Human Resources Management


1.  You have the following wage progression scale



3-1-19  9.00 9.50 10.00  10.50 11.00 

3-1-20  9.50  10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50

3-1-21 10.00 10.50  11.00  11.50 12.00



3-1-19  9.50 10.00 10.50  11.00 11.50 

3-1-20  10.00  10.50 11.00  11.50 12.00

3-1-21  10.50 11.00  11.50  `  12.00 12.50



3-1-19  10.00 10.50 11.00  11.50 12.00 

3-1-20  10.50  11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50

3-1-21 11.00 11.50  12.00  12.50 13.00

Employees are paid according to length of service with the company and classification on a calendar year basis without deduction for time off or proration. Joe is hired as a Housekeeper on 4-1-19 and is promoted to Laborer on 7-1-20 and to Maintenance Helper on 10-1-21. State the rate at hire and the wage changes and the dates thereof. (6 points) (Note: There may or may not be six rate changes.)

2. You are head of the Maintenance Department in Greggysburg, Ohio. Employees are paid according to length of service with the City based on their date of hire and classification.

You have the following employees who each are compensated 500 hours per calendar quarter with the following dates of hire.

A 1-1-75

B 4-1-88

C 10-1-01

D 7-1-06

E 4-1-18 RED CIRCLED AT $ 14.25

F 7-1-18

G 10-1-19 

Employees receive a longevity bonus of $ 1,500 on their 20th anniversary date. No additional bonus beyond fifteen years, just a bonus on their 20th anniversary date.

Employees earn vacation based on their length of service as of December 31st to be utilized in the following year as follows:

Less than 1 year  no vacation

1 to 7 years 2 weeks 

8 to 12 years 3 weeks

15+ years 4 weeks

Employees will take all of their vacation. When employees take vacation, their jobs are filled by agency temps, the agency is paid $ 600 for each week of vacation covered.

Employer contribution rates are as follow:

PERS 15%

UEC 3%

WC 2%

The 2020 and 2021 wage scales are as follows:


2020  12.00 12.50 13.00  13.50 14.00

2021 12.50 13.00  13.50  14.00 14.50 

2022  13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00

What is your budget for 2022? (24 points) SHOW ALL YOUR WORK. 

Note. There is a typo in question 2. In one place it says that longevity is after 15 years. That should be twenty.

3. Explain the following terms: (2 points each)







4. State several advantages to the employer to offer outplacement services to employees who are to be laid off. (4 points)

5. State advantages to employers offering tuition reimbursement. (2 points)

6. State four things you can do to decrease the chances of turnover where you have nothing to offer economically. (2 points each)

7. Times are tough and you want to reduce costs offering voluntary temporary layoffs. What terms and conditions should you establish? (5 points)

8. Explain the difference between bargaining unit seniority, departmental seniority and classification seniority. (3 points)

9. Under your union contract employees have bargaining unit seniority, departmental seniority and classification seniority. What problems might there be if the contract language says, “If layoffs are necessary, such layoffs shall be by seniority”. (3 points)

10. Explain the difference between agreeing to re-hire a person, agreeing to reinstate a person and agreeing to consider reinstating a person. (8 points)

11. Describe a circumstance where it might be advisable to make an unconditional offer of reinstatement and explain the advantages to an employer of making an unconditional offer of reinstatement. (4 points)

12. State have must be established to prove insubordination and give a scenario where it is established. (4 points)

13. What specific provisions should you have in an acknowledgment by an employee to make sure he remains an employee at will. (3 points)

14. Explain the advantages to the employer of having an employee sign a Last Chance Agreement and the provisions that should be contained in such an agreement. (4 points)

15, Explain using examples, “purging” and “drop back” provisions in progressive  discipline policies. (4 points)

16. A tow motor operator is found injured and unconscious next to his towmotor which has crashed. There is a broken bottle and alcohol spilled on the floor. Discuss issues relative to workers comp and what you will do to handle the matter. (This is both a WC and investigation question) (6 points)

17. You have fired an employee for excessive absenteeism. You have a no-fault attendance control policy. To attempt to excuse his absence, the employee brought in a doctor’s slip which you determined to be a fake. Explain the issues and all that you will do throughout the handling of his unemployment claim, including the appeal hearing. (8 points)

18. Describe the advantages to the employer of converting from a traditional vacation/holiday/sick day system to a PTO system. (4 points)

19. Describe the process and the advantages to the employer of a “convenience day” or “census day” system in a hospital. (6 points) 

20.  You decide to provide benefits to employees based on hours. Which of the  following would be best to use to define eligibility and why? (4 points)

Hours worked

Average hours worked

Regularly scheduled working hours

21. Explain the difference between paying for a person for a task as: (3 points)

A classification

A bonus

A differential

22. Define and explain: (2 points each)

The Davis-Bacon Act

The Service Contract Act

23. You have the following in a union contract:


START 6 mos 1 YR   2 YRS 3 YRS 4 YRS 

1-1-21 8 9 10 11  12 13 1-1-22  9  10  11  12  13 14 1-1-23 10  11  12      13  14 15


START 6 mos 1 YR   2 YRS 3 YRS 4 YRS 

1-1-21 8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50  12.50 13.50 1-1-22   9.50  10.50   11.50   12.50     13.50 14.50 1-1-23 10.50   11.50  12.50     13.50  14.50 15.50



1-1-21  9  10  11  12  13 14 1-1-22  10  11  12     13  14 15 1-1-23  11  12  13  14  15 16

State all you will need to ask to understand how the system works. (6 points) (There may or may not be six questions to ask)

24. You have a band system as follows:

Band 1 11-13

Band 2 12-14

Band 3 13-15

Band 4 17-20

You have the following employees:

A BAND 1 10.50

B BAND 1 12.50

C BAND 2 14.00

D BAND 2 12.50

E BAND 3 14.00

F BAND 4 17.50 

What are the new rates for the employees? (1 point each)

Correction on # 24 question

You are to calculate the rates if the band is increased by 10%

25. State an advantage of a Step System over a wage progression scale system for an employer) 2 points)

26. State some advantages to employers of hiring older workers. (3 points)

27. Describe the following: (3 points)


Guided Shadowing


28. You want to set up eight hours of training for 30 employees. Describe all that you will do and what you will consider in setting up the training. (10 points)

29. You are Head of HR for a private company and there have been thefts from the warehouse. The CEO want three people subjected to a polygraph test. A warehouse employee, a security guard who patrols the property, including the warehouse and a clerk on HR who is a friend of the warehouse employee. Explain what you will tell the CEO about who he can polygraph, how the polygraph must be conducted and what can be done based on the employees reactions to the polygraph and the results. (8 points)

30. You are a large company and a female employee who has worked for you over a year at 20 hours a week want pregnancy leave. You have a disability leave provision which grants up to 90 days for disability. Discuss what types of leave must be granted and for what periods of time. (4 points)