Looking Ahead to the Capstone Portfolio


There is a connection between the first week’s work, all the work in between, and the Capstone Portfolio.

Recall the Practicing Curation  (Links to an external site.)exercise. For that assignment, you created a little museum exhibit about yourself. The Capstone Portfolio assignment which is due in the last weeks of class, asks you to do something similar. But instead of assembling found objects from your home to make a museum exhibit that tells a story about you, you’ll assemble work from this class to make a portfolio that tells a story about you.Step 1: Read the Capstone Portfolio and Reflective Letter Instructions. As you read, think about which items you’ve written so far in class  — mood board, resume, video-selfie, cover letter etc. — that you might want to polish and revise for the Capstone Portfolio.Step 2: Make a list of at least three initial questions about this big end-of-the-semester assignment. Is there something that puzzles you? Unfamiliar words or ideas? There is no word count minimum but to earn all available points, you must have at least 3 different questions that reflect your careful reading of the Capstone Portfolio Instructions.

Here’s how you’ll be graded

Weekly Assignment Specifications Checklist

To earn all available points for the week’s assignment,  your submission must include all elements listed below. If your goal for this course is to earn an A, be sure to check off your completion of each element.


  • Answers parts of the assignment prompt and expresses ideas clearly and in your own words
  • Demonstrates careful attention to the assigned reading (or viewing) and/or research
  • Includes at least one quote from the reading (or viewing) and/or research.
  • Entry must meet the word count minimum specified in the instructions.

Document Specs

  • Follows standard professional document formatting (1″ margins on all sides, double spacing, a professional font such as Times New Roman or Calibri, 12pt font)
  • Submitted by the Due Date


  • Demonstrates sufficient self-review to avoid careless errors like typos, misspellings, missing words, sentences without standard capitalization or punctuation. 

Assignment Grading Rubric

Grading Rubric Table

Excellent work

Almost there

Insufficient investment of time


Satisfies each element on the specifications checklist AND appears to be the product of careful thinking.

Quote is selected to highlight one of your main points about the assigned reading. Research results suggest effort and attention. 

Answers are responsive to the questions, thoughtful, specific, and share your thinking as it stands right now. (You can change your mind in later Diary entries.) 

Satisfies each element on the specifications checklist but may have been hastily written. Reads like a rush job, rather than a series of careful ideas, flowing from one to the next.

Often the quote from the reading appears to have been selected without care or obvious logic and/or research conducted in haste; not a genuine inquiry.

Repetition or vagueness undermine the submission’s power.

Misses one or more elements from the specifications checklist.

Reads like something you slapped together and “phoned in,” rather than a series of careful ideas, flowing one to the next.

Missing quote or research

Repetition or vagueness undermine the submission’s power.

Document Specs

Satisfies each element on the specifications checklist.

Misses one element on the specifications checklist.

Misses more than one element on the specifications checklist. 


Demonstrates sufficient self-review to avoid careless errors

Contains one or two careless errors that the writer could have caught by reviewing the work more carefully

Contains more than two errors that the writer could have caught by reviewing the work more carefully. Work that sacrifices points here often contains misspelling that Spellcheck flagged, sentences that don’t make sense because of missing words, proper nouns that haven’t been capitalized. (Ex: florida International University).