MBA Dissertation Proposal Form

The dissertation proposal is a working document that helps you clarify your focus, objectives, academic literature, methods and timetable. We will use this form to help identify an Academic Supervisor. You must address every section of the form and remember that the more information you provide, the more feedback your supervisor will be able to give you.


Poorly developed proposals will be returned to students for further development, as something underspecified will not be taken up by a supervisor.


If you are undertaking a group Strategic Consulting Project (SCP) there is an alternative proposal form which you need to complete. You can access this from the SCP module page.


If you have any questions at all when completing this form, please contact your Programme Team.


Once completed, please upload via my.wbs.


1. Project DetailsIf you are undertaking a company project, what is the organisation name? Saudi Ministry of JusticeIs this organisation internal or external to your employer?Internal External
2. Area of StudyWhat will be the overarching area of study for your dissertation?Note: this can be modified as your work progresses. If you are completing an MBA specialism, you must make sure that your dissertation topic is within your chosen specialism area.Please limit to 15 wordsThe effects of Technology-Driven Public Private Partnerships on the provision of judicial services


3. Proposed Working TitleIn 15 words or less, what will the likely title of your dissertation be? Note: this can be modified as your work progresses.The effect of Technology-Driven Public-Private Partnerships on the provision of equitable access to Justice in Saudi Arabia
4. ObjectiveWhat is the major specific objective of your dissertation? This will frame the scope. What do you hope to discover�prove? Please be as specific as possible. What research question will you attempt to answer?I want my dissertation to answer the following question: Has the use of technology-driven PublicPrivate Partnerships increased or decreased equitable access to Justice in Saudi Arabia
5. Proposed MethodologyHow do you intend to carry out your project? Will your approach involve generating new data or using existing data, for example sample questionnaires, focus groups, case study, company interviews, quantitative analysis etc? If you specify the project as though it is to be undertaken by someone else, you are less likely to finish with something far too big and far too vague. Furthermore, this level of detail will be of great help to your supervisor who will then be able to check that the approach will have sufficient depth.Please limit to 200 words1. Based on available academic literature, I will adopt a specific set of indicators to define“equitable access to justice”2. I will define the “before” and “after” periods of study based on when the major servicePPP projects undertaken by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Justice were launched. This islikely to be a comparison between the two sets of three-year periods: 2011-2013 and2021-20233. The set of “major technology-driven Public-Private Partnerships” will be listed and athorough description of their quantitative effects will be studied, especially by comparingthe promised effects and actual effects they had. This information is published by therespective service operators and the Ministry of Justice.4. To measure the levels of “access to justice” in the “before” and “after” periods, I willresort to several sources of information:a. Quantitative: indicators published by specialized entities including the WorldBank, Saudi Arabia Statistics Authority, and the UN Development Programb. Qualitative: Interviews with lawyers who have been practicing in the two periods,including those of different types of licenses and specializations includingcorporate law, family courts, and non-for-profit NGOs5. After determining if equitable access to justice has increased or decreased, a quantitativeand qualitative link will be established between the factors defining equitable access tojustice (adopted in the first step) and the measured effects of the technology-drivenPublic-Private PartnershipsClick or tap here to enter text.
6. Proposed SupervisorHas a member of faculty provisionally agreed to supervise you? YesNo


If you have communicated with a member of faculty and they have provisionally agreed to be your supervisor please give their name below. We will still need to check with the potential supervisor before allocation is confirmed.If you have already contacted members of staff who have declined to supervise your dissertation, please give details below so that we do not re-approach.Click or tap here to enter text.
7. Subject Group SelectionPlease choose which 3 of the WBS Subject Groups best fits with your area of study (in order of best fit). This will enable us to establish which subject group to direct your proposal to. Links to information about each subject group can be found below.Please choose your top 3 WBS Subject Groups below:Accounting (ACC)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�accountinggroup�Behavioural Science (BSCI)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�bsciEntrepreneurship & Innovation (EI)http:���fac�soc�wbs�research�ei�Finance (FIN)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�finance�Information Systems & Management (ISM)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�ism�Marketing (MKT)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�mkt�Operations Management (OM)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�om�Organisation & Work (OW)https:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�ohrm�

Provisional Supervisor Name: NA


Subject Group: NA


If you have identified a preferred supervisor but have not been in touch with them, please give their name below. PLEASE NOTE: we cannot guarantee that the person you nominate here will be able to


supervise your project.


Preferred Supervisor Name: Professor Graeme Currie


Subject Group: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group



Strategy & International Business (SIB)http:���fac�soc�wbs�subjects�sib
8. Which module(s) from your programme most closely cover(s) the topic that you will be covered by your dissertation?Innovation and Strategic EntrepreneurshipStrategy and PracticeEconomics of the Business Environment
9. Background InformationWhy have you chosen this topic? How does it relate, for example, to your company and your job?Please limit to 100 wordsI have been working in the field of PPP since 2007 and is fully certified in managing PPP projects by APMG. I have worked as a consultant with several Saudi Arabian Ministries on PPP projects. In the design phase of such projects, the social impact study seems to be understated and done without due focus on less privileged segments of society such as women and children. My study aims to systematically shed light on the impact such projects have on these segments.
10. Information�LiteratureWhat are the areas of management practice that you want to investigate? What specific frameworks, theories, tools etc encountered so far in your programme would you see as being of particular relevance to your project? What literature have you already looked at in this area? Will the organisation(s) involved allow you access to the data you need?What are the 3-4 key references (e.g. texts�journal papers) for your project idea? (You should already have done an initial search and be able to list these references here.)I wish to study 3 key areas of management practice:1. PPP Project Governance and Stakeholder Management: underprivileged segments ofsociety should have a representative in the stakeholders’ committee of any PPP project.The absence of such representation leads to the neglect of their situation when designingservice provision architecture.2. Social and Environmental Impact Assessment Studies as a requirement for commissioningservice provision PPP projects: It should not be acceptable to go ahead with the type ofprojects in question while it puts underprivileged segments of society at risk of hinderingtheir access to justice. When that risk is deemed imminent, mechanisms should be put inplace to counter that effect.3. Measuring access to justice and factors that affect it positively or negatively such as theuse of Technology. This could be done using the Capability Approach (real opportunitiesand capabilities necessary to exercise legal rights versus resources or outcomes. TheHuman Rights Framework: level of access to effective remedies for violations of rights. Itprovides a normative basis for analyzing and addressing barriers to equitable access tojustice. The Social Determinants of Health Framework: effects of social factors on theability to access justice


While the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Justice is not inclined to share specific confidential information, access to justice is usually measured using structured indicators that combine several points of different sets of data. These sets of data are published as part of the annual disclosure from the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Justice, from international agencies such as the World Bank, and from the statistical authority of Saudi Arabia.References for dissertation subject:World Bank, APMG, PPP life cycle framework. (2019). “Public-Private Partnerships: AGuide for Policy Makers. World Bank Publications”Margaret L. Satterthwaite and Sukti Dhital, Measuring Access to Justice: Transformational Technicality in SDG 16.3, 2019, NYU School of Law,New York,USAGramatikov, Martin and Laxminarayan, Malini and Barendrecht, Maurits, Assessment of the Validity and Reliability of a Methodology for Measuring the Costs and Quality of Access to Justice, 2010, Tilburg University Legal StudiesKaren Lucas, Bert van Wee, Kees Maat, A method to evaluate equitable accessibility: combining ethical theories and accessibility-based approaches, 2015
11. Key benefitsWhat will be the benefits of successfully completing your project? What will be the anticipated value to your client (if applicable,) or your company, or your role etc? Please limit to 3 or 4 benefitsDetermining methodically if PPP projects for the provision of essential services such asjudicial services may hinder equitable access to justice.The role of technology in designing PPP service projects and how to affects socially challenged segments.Highlighting gaps in the available theories and tools, proposing further studies and investigations
12. TimetableWhat will be the major “milestones” along the road to completion? When do you plan to reach them? Can you be sure you will have the time? When will you have the plan for the dissertation? When will you start to write the dissertation? What completion date are you aiming for? (The list of activities below is for guidance – add to these or edit as appropriate for your specific project) NOTE: the dissertation is an iterative process – allow appropriate and realistic time for the reviews and rework.
Activity Deadline
Refine proposal in light of supervisor feedback
Literature Search and Reading
Define research methods
Data collection plan
Literature review chapter (send to supervisor)
Data collection
Data Analysis


Write findings & discussion chapter (send to supervisor)
Write introduction & background chapters (send to supervisor)
Write conclusion
Review, edit and rewrite as necessary
Bibliography and references list
Final review and edit