How can this action solve the problem

What Are the Problems in the Workplace and What are the Solutions?

Even the most successful businesses in the world will encounter problems from time to time but they should know how to manage these issues when they occur. This project is asking you to look at some common workplace problems and their solutions so that you can take action, or offer a plan of action, if you ever encounter them in the workplace.

The following topics are examples of common modern workplace problems. You can choose from these or use any others you identify as workplace problems, then write a report about the problem and your group’s solution to the problem that you could present to a company or a department within a company.

The project proposal template given on Teams will give your team ideas about how to propose your solution.

You will need to research information and cite and reference them in your project.

Note: Once a group chooses their topic, no other team can choose that topic.


Groups & Topics for Final Project

Group Name Group Members Problem Topic Notes/Questions
The Couch Potatoes   Due to Covid-19 as well as global productivity and costs, companies cannot afford to have as many staff in the workplace, but if they work at home, will they work as productively? Your company is looking at introducing telecommuting (using electronic and computer methods to work at home)


·     Will this suit all employees?

·     Will staff work productively at home?

·        How much will out company save by introducing this?

The Motivators  

Group 4

Due to technology advances, many companies think that going paperless in the workplace will be cheaper and easier. Your company wants to go “paperless”— to get all files stored and searchable electronically. ·     What if the power goes off?

·        What about when the internet is down?

    Many companies are trying to save money due to the pandemic and one of the ways some companies are addressing the IT costs in the workplace is to have all staff using laptops, but is it better? Your company has decided to get rid of all desktop computers and give all staff laptops to use for home and work. ·     What if you forget your laptop, how can you work?

·     Some people prefer large screens.

·    That would mean carrying the laptop everywhere with you (heavy).

The Kiddies   Many workplaces want mothers to come back to work, so are looking at childcare centres being installed in the workplace. Pro’s & Con’s? Your company has decided to introduce a childcare centre in the office to encourage mothers to work.  
    Companies who want and need staff to work longer hours are looking at gyms in the workplace to keep staff in the office longer and hopefully be more productive. Would it work? Your company has decided to put a gym in the workplace to encourage staff to keep fit.  
    Workplace Conflict – When you bring together a large group of people with different backgrounds, ideas and experiences, conflict is often unavoidable. It can be helpful to have people with different ideas coming together, but sometimes these conflicts can be damaging and dangerous. Managing Conflict in the workplace. The key to overcoming workplace conflicts is communication. For example, a jealous coworker: (

Listening and working together to find solutions. You need to identify the key points of agreement and disagreement between the two parties and develop a plan to move forward.

Discrimination   Discrimination – unfortunately, discrimination is a common workplace problem and one which is very serious. People should feel valued, supported and safe in the workplace, but when someone is discriminated against, it can take these feelings away and cause issues throughout the workforce. Embracing diversification in the workplace.  
    Low Motivation – It is unrealistic to expect every team member to come into work every single day and feel completely motivated, but when many staff members are often struggling with motivation then it can signal a larger problem and negatively affect the company.



Improving Morale in the Workplace It is important to work out why people are struggling with motivation but there are a few good solutions to try. This includes setting goals and using incentives, team building events and activities, career development opportunities, providing positive feedback and task variety. A good article to start your research:

Encouraging career development & professional development?

Conduct a survey to find out why there is low motivation. Create a list of workplace  improvement factors, such as better pay and acknowledgment for great work, and ask staff to put them in order of what motivates them. Then work with the team to work better and harder.

    Stress – Some stress is healthy and a good motivator, but too much stress can create conflict, lead to mistakes, and cause burnout. When your team is overwhelmed with work it can create a wide range of problems, so it should be avoided at all costs.


Creating a calmer and productive workplace environment. If a workplace has one or multiple employees that are struggling with stress, then the company should look into lightening their workload. There might even be tools and technologies they could introduce which could make people’s job’s  easier. Companies could also make sure that staff are taking regular breaks and that they have created a happy and healthy working environment for them. A good article to help you come up with ideas:
    Lack of Training – If an employee doesn’t know how to do their job correctly, it can lead to workplace problems that have a negative impact on your business.


Professional development & training creates better and happier employees. Conduct comprehensive orientation and training before they begin working. Companies need to provide ongoing evaluations and performance assessments to ensure employees fully understand the responsibilities of their positions and are performing their jobs as effectively as possible. Provide training when needed.
    Lack of Equipment or Technology – A small business owner’s job is rarely easy, especially when it comes to deciding how to allocate profit and where to invest in the company. While hiring new employees might be higher on your list than purchasing new equipment, the effects of outdated systems will affect employees’ work due to slow systems or malfunctioning equipment, resulting in their motivation and performance taking a plunge.


  Instead of staff having to constantly problem-solve to get around the lack of current technology, make a plan to invest in new systems and equipment for the company. A survey could be completed to ask employees about what they need to do their jobs better, research the newest technology, and create a budget for new purchases.


    Schedule Inflexibility


  Having committed staff that put in the hours and do their jobs to the best of their ability is important to being a successful business. While employees are required to cover specific shifts or do tasks at certain times, it’s important to consider whether it is needed to be so strict with scheduling requirements. Forcing staff to work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with no leeway can inspire high-stress levels, especially when employees could do better work with more flexibility.

To add more flexibility to employees’ workday, maybe companies need to consider letting their staff set their own schedules or even work remotely. Although staff need to work a certain number of hours each day or complete specific projects by deadlines, companies could consider giving them the flexibility they need to excel at their jobs.

    Poor Work-Life Balance

Requiring employees to be available at all hours of the day and rarely granting time off can quickly wear staff out and cause their work to suffer. Instead, employees need a healthy balance between work and home life to deliver their best performance at both.

  To establish a better work-life balance, start by implementing a company culture that celebrates doing well at home and at work. Require your employees to respond to emails and texts during work hours only, and allow them to live their best lives and participate in family events to the fullest.


  Group 5 Gossip in the workplace is another very common issue that can damage relationships and diminish productivity of people, teams, and even entire divisions.


Gossip can lead to: Bullying; Harassment; Discrimination; Low motivation and job satisfaction; Performance issues; Poor job fit. The workplace is typically an environment