Essay 2 – Group Work

Internet of Things (IOT), Big Data, Wearable Devices and social media are all have changed our lives and will impact the future of how we conduct businesses. In this project students should fully understand these technologies and their benefits. No technical understanding is needed here, rather, students should gain a knowledge about the benefits and the applications of these technologies in project management.


This is a group work and students are requested to prepare and submit their work in groups. Each group should not exceed (2) students. Students should submit their work through turnitin portal (one copy per group). The essay (report) should be no less than 3000 words and should be aligned to the guidelines referenced below. In addition to that students need to prepare a presentations summarizes their work in a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will take place on the 16/03/2024. Students are requested to provide examples about these technologies and discuss their benefits, disadvantages and its impact on project management. Students are requested to follow the guidelines below.


1. Introduction


2. Literature review (10 references)


3. Opportunities of adopting these technologies


4. The possible negative impact of these technologies on health, privacy and security *


5. The Application of these technologies in project management (provide real case implementations) *


6. The Future of these technologies


7. Summary and Conclusion


Turnitin Software (a plagiarism detection tool) will be used (Only the report needs to be submitted through turnitin). Your scores will be evaluated against your alignment with the above guidelines and the quality of the content. Students need to demonstrate their involvement in the project through the presentation. The PowerPoint presentation should be submitted on teams.


The deadline 16/03/2024


* Students are encouraged to cover other negative impacts.


* Students are encourages to provide real case examples in engineering management.

Essay 2 – Group Work