History 100

 Instructions Project 3 8-2

It’s time to submit your third and last project in the course! Consult the Multimedia Presentation Submission Handout PDF to help you conduct a final review of all the work you have completed on your multimedia presentation and make any necessary final edits.

After completing your final review of your presentation, upload the complete PowerPoint presentation file, Prezi link, or Microsoft Word document for instructor feedback.

To complete this assignment, review the Project 3 Multimedia Presentation Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

Discussion 8-1


  1. Revisit the modules throughout the course to consider your previous thoughts on the study of history and reflect on how your thinking on history has evolved. Then respond to the following question.

    Now that you are coming to the end of this course, has your perception of history evolved since module one? Why or why not?

  2. Niccolò Machiavelli once stated, “Wise men say, and not without reason, that whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.” With this quote in mind and reflecting on your research this term consider this question:
    Choose a contemporary issue and describe how your perception of that issue could have changed based on your research of your topic?