English 101 Essay: 2nd Amendment


Research PaperBasic Requirements

•MLA format

•MLA in-text citations

•MLA Works Cited page

•Length: 7-10pages (minimum-maximum)

Source Requirements

•Three (3) outside sources(minimum)

Two must be written sources(paper-based or online book, journal article, web article, web page, etc.).

The third source(or any additional sources beyond the minimum written-source requirement) may be alternative sources, such as video, an image, a graphic, a personal interview, a chart, a table, etc.

Topic: The subject matter of your research is your choice. If you’re having difficulty coming up with an idea, keep in mind that it is best to choose a topic that interests you. We create better arguments and engage in stronger analysis when we write about a topic that is relevant to us .In the research paper modules, you’ll find resources and suggestions for how to develop a research paper topic.

 Purpose: Persuasive  

Deadline: Please see Canvas for submission instructions and deadline. Submission Guidelines: CANVAS UPLOAD ONLY

•Please save your document either in Word format (.doc or .docx) or pdf

.•I am not able to accept late research papers. 

Grading criteria

•Adherence to the conventions of formal academic writing

•Thesis development

•Academic essay structure

•Demonstrated awareness of purpose, audience, tone

•Quality and relevance of research sources


•MLA format(required to receive a passing grade)

•MLA Works Cited(required to receive a passing grade)

•MLA in-text citations(required to receive a passing grade

)•Grammar & punctuation