HSE204 Motor Learning and Development

HSE204 Motor Learning and Development – AT1: Practical reports
Description of assessment task
Write up a total of FOUR laboratory reports:
AT1(a): 2 x 500 words reports from lab classes 1-4 (submit week 6: Friday 25 August, 8pm)
AT1(b): 2 x 500 words reports from lab classes 5-7 (submit week 10: Friday 22 September, 8pm)
Template documents with instructions and the questions to be addressed for each laboratory
activity are available via CloudDeakin content folder.
Each laboratory report should consist of a Title, Results section, Discussion section, and a list of
References. The Results section must include both a written summary of the results as well as
tables/figures (as appropriate). It is important that you interpret the data presented in any
tables/figures. The Discussion section consists of a series of Discussion questions. You must answer
the assigned questions. Your responses should include discussion and critical analysis of the related
research and refer to the findings of the laboratory (as reported in the Results). You will be assessed
on the depth of understanding and evidence of reading external sources. You should include a
reference list using the APA referencing style (the HSE204 study guide is NOT a suitable reference).
The task is to be completed as an individual learning activity.
Weight (% total mark for unit)
50% of total mark for the unit
Word count
Each laboratory report should be under 500 words (ie. AT1(a) consists of 2 lab reports, so should
not exceed 1000 words). The word count does NOT include headings, titles, references or
figures/graphs – it only includes your responses to the Results and Discussion Questions.
AT1(a) is due 8:00 pm Friday 25th August, 2023 (week 6).
AT1(b) is due 8:00 pm Friday 22nd September, 2023 (week 10).
Your assignment should be submitted online via CloudDeakin.
Please use APA referencing style. Referencing is used to provide acknowledgment of sources of
information, to avoid plagiarism, and is usually important for placing your work within a body of
knowledge. Information about different referencing styles is available from:
Avoiding plagiarism and collusion
Plagiarism is the use of other people’s words, ideas, research findings or information without
acknowledgement, that is, without indicating the source. These sources may include other students, internet
sites, textbooks or journals. Plagiarism is a very serious offence and Deakin University has procedures and
penalties to deal with instances of plagiarism and with collusion (acting with another person with the
intention to deceive, for example submitting someone else’s work). This link provides further information on
how to avoid plagiarism and collusion: