INF20029 Assignment 1 Outline

Swinburne University
INF20029 Assignment 1 Outline – Individual
Words Expectation: 2000 +/-10% Weighting: 30% Due date: See Unit website
Assignment 1 submission details
• All references should be appropriately cited using the APA Referencing style
• Submit your report as ONE Microsoft Word document
• Save your file as follows: [student number_A1.filetype] e.g. 123456_A1.docx
• Submit your assignment via INF20029 Canvas> Assignments > Assignment 1
Assignment Specifications
The healthcare sector constitutes the 3rd most substantial allocation in the Australian government’s national budget,
amounting to $98.4 billion. This allocation surpasses the national defense budget by nearly 2.9 times and the
national education budget by 2.3 times (Commonwealth of Australia, 2021). Analyst reports, exemplified by
Deloitte’s 2022 Global Health Care Outlook analysis report (Allen, 2021), consistently project a surge in global health
care costs along with annual increases. Thus, the imperative for both the government and private medical providers
lies in devising strategies to minimize costs and enhance efficiency within the health system.
As the healthcare landscape grapples with clinical, operational, and financial challenges, stakeholders are envisioning
a future empowered by data-rich digital technologies to transform business and care delivery models. Embracing
digital technologies presents an opportunity to address current obstacles and establish a robust foundation for
accessible, high-quality, and cost-effective health care. To realize this vision, all stakeholders must actively
participate in shaping the future, moving away from a reactive “sick care” system that merely treats illnesses to a
proactive approach focused on health care, fostering well-being, prevention, and early intervention. By working
collectively towards this goal, the dream of a sustainable, accessible, and affordable health care model gains a higher
probability of becoming a reality.
In recent years, the healthcare wearable technology has garnered significant attention due to advancements in
information technology and the growing concern for healthcare. The concept behind wearable technology is simple
yet profound, representing a natural extension of how existing mobile devices, particularly smartphones, can serve
as central hubs for low-powered, short-distance network ancillary devices that enhance user support and value. The
commercial availability of wearable devices commenced in 2012, catalyzed by the introduction of Google Glass,
which triggered a wave of wearable innovations.
These wearable devices come in various forms and brands, including iWatch, Fitbit, Samsung Active wristbands,
smartwatches, and many more. Notably, Chan et al. (2012) highlighted that one of the most significant applications
of wearable devices lies in the healthcare and medical fields. The healthcare wearable device market has witnessed
remarkable growth, with a prediction by P&S Market Research indicating a staggering $1630.3 million market size by
2020 and a remarkable growth rate of 46.6% during the years 2015–2020.
One of the standout features of healthcare wearable devices is their ability to combine health attributes with
technological capabilities, providing users with real-time tracking and transformation of their health information
(Chan et al., 2012). This integration of health and technology offers unique advantages, revolutionizing how
individuals monitor and manage their well-being. As people increasingly prioritize their health, healthcare wearable
technology has emerged as a vital and promising frontier in the quest for better and more accessible healthcare
• Commonwealth of Australia 2021, Budget 2021-22 Securing Australia’s Recovery,
• Allen S 2021, 2022 Global Health Care Outlook, Deloitte, Australia, Link:
• Zhang M, Luo M, Nie R, Zhang Y 2017, Technical attributes, health attribute, consumer attributes and their
roles in adoption intention of healthcare wearable technology, International Journal of Medical Informatics,
97-109, Link:
• Chan M, Estève D, Fourniols JY, et al 2012. Smart wearable systems: current status and future challenges
Artif. Intell. Med., 56 (3) pp. 137-156 , Link:
Case Study: BioMed Healthcare Equipment
BioMed Healthcare Equipment is a local company specializing in advanced medical monitoring through remote,
mobile telecommunication devices. Among their impressive range of products, they have introduced a cutting-edge
portable and wearable glucose monitor ingeniously embedded in a wristband. This innovative device seamlessly
transmits real-time glucose level results to a designated medical centre, benefiting both healthcare providers and
patients alike by mitigating the substantial costs associated with poorly managed glucose levels.
The repercussions of uncontrolled glucose levels can be financially burdensome, leading to costly medical
interventions and even hospitalizations. If left unaddressed, these episodes can escalate into severe and costly long-
term health issues, such as vision impairments, circulatory problems, and renal complications. To address these
challenges, BioMed Healthcare Equipment has developed the Live Glucose Monitoring device (LGM), a state-of-the-
art technology comparable in size to the popular Apple iWatch.
The invaluable data collected by the LGM is seamlessly transmitted to MyHealth Medical Centres, an esteemed
partner that collaborated with BioMed Healthcare Equipment in developing this groundbreaking product. However,
while the LGM currently integrates smoothly with Apple iPhones, it has yet to achieve full integration with all
Android phones. Anticipating the need for broader compatibility, BioMed Healthcare Equipment plans to enhance
the app’s functionality, ensuring seamless integration with the Android operating system. Once the updated version
is ready, MyHealth Medical Centre patients will enjoy free access to the app across all popular smart phones, while
BioMed Healthcare Equipment seeks to offer the app for resale to other healthcare providers and potentially even
government agencies.
Through this remarkable collaboration and continuous refinement, BioMed Healthcare Equipment and MyHealth
Medical Centres are setting new standards in medical technology, ushering in a future of more accessible and
efficient healthcare for patients across the nation.
Assignment Tasks:
This assignment will be divided into two main parts A and B.
Part A: Will focus on defining the stakeholders, how to elicit requirements as well as identify some functional and
non-functional requirements. You will also be required to provide recommendations (with evidence) for further
developments of future products for the health care industry.
Part B: Will focus on the technical and data requirements of the product, including the development of a context
diagram, creating an events table, creating DFD fragments and an ERD diagram.
Please follow the standard report writing format and structure.
Part A:
Answer the following questions with clear statements and evidence.
1. Define the stakeholders for LGM. Should patients be included in defining the system requirements? Why or
why not? Should LGM interact with medical professionals other than physicians? Why or why not?
2. If you were the lead analyst for LGM, how would you determine the requirements? Be specific in your
answer. List several questions you need answered.
3. What are the primary functional requirements for the system as described so far in the case?
4. Are the parameters for alerting patients and medical personnel the same for every patient? Can they vary
over time for the same patient? What are the implications for the system’s functional requirements?
5. Briefly describe some possible non-functional requirements for LGM.
6. By reviewing the background with the references provided (pg. 1/2), provide a brief argument with evidence
to persuade the managers at BioMed to where (which medical problem or issue) they should focus their
development of the next wearable healthcare device.
Part B:
Please use the appropriate modelling tools (Visio or similar) to complete the requirements.
1. Develop a context diagram encompassing all the use cases in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Use Cases for LGM device
View History
Patient Annotate History Set alert conditions Doctor
View/respond to alert View/respond to alert
Send Message to
Send message to
View/hear Message
from Doctor
View/hear Message
from patient
Figure 2: Level 0 DFD (Note: Additional difficulty – this diagram has some omissions and is incomplete; make reasonable
assumptions where required)
2. By using the provided level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) (Figure 2), complete the Event Table.
3. Based on the diagram provided (Figure 2) and the creation of the Event Table (task 2), develop DFD
fragments for the following use cases.
a. View history
b. Send message to physician
c. Send message to patient
4. Develop a complete ERD for the identified entities and relationships. The ERD must show correct cardinalities
as well as entity attributes.
5. Develop a Level 1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the case. Pick *one* Level 0 process of your choice for this
purpose and try to come up with a reasonable refinement at Level 1.
Submission Requirements
The submission must be your own work, that is, it must be the result of your own readings, thoughts and discussion,
and the expression of the ideas must be yours. Editorial assistance is permitted but should be limited to such matters
as assistance with grammar and syntax, and suggestions for improving clarity of expression.
***IMPORTANT: Plagiarism – the action or practice of taking and using as one’s own, the thoughts, writings or other
work of someone else – is not condoned by the University and severe penalties will be imposed where plagiarism is
detected. Examples of plagiarism range from copying a passage from a book or another person’s assignment without
appropriate acknowledgement, using another student’s computer program, or submitting identical assignments.