Final Reflections Question #1: Provide a concrete example of one way that a world-wide or current event has positively or negatively impacted economic activity. Determine the benefits and limitation

Final Reflections

Question #1:

Provide a concrete example of one way that a world-wide or current event has positively or negatively impacted economic activity. Determine the benefits and limitations of a specific government intervention program in the economy. Assess how the relationships between the United States and other global economies have either hurt or helped companies based in the United States.

Question #2:

Explain why it is important for an organization’s culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies to align. How would you use a specific leadership approach to support change within your organization? Describe how you would use one strategy to create positive organizational change in your current or past place of employment.​​​​​​​

Question #3:

Think of a situation in which using a SWOT analysis could help you adapt to changes within the global business environment. How could you utilize Porter’s Five Forces or contingency leadership models within your own work environment to better align the needs of your organization with business strategies? Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at-large, of when changing demographics or emerging technologies had an impact on the organization.​​​​​​​

Question #4:

How would you use the talent management approaches discussed in this course to contribute to the development of a high-performance organization? Which approach do you feel would be most useful in your place of employment?