Final DAP Essay

 The Final DAP Summary is an in-depth, comprehensive essay summary that covers:

  • ALL the content from your Dietary Analysis Project reports
  • Your textbook course content
  • Information you obtained over the semester from analyzing your food intake and exercise habits

Essay process:

  1. Review the core competencies skills this essay assesses 
  2. Review detailed directions and rubric
  3. Write a  750- 1200 word essay in a (.docx) document ahead of time, using correct grammar and spelling. 

Core Intellectual Competency

This essay is a comprehensive evaluation showing you mastered the course learning objectives and possess the core intellectual competency (listed below) as it relates to your nutrition. Specific references to your individual report values must be addressed. The essay assesses:

  • Critical Thinking Skills – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information 
  • Communication Skills – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication 
  • Empirical and Quantitative Skills – to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions 
  • Social Responsibility – to include inter cultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.

Answer the questions below as well as include all the elements  of the Core Competency Skills. 

  1. What specific modifications or changes could you make to improve your current eating habits, exercise habits, and current lifestyle choices?
  2. How does your nutrition & fitness plan impact your personal, economic health as well impact your social/society responsibility as a whole?
  3. Please be specific about what foods, nutrients and changes in behaviors you will do, making sure to address all the nutrients that were out of the recommendations.

*Make sure you use all components from your DAP project reports in your project summary. This is detailed analysis and not just a generalized assessment. See grading rubric for how points will be awarded. 

I have attached the DAP Report use that report to do this essay as well as look up through the rubric.