Final Project Proposal Guidelines


Once you’ve chosen your topic, your next step will be to write a proposal for your research project.

Your proposal should include the following:

  • The title of your project at the top of the page.
  • At least a paragraph summarizing the goals of your project. This involves defining a specific research question. Your proposal, then, would introduce your topic, describe the question(s) you will be investigating, and explain the process you will use to answer those questions.
  • An annotated bibliography, of at least 3 sources. These must be credible academic sources on your topic, including at least one book (print or electronic), one journal article from an academic database, and one web source.
  • If you’ve never done an annotated bibliography before, this is simply a bibliography of your sources that includes brief descriptions of those sources. This means that when you’ve found your (minimum) three sources, you will list them as if you were making a regular Works Cited page, but then following each entry, you’ll write approximately a paragraph describing what the book or article is about, to clarify why it’s relevant for your research.

Here is a website that gives more helpful information about making an annotated bibliography, and where you can see an example of what one looks like.

Your Final Project Proposal is due Sunday, April 14 at 5 p.m., EST and should be typed, double-spaced, and submitted as a Word document through Blackboard.