Essay on Discipline

• Discipline in life plays an important part in our every great achievement. It is a practice of training people to obey rules and instructions. Discipline is the backbone of our character. The word ‘discipline’ means training that produces obedient behavior to the orders of a person in power. • Punishment can be given if discipline is not maintained. A fine etiquette of manners that comes from practice is regarded as a discipline. A disciplined person sets a goal in life and is always keen to achieve that goal at the expense of hard work, loyalty, and dedication. • In life, discipline is of extreme importance. When many people are involved in some work, they must follow certain rules. They have to obey the persons who are placed above them. This shows discipline. The work is likely to suffer if rules are not obeyed. An army lacking discipline is expected to lose the battle. Without discipline, nothing great can be achieved in life. A person is usually disciplined from his childhood. One gets a habit of disciplinary life from his family, school, and surroundings.Schools and places of work teach us discipline. Teachers, parents and elders also help us to learn and follow rules. We must try to be disciplined in our Classroom, on the sports ground, in the school assembly and while visiting places with elders. Friends can also teach each other ways to follow rules and behave properly. Discipline helps us to grow up and become happy and successful.There is value of discipline in all walks of life. Whether at school or at home, in the office or in the factory, in the play ground or in the battlefield, discipline is a necessity. Discipline gives us an opportunity to learn, experience and grow. Without discipline, there will be complete chaos and disorder. There will be no peace and progress. To be guided by rules, to pay due regard to elders and superior officers, to obey them and to behave in an orderly manner, all these come under the term discipline.