Due Today

 Over the last six modules, you built toward this culminating moment: the submission of your final project. This week you will be drafting a research paper of 3-5 pages (approximately 750-1250 words) that builds on your previous Milestone work. Use the Final Project Template download for an example of how to create and format your final paper.   

 Submit a completed 3-5 page (approx. 750-1250 words) research paper on your topic choice made in Module 1 that incorporates your work from Milestones 1-6. Use the 


Step 1: Reflect on Previous Milestone Feedback and Make Adjustments  

Each week after you submitted a Milestone assignment, your instructor provided you with feedback, often including suggestions for improvement. Take stock of that feedback and incorporate it. This might mean adjusting the wording of your thesis statement, replacing a source, fixing errors in your APA formatting, rewriting your introduction, or rethinking your organization of paragraphs. Make sure to use your peer’s feedback on Milestone 5 as well – what suggestions did they have to improve your introduction and outline? Did they understand your argument and if not, how can you communicate it more clearly?  


Step 2: Use Your Outline to Draft Your Paper 

Using your Milestone 5 outline, begin to flesh out each of your body paragraphs by adding evidence from your sources that support your thesis (along with proper in-text citations for ideas or quotes from your sources). Make sure to include transitions between paragraphs and wrap up your paper with a conclusion paragraph that reiterates your thesis argument and offers some concluding thoughts.


Step 3: Review and Edit Your Work  

Once you have a full draft written, make sure to re-read it carefully with an eye on the details like spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence clarity, and word choice.


  • At least 4 references  
  • A title page and reference page in APA style 
  • In-text citations in APA format 
  • An introductory paragraph with your clear, one-sentence thesis statement (this should NOT be underlined at this point) 
  • Body paragraphs that use information from the sources as evidence to prove the thesis statement  
  • A conclusion paragraph that offers final thoughts and reiterates the thesis statement 
  • Proper spelling, syntax, and grammar 
  • Improvements based on your instructor’s feedback on your previous milestone work (i.e. to the thesis statement, introduction, organization, use of sources, APA style, etc.)