Individual Research Project

Individual Research Project (25 % of Final Course Grade)
There will be one individual research-oriented project during the semester involving the research and
completion of a “case study”. The focus is on applying course themes to a potential real-life business
situation that you are to develop.
Learning Objectives of this Individual Research Project
1. To make this course content relevant to participants in other disciplines.
2. To assist students in understanding the current and future impact of various aspects of the
business environment on their respective fields of study and possibly their future career.
3. To apply students’ individual interests and learnings from this course to a short research-driven
paper focused on their respective fields of study and their future career.
4. To reinforce the use of leading newspapers and magazines and leading periodicals in the business
and management field, and how those can be useful to you in your studies and career
Research Project Requirements and Weighted Grade
Answer each of the following questions. A Template is provided in a separate
document in the “Individual Project” folder in Brightspace.
1 Introduction: Learning Objectives

Based on the stated Learning Objectives for this project, formulate two (2) of
your own learning objectives for this project that specific to your field and (if
possible) future career aspirations.
5 pts
2 The Entrepreneurial Venture

If you had the opportunity, what kind of entrepreneurial venture would you like
to undertake once you graduate from your current field of study? In other words,
if you were able to start an entrepreneurial enterprise what would it be?
1. The industry product or service
2. The “gap” that you have identified that would lead you to start this
3. Would this be a “social entrepreneurial venture”? Why or why not?
10 pts
3 The Entrepreneurial Process in a New Venture Model
Apply The Entrepreneurial Process in a New Venture Model (Figure 4.3, Ch 4 in
the course textbook) to your proposed venture.
20 pts
1. Research at least two (2) articles relevant to your use of this model. Be
sure to include those articles in your References/Bibliography.
2. Given this research that you conducted (i.e., the articles), what have you
learned about the application of Figure 4.3 that will be helpful to your
entrepreneurial venture? Also use where possible other course materials
as appropriate.
4 Political-Legal, Economic Sociocultural Technological (PEST) Environments
Apply the Political-Legal, Economic Sociocultural Technological Environments
(PEST) framework (Ch 2 in the course textbook) to the industry you have chosen.
1. Research at least one (1) article relevant to your industry and of interest
to you, for each element of PEST, for a total of four (4) articles. Be sure to
include those articles in your References/Bibliography.
2. Given this research that you conducted (i.e., the articles), what have you
learned about this industry that will be helpful to your entrepreneurial
venture? Be sure to apply the appropriate aspects of the PEST
framework. Also use where possible other course materials as
20 pts
5 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
Apply the SWOT Analysis (Ch 6 in the course textbook) to your situation as a
would-be entrepreneur.
1. Research at least one (1) article relevant and of interest to you, for each
element of SWOT, for a total of four (4) articles. Be sure to include those
articles in your References/Bibliography.
2. Given this research that you conducted (i.e., the articles), what have you
learned about your situation that will be helpful to your entrepreneurial
venture? Be sure to apply the appropriate aspects of the SWOT
framework. Also use where possible other course materials as
20 pts
6 The Business Plan

Prepare a “high level” Business Plan (see Table 4.2 in Ch 4 in the course textbook
and the resources provided in the Session 04) Jan 29) Brightspace folder). You will
want to explore later course topics (i.e., see Ch 11, Ch 12 and Ch 13) to put your
plan together. Note: This plan should be at a very “high level”. Only include key
information for the reader of your project to get a general sense of your venture.
1. Put a summary of the main highlights of the Plan in this section of the
2. Include the actual “high level” plan in the Appendix section of the report.
15 pts
7 Reflection and Conclusion
What have you learned from this individual project which has helped (or will
help) you progress toward the learning objectives you set in #1 above? Be
specific: describe in detail what your “lessons learned” toward each of the
objectives you outlined in #1 — Introduction: Learning Objectives – above. Include
a relevant and appropriate conclusion to your report.
10 pts
Total 100 pts
Totals to one hundred (100) points. Contributes 25% to the final course grade.

Format and Submission Guidelines
Paper and Citation Format: (Template Provided)
1. Paper: Maximum of twenty (20) pages of text, double-spaced.
2. Citing references in your paper: Use the referencing style which is most commonly used in your
field of study. If you do not know which style to use, choose APA style.
3. Format: See the Telfer Library guidelines:
4. References/Bibliography (Complete list of references used). These pages do not count as part of
the twenty (20) content pages.
5. Appendices/Exhibits (optional): These pages do not count as part of the twenty (20) content
Drop Box Submission Format (Including Ethics Attestation)
1. Filename format for submission: Last name_First initial_Student ID_IPC Here is an example:
2. Submit your research report (again you are strongly urged to use the template provided) in either
Word docx or in pdf format. No other formats (e.g. Google docs, links etc.,) will be accepted as
they cannot be accessed and therefore cannot be graded. You will receive a zero ‘0’ mark.
3. Print your name on the signature line of the “PERSONAL ETHICS STATEMENT CONCERNING
TELFER SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS” document and include it as the second page of your document
(already provided in the template).
Due Date

1. This research report is due on Monday March 25 by 11:59 pm. If late (without permission) a
deduction penalty of 25% of the project mark will be applied. Each subsequent day thereafter will
incur an additional 25% penalty if not submitted.

Section Factors Excellent (5) Superior (4) Average (3) Novice (2 or less)
Analysis of the Issues in
Response to the
Questions in the Section
Insightful and
Analysis of All
Analysis of Most
Analysis of Some
Superficial and
Incomplete Analysis
of Issues
Presenting Effective,
Compelling Strategies
and Solutions
Reasoned and
Comments on
Strategies and
Well Considered
Comments on
Strategies and
Strategies and
Few or no Strategies
and Solutions
Suggested, and/or
Strategies and
Specific links to Course
Readings and Additional
Excellent, Clear
and Relevant
Research into
the Issues with
Links to Course
Material and
Good Research
Links to Course
Material and
Limited Research
and or
Links to Course
Material and
External Research
Incomplete Research
and or Documented
Links to Course
Material and External
GRADING: Rubric Points Converted Proportionately to the Points Allocated for Each Section of the Report


Individual Research Project Guidance Winter 2024