I need 3 different case study done also I want you to level them with the number and name the instruction is at the bottom please follow the rubric CASE ANALYSIS After watching the assigned documentar

I need 3 different case study done also I want you to level them with the number and name the instruction is at the bottom please follow the rubric


After watching the assigned documentary, create a PowerPoint presentation after analyzing the topic. The PowerPoint will consist of two parts: 1) a short section that describes the actual crime and 2) one that applies theories and researches in the field in order to analyze the criminal behavior of the offender. The findings section can include previous knowledge about the topic, a critique of research methodology, or ideas for further intervention in order to prevent criminal behavior. There should be no audio in the PowerPoint

but only text. For every day late, there will be a 20% deduction, which means that you have up until S days after the initial deadline to submit the assignment for credit

Evaluation of Psychopathy in Court Proceedings:

A CASE STUDY: Armin Meiwes (Chapter 3)A case study: Natasha Kampbusch 3096 Days (Chapter 5)Violent Crimes I: Violence and aggression:

A CASE STUDY: Anders Breivik (Chapter 7)