Economics Article Review

This assignment is an article review. The article review may be related to any of these topics – inflation, GDP, or unemployment. Selected articles for review must be current (within one year of publication) and must be the equivalent of at least one page in length.

The review consists of four main parts that are placed in continuous narrative.

A. ARTICLE IDENTIFICATION Description of the work

A one paragraph description of the work’s physical structure and any information about the author you may have discovered. For example magazine title, number of pages, publisher, copyright, date, edition, whether it is part of a series.

B. PURPOSE OF THE ARTICLE Statements of author’s goals:

The author will say that he or she is trying to accomplish somewhere at the outset either in the article’s preface or in its introduction. In your own words, or paraphrasing his or her own words, state the person’s objectives for having writing the article. What is the author’s position with respect to the issue (one or two paragraphs)


Did the author achieve the goals set forth? Or were some achieved but not all? Were the conclusions valid, or can you show when he or she hedged the point? If the answer is “yes” show why and use examples from the text to bolster your praise. If the answer is “no” do the same thing to back your claim. Remember, you cannot praise or condemn without proof. Evaluate the consistency of the author’s proposition and related theories studied in class.

D. CONCLUSION: Your Opinion of the whole work:

Did you like the article? Why or why not? Use examples to bolster your statements. Overall evaluation of the article.