FBA Literature Review

I am seeking a professional to conduct an extensive literature review on Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBA). The purpose of this review is to support a research project that I am currently working on. “Need to look at relevant tools and literature to inform the development of a new Functional Behaviour Assessment (that is neuroaffirming and follows positive behaviour support practices) – to provide a rationale why we need to develop a new FBA – process and evidence on why we need this new tool?” This tool is intended for the Australian NDIS market. The review should offer a broad overview of the topic and will entail an examination of diverse resources including: – Books – Academic Journals – Online articles, and – Grey Literature. Preferably, the freelancer should have a firm grasp of behavioural studies, a strong background in academic research, and an excellent command of English. Experience in conducting literature reviews for similar topics will be ideal. Upon completion, presented materials should be meticulously interpreted and summarized. Critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to succinctly highlight main arguments of the various literatures are paramount to executing this task. The final work should also include properly cited references and a comprehensive bibliography. I look forward to a comprehensive, well-structured and in-depth compilation of existing literature on FBA. to provide a current review of Functional Behaviour Assessment Tools what tools have been validated? what tools are developing? each review should show: – what is the tool called – date it was developed? – why was it developed? developed for a specific setting? – what is the FBA indication around context? – describe the development and evidence base for the tool? – key purposes of the tools? 2000 words only – please see attached RUBRIC

