Examine the code and identify 2 different types of module coupling and module cohesion

To do with module coupling and cohesion of a connect 4 game, unit testing of a calculator. Check the security of a software. Each of this needs 500 words each. Second one needs the source code for unit tests

Task 1:
Examine the code and identify 2 different types of module coupling and module cohesion found in https://codingartistweb.com/2022/12/connect-4-javascript/
Extract the code and explain why you think coupling, cohesion is happening there.

Task 2:
Develop a set of unit tests for https://codepen.io/ggetchell/pen/KVgrYq). (It’s in javascript with source code).
Write a total of 9 tests, organize it into 3 sets. Each test set should target at least one functional element of the program. Cannot choose +, -, /, and *
To explain what was the approach of …
I know you are going to be working on technical and system architectural designs as well as cost analysis. But please include the last document in the ደስግን specific. Here are my feedbacks on the document you have provided. I have to say overalll is is good but still many missing pieces which i hope you will address.

1. What is the recommended number of support resources?

2. What technologies would the support resources need in order to be successful? Provide a realistic cost analysis for that.

3. For interactive tribute videos what method of delivery is available and provide cost analysis for the technologies needed to support that.

4. What is the recommended number of support resources once product goes live.

4. What technologies would the support resources need in order to be successful? Provide a realistic cost analysis for that.

5. For interactive tribute videos what method of delivery is available and provide cost analysis for the technologies needed to support that.

6. What technologies are available for live streaming and provide cost breakdown for it.

7. Provide how flower dedication and donation work. Provide technical and visual representation.

8. Provide a software requirement documentation sample for this project.

9. Provide a technical specification for the development team.