-8.

Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2018). The Art of Leadership (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.