Introduction To Regulatory Compliance

Visit the interactive website EPA in Your State, (Tennessee) and review the state laws for air and water from your state or a state of interest to you. You can find this information under the Environmental Info section of each state’s individual page. After exploring the website and doing any other necessary research, compose an essay that addresses the following topics: 

  1. Introduce the state you have chosen, and summarize the issues associated with air and water quality and the regulations and programs being adopted by the chosen state to solve those issues. 
  2. Analyze whether or not the programs to address air and water issues will succeed and if they are worth the work hours and costs being spent. 
  3. Make a recommendation that you would give to the EPA to address the environmental issues in the state. 

Your completed project must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least one academic source in addition to the EPA website. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.