Health Management Project Assistance

Task details 2000 words
You are to select a current and a future human resources (HR) issue and write a report on their impact on the HR functions of an organization and how they might be resolved.

Refer to relevant, credible sources and theories (20%)
Write an effective description of the situation for general readership (20%)
Appropriately analyse the issue (30%)
Appropriately format and organise the assessment while adhering to word limit (10%)
Express ideas using effective spelling and grammar (10%)
Use Harvard referencing presentation and citation style (10%)

Select ONE important current HR issue in healthcare and ONE future HR issue that YOU believe will significantly impact your own health workplace OR a health workplace with which you are familiar.

For each of the issues:

Provide brief evidence as to why you think there is, or will be, a problem.
How can HR manager(s) overcome those challenges?
How can HR activities be improved to solve — or at least alleviate — the situation?
What will be the long-lasting effects across the sector if the problems are not fixed?