DQ-1: Writing An Abstract of A Project

 (Reading Paper #1)

Hello Class,

I picked four papers for Discussions throughout the term.  They are not the latest papers, but I chose them for their versatile topics and interesting ways of using data, creative use of econometrics modelling, and analyzes of the results; so they are good representations of proper economic papers.  Here is the first paper.

Growing Apart, Losing Trust? The Impact of Inequality on Social Capital,

IMF Working Paper, 2016, by Eric Gould and Alex Hijzn, Aug 2016

Read this paper PDF For now, do not bother with the methodologies and the tables (saving it for the next two weeks).  Just look at the structure, the format; and refer to this week’s topic about “Carrying out a project”.

  1. a) Is the structure of this paper similar to what was described in chapter 19 (ppt and the textbook)? Any differences?
  2. b) Summarize each part or chapter of this paper, with just a few sentences for each part.
  3. c) Now, pick a topic that you’re going to do for your final project (tentatively, just for this week)
  4. d) write up an abstract about one paragraph, by describing the necessary steps of what you might have to do with the research in a few sentences on each step, according to your chosen topic.


DQ-Rubric: Ten-point guidelines for grading the Discussion Questions

There will be 10-point grade that you could earn from the following each item:


  1. Your responses should reflect your understanding of the topic of the week, along with your own perspective of the materials.
  2. Post one substantial comment (instead of a “yes” or “no”) to one of your classmates’ post, by Sunday,11.59pm.
  3. Post the second substantial comment one of your classmates’, also due by Sunday, 11.59pm.
  4. Late submissions of each required answers will cost you a one-point deduction for each day late.
  5. All postings are to be delivered in a professional tone, clear, and comprehensible manner.
  6. Your responses would reflect your critical thinking on the subject matter.
  7. Your responses would contain your own personal reflections, instead of quoting sources.
  8. Any grammatical error will cost you a one-point deduction.
  9. Any spelling error will cost you a one-point deduction.