I You Are Required To Write A 4000-Word Essay On A Topic Of Your Choice

 Attempts to ‘green’ capitalism, to make it ‘ecological’, are doomed by the very nature of the system as a system of endless growth’ (Bookchin, 1990). Do you agree with Bookchin’s assessment? Drawing on relevant studies and examples critically explain why.


 Discuss the importance of central banks in the global economy, with reference to cases such as that the European Central Bank, amongst others. Do central banks have too much political power, or is their power essential to avert future economic crises? 


‘With the value of bitcoin having fallen by around 70% since its peak late last year, the mother of all bubbles has now gone bust. More generally, cryptocurrencies have entered a not-so-cryptic apocalypse’ (Roubini, 2018). We are now three years on from Roubini’s statement and Bitcoin’s high market value has lasted longer than he anticipated. Do you think this disproves his arguments? Why or why not?