EMBA capstone project help

in my EMBA i need to submit a capstone project on a new company i want to establish. the company is an infrastructure holding company that invests in infrastructure development and management. the capstone will be in 2 parts.
Your capstone should be a written document of

a) 20 pages of core content (± 2 pages), in sentences, with a size letter 11 and single space, margins 2 cm;

In addition to the 20 pages, your Casptone report must include:

– a 1-page Executive Summary outlining the main issue addressed, recommendations, and the key outcomes resulting from such decisions;

– the table of content;

– a backbone. due end f sep 2024

b) 10 to 15 methodological pages are mandatory and should include all the methodology part (tools for example) where we will find :

– the sources;

– the acknowledgements

-the theory around your project

Don’t forget the cover page and to number the pages of your report as well as your slides of your presentation.

Do I have any mandatory parts in my report ?

The mandatory parts in the core document are the financials/extra-financials (for CSR and transformation projects) and the implementation plan. If these parts are not in the report, the participant will have a failing grade. Every report needs to have a one-page executive summary.

Should my written report includes appendices?

The appendices are the methodological part. In that part, you will put all the tools you used (see list of tools in the “tools and guidelines” folder. No Excel spreadsheet should be included. If you need to include numbers, you should make a simplify table with the important results (if the jury needs a clarification, jury members will ask you the question).
for the methodological part i will be providing some martials to help draft this section
i will attach the executive summary of the project


capstone exective summary