Elicitation Plan

please make sure response remains in excel

power influence griuo
Power influence grid is complete
please ignore this question
we can reduce the cost and use for the next assignment?
hi please see this
all i need is the sheet populated
take the 2nd excel and fit that into the 1st excel template
thats all whats needed

everything else is done
Textbook being referred

Topic one background

start on this topic another topic I will provide later

when project says refer to textbook please refer this book and weekly report says to give reflection on some chapters- chapters referred are in this textbook as well
here’s task 5 let me know your thoughts

In this task 5, I already both the response DRAFTS ready but these responses DO NOT match exactly match the requirements, they match about 70% of it.

Please read the requirements in “Task 5 – Elicitation Plan” clearly

Then modify the two documents below to match the requirements 100%…right now its only matching 70% of the requirements

1) Task 5 – Memorandum.docx

2) Task 5 – Elicitation Plan Response.docx

The remaining two PAMS documents are for your reference. Its important that you review the PAMS documents completely.

Task 5.zip
due in 2-3 days
effort is not much
but if you dont correct the response to suit the requirements that will not look good

let me know your thoughts
but with the draft response ready
did u see both the drafts
and the PAMS attachments
thats 75% done already
u still

do u still need the other references?
main thing is to match the requirements
the 2 responses I have match 70% of it
my role is not a Business analyst this time
you got this point right?
Shouldn’t take very long
and number of pages and effort is not high
With the aim of creating an eProcurement software, a computer analyst is sought for the realization of the technical analysis focused on:
1. Data structure
2. Software architecture
3. Interfaces (graphic or not)
4. Detail algorithms
The project must include a study of the main 4 competitors with their users, choice of programming language, technical requirements of the platform, etc.
The analysis aims to select the appropriate programmer thus providing him with all the relevant information.
We need SRS for the e-procurement…
We need flowchart of the e-procurement development system… In documentation, we need complete architecture

and to know the functional and non-functional requirement you can visit two softwre which is related to to our system… Precoro and the TradeGecko
