financial systems for payment processing

Customer Problem Statement
Problem Statement: Describe the problem your customers encounter and their expectations of how
a software system would help. Describe the problem like a narrative about your project in the role
of a customer instead of a developer. The problem description should be based on the previously
submitted project proposal. You can revise and improve it based on the feedback of the proposal
if necessary. (2 points)
“A parking lot is a designated area for parking vehicles and is a feature found in almost all
popular venues such as shopping malls, sports stadiums, offices, etc. In a parking lot, there are a
fixed number of parking spots available for different types of vehicles. Each of these spots is
charged according to the time the vehicle has been parked in the parking lot. The parking time is
tracked with a parking ticket issued to the vehicle at the entrance of the parking lot. Once the
vehicle is ready to exit, it can either pay at the automated exit panel or to the parking agent at the
exit using a card or cash payment method.”
Glossary of Terms: Define important terms to make them consistent in the system specification.
Add pictures or graphics to explain your idea. Avoid defining computer science terms such as
network protocol, thread, client/server, and user interface. Only define new terms that you
introduce into your system. (2 points)
List System Requirements which would include Functional Requirements, Non-Fucntional
requirements and User Interface Requirements.
System Requirements
• Functional Requirements (6 points)
Extract and list the requirements from the problem statement in the table shown below.
Functional Requirements
No. Priority Weight Description
REQ-1 High The parking lot should have the capacity to park
30,000 vehicles
REQ-2 High The four different types of parking spots are
handicapped, compact, large, and motorcycle.
REQ-3 Low The parking lot should have multiple entrances and
exit points.
REQ-4 High
Four types of vehicles should be allowed to park in
the parking lot, which are as follows: car, truck,
van, motorcycle
REQ-5 High
The parking lot should have a display board that
shows free parking spots for each parking spot
REQ-6 High
The system should not allow more vehicles in the
parking lot if the maximum capacity (30,000) is
REQ-7 Medium
If the parking lot is completely occupied, the
system should show a message on the entrance and
on the parking lot display board
REQ-8 Medium Customers should be able to collect a parking
ticket from the entrance and pay at the exit.
No. Priority Weight Description
REQ-1 (show the
unique label of the
The priority weight of
the requirement
Describe the
requirement briefly
REQ-9 High
The customer can pay for the ticket either with an
automated exit panel or pay the parking agent at
the exit.
REQ-10 Medium The payment should be calculated at an hourly rate
REQ-11 Medium Payment can be made using either a credit/debit
card or cash
• Nonfunctional Requirements (2 points)
Example : Nonfunctional Requirements
No. Priority Weight Description
REQ-1 High
The system shall handle peak loads during
events or rush hours without significant
performance degradation. It should process
payment transactions swiftly and
REQ-2 High
The system shall ensure the security of
payment transactions and vehicle data.It
should comply with relevant data protection
regulations (e.g., GDPR, PCI-DSS).
REQ-3 High
The system shall integrate with existing
security systems (CCTV cameras), financial
systems for payment processing, and
management tools for reporting.
REQ-4 Low
The system architecture shall support
future expansion of parking spots and
integration with advanced technologies
(e.g., smart parking sensors).
User Interface Requirements: List, prioritize, and describe the user interface requirements and
add a graphic for each requirement. Simply use sketches for this step. (6 points)
Plan of Work (2 points)
Please use this section to report the progress of your project. We can put the plan of the work of
the proposal here and put a mark on the item which you have finished. For example, we focus on
setting up the development environment this week, so you could describe how’s this process
When to start coding
It would be helpful to start implementing some features of your project immediately.

Customer Problem Statement