Help With Essay Only Professors – Impact Of Pandemics On Consumer Behavior


Pandemics shape consumer behavior in profound ways. Three major contexts— social, technological, and regulatory—that influence consumer behavior have been in play during COVID-19 (Sheth, 2020). These contexts have shaped consumer behavior in various ways amidst COVID-19 and offer important insights into the general impact of pandemics. The social context involves factors such as change of residence from one city to another, marriage, and having children. COVID-19 has forced many to move to other cities or rural homes to be closer to their families amidst looming lockdowns and other measures aimed at containing the spread of the disease. The change in the city or country of residence suggests that consumers have adjusted their consumption habits. School closures and stay-at-home orders have resulted in increased pregnancies and influenced consumer habits (Bewa, 2021). Technological factors such as Internet access, e-commerce, and smartphones have enabled increased consumption driven by online shopping. 

As regards the regulatory context, governments have adopted various measures largely applicable to public and shared spaces with a significant impact on consumer behavior. Measures such as the closure of restaurants in some areas imply increased consumption by location in that more people have been eating at home. Help with homework Lockdowns during COVID-19 have disrupted the global supply chain and influenced consumer access to certain products and services. These developments indicate the significant impact of pandemics on consumer behavior.


Bewa, Joannie Marlene. (2021). “School Closures and Teenage Pregnancy.” Bull World Health Organ 99 (20): 6-7.

Sheth, Jagdish. (2020). “Impact of Covid-19 on Consumer Behavior: Will the Old Habits Return or Die?” Journal of Business Research 117 (2020): 280-283.


Research indicates that American firms are now facing much negative

attitudes in Turkish consumer settings than their standing ten/fifteen years ago. Consider yourself as the marketing manager of an American origin FMCG company; and, based on our classroom discussions about (1) properties of attitudes, (2) indicators of attitude strength, and (3) attitude management strategies, describe what you would do to cope with this situation. Develop a comprehensive attitude change strategy for a specifically defined target audience concerning the aforementioned challenge and discuss the pros and cons of your strategy.