Essay on the documentary called The 13th

(Putting Together: Summary, Analysis, Evaluation, Current Connections) Summary: 1) You will research (using reputable sources) the director. You will write a clear summary of her credentials. 2) You will write a clear summary where you nutshell the main point/claims/argument 3) Use the credentials of the filmmaker as a set up to the summary OR smoothly transition between the two requirements 4) This section will have no personal opinion Rhetorical Analysis: 1) Analyze the way the documentary’s argument/claims are constructed. 2) Provide three clear examples (of techniques or sub-points) and each example needs ample explanation and evidence that shows how those three examples help the filmmaker prove her point/claims 3) this section will have no personal opinion  Evaluation: 1) Explain who you think the intended audience of this documentary is. 2) Evaluate the effectiveness of the film, arguing that it is worthy of viewing or not for what specific and clear reasons. 3) provide enough explanation to support your argument (this is your personal opinion) that it is or is not worth viewing 4) Research one reputable critic’s Movie review of the documentary 5) Weave in a summary of what that movie critic had to say about the film, making clear whether you agree or disagree with their assessment Current Connections (Personal reaction): 1) convey what personally impacted you the most in this film 2) Research one current event/news article which connects in some way to the point of this movie 3) Reflect on the movie and also the “ripped from the headlines” article–personalize and make a mature, insightful comment or connection about the state of current affairs or what you would like to see be the next step in our country becoming better for ALL Americans Organization and formatting: 1) paper will be formatted from start to finish in MLA style 2) paper will have four clearly marked sub-headings, left justified 3) Research will be appropriately set up 4) Paragraphs will have smooth transitions between points/parts Works Cited: 1) Paper will have at least four sources from reputable sources (1-about author, 2-movie critic, 3-current news/event, 4-the actual documentary 2) Works Cited will observe MLA formatting style conventions MUGS: 1) Paper will follow appropriate mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling 2) Paper will be edited and proofread for optimal smooth and correct usage The essay should be between 500-1000 words.