ENG242-190 Short Story Interpretation

Week 2 Essay. 3 pages

  • Minimum of 3 outside resources (Resources may include .edu or .org website and/or peer-reviewed journal articles from the TU library.) 

Activity Instructions
Please select one of the two essay topics below. Please use cited examples and quotes from the stories. If you are applying concepts from Foster, please be sure to cite examples and quotes from his text as well.

  1. The events that happen to us when we are children often determine the adults we will later become. Often, what happens to a child cannot be overcome. Whether that is positive or negative depends on the event and the child. This is why we often refer to youth as the formative years.’
    1. How did setting determine the adult Marjane Satrapi became?
    2. Explore how time, place, and history formed this character’s personality.
    3. Use outside sources to find out more about Marjane Satrapi’s life and the actual events that took place during her childhood in Iran.
  2. Emily is her house. We are not merely reading a story where a character is impacted by her setting; we are reading a story where character and setting are one. Consider the way in which we get to know Emily and the way in which we get to know the home in which she lived.
    1. Using examples from “A Rose for Emily,” explain how an exploration of Emily’s setting is in fact an exploration of character.
    2. Use outside sources to back up any claims you make about how people are represented by (or are represented of) their environments. Suggestions for such sources include articles by designers, psychological theories, etc. 

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • 3-4 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including the reference page
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Reference page (minimum of 3 outside resources)