HIST 1301 Essay Grading Guidelines

HIST 1301 Essay Grading Guidelines – Essays on a 100 Point Value


Writing Checklist for Student Success


Use this checklist to assist you in formulating and editing your writing.
______ Check for proper capitalizations, especially with proper nouns
______ Check for tense. Write historical essays in the past tense, active voice. (eg. George Washington appointed Hamilton Secretary of the Treasury.) (The president signed the bill into law)
______ Check for contractions. Always avoid using contractions in historical writing.
______ Do not get involved personally with your writing. First person nouns should not be included (eg. I, we, our, us). Using these will distort your objectivity.
______ Ensure that each essay or written product includes direct quotations to support your argument.
______ Every direct quotation should be enclosed within quotation marks and cited properly.
______ Ensure that all written work includes a properly formatted Works Cited page that includes entries for each source used or quoted.
______ Ensure all written essays and research projects are in proper format.

Notes About Overall Grading, including Point Deduction System


Content mistakes● Typically, content mistakes will have points deducted in a range of one to ten percentdepending on the gravity of a mistake. (1 to 10 points in a 100 point essay)● Content mistakes generally include the use of incorrect material or claims. The gravity of themistake will determine the loss of points.
Grammar Mistakes● Typically, grammar mistakes will have points deducted in the amount of one percent permistake (1 point in a 100 point essay)● Typical grammar mistakes include but are not limited to spacing errors, misspellings, poor useof punctuation, use of sentence fragments and run on sentences, poor tense, and use ofawkward and unclear sentences.
Overall style and Impression● The Professor reserves the right to add or deduct points up to and including ten percent of anessay’s worth (10 points in a 100 point essay) for overall impression and style.
Format Mistakes● These include not including a works cited page in an essay or failing to include at least onedirect quotation from an assigned reading. These mistakes result in the loss of at least fivepercent per mistake (5 points in a 100 point essay)● Formatting mistakes can also include smaller singular mistakes. Singular mistakes will have aloss of one percent per mistake (1 point in a 100 point essay) Singular mistakes include but arenot limited to incorrect information on a works cited page.


HIST 1301 Essay Grading Guidelines – Essays on a 100 Point Value


Proper Standard Citation Examples
Source Works Cited Page Example In Text Citation Example
Book Chatelain, Neil P. Defending the Arteries of Rebellion: Confederate Naval Operations in the Mississippi River Valley, 1861-1865. Savas Beatie, 2020.Author. Title, Publisher, Date. … end quote” (Chatelain 23).(Author, Page Number).
BookChapter Chatelain, Neil P. “George N. Hollins’s Fall From Grace.” Fallen Leaders, edited by Chris Mackowski, Savas Beatie. 2023, 59-63.Author of Chapter. “Title of Chapter.” Book Title, Editor Name, Publisher, Pages Chapter is On. … end quote” (Chatelain 50).(Chapter Author Name, Page Number).
Journal /Magazine Article Chatelain, Neil P. “Annual Freshet Impacts on 1862’s Mississippi River Campaigns.” Journal of America’s Military Past, vol. 58, no. 1, Winter 2023, 17-33.Author. “Article Title.” Title of journal/Magazine, Volume Number, Issue Number, Date of Publication, Pages Article is On. … end quote” (Chatelain 23).(Author, Page Number)
WebsiteArticle Chatelain, Neil P. “Reality vs. Myth Regarding Abraham Lincoln’s War Elephants.” Emerging Civil War, November 7, 2022, emergingcivilwar.com Accessed September 26, 2023.Author. “Article Title.” Publisher Title, Date of Publication, Link to Publication, Day You Accessed Article. … end quote” (Chatelain 2)(Author, paragraph Number).
Video Chatelain, Neil P. “War and Tragedy in New Orleans.” Youtube, uploaded by the Louisiana Historical Association, March 8, 2021.Author of Video. “Title of Video.” Site Video is From, Who Uploaded the Video, Date Video is Uploaded. … end quote” (Chatelain).Author..


HIST 1301 Essay Grading Guidelines – Essays on a 100 Point Value


Image Oliva-Chatelain, Brittany L. Book Release Celebration, www.neilpchatelain.com.Photographer, Name of Image, Link to Site. … end of quote” (Oliva-Chatelain).Photographer.
Interview Chatelain, Sheila. Interview by Neil P. Chatelain, September 20, 2007, hurricanearchive.org.Interviewee. Interviewer, Date of interview, Link to Interview. … end of quote” (Chatelain).Interviewee


Properly Using Quotations
The Quote“We have unmistakable evidence that a series of offensive missile sites is now being built on that island [Cuba].”- President John F. Kennedy.
Poor Quotation UsagePresident Kennedy knew the Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba. “We have unmistakable evidence that a series of offensive missile sites is now being built on that island [Cuba]” (Kennedy 1).
Mediocre Quotation UsageThe Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba. Kennedy said “We have unmistakable evidence that a series of offensive missile sites is now being built on that island” (Kennedy 1).
Good Quotation UsageThe Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba and the United States gathered “unmistakable evidence that a series of offensive missile sites is now being built” (Kennedy 1).
Best Quotation UsageThe United States used U2 spy-planes to gather “unmistakable evidence” that the Soviet Union was constructing “offensive missile sites” to launch nuclear weapons from Cuba (Kennedy 1).

HIST 1301 Essay Grading Rubric & Hints to Improve Writing – 100 pt scale