Investigating people Attitudes Across Private Service Sectors in KSA Objective

data, analyze the results, and present findings in both written and presentation formats.
Project Title:
To examine people’s satisfaction and loyalty in various private service industries to identify factors
influencing these attitudes.
1. Selection of Companies:
– Target 35 companies across different private service sectors: small retail shops, restaurants, travel
agencies, schools, mobile shops, barber shops, and internet providers.
– Ensure a mix of business sizes and customer bases.
2. Questionnaire Design:
– Develop a structured questionnaire focusing on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
– Include both quantitative Likert scale questions and qualitative open-ended questions to gather
comprehensive data.
– Ensure questions are clear, unbiased, and relevant to the objectives.
3. Data Collection:
– Distribute the questionnaire in person or via online platforms, depending on accessibility and
response rates.
– Aim for a minimum of 10 responses per company to ensure robust data for analysis.
4. Data Analysis:
– Use statistical software (e.g., SPSS, R) to analyze the data.
– Perform descriptive statistics to understand basic trends and customer demographics.
– Apply inferential statistics, such as ANOVA or regression analysis, to examine relationships between
company type and customer attitudes.
Report Structure (3500-5000 words)
1. Introduction
– Background information on customer attitudes in service industries.
– Objectives and significance of the study.
2. Literature Review
– Summarize existing research on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
– Identify gaps your study will address.
3. Methodology
– Detailed description of selection criteria, questionnaire design, and data collection methods.
– Justification of the statistical methods used.
4. Results
– Presentation of descriptive and inferential statistical findings.
– Discussion of the implications of the results with visual aids (charts, graphs).
5. Discussion
– Interpretation of the results in the context of the reviewed literature.
– Implications for service providers.
6. Conclusion
– Summary of key findings.
– Recommendations for service providers based on research outcomes.
7. References
– Cite all sources in APA or another requested format.
8. Appendices
– Include questionnaires, raw data, and consent forms.
Presentation Summary (8-15 slides)
1. Title Slide
– Project title, names, date, and course title.
2. Objective Slide
– Brief overview of what the project aims to achieve.
3. Methodology Slide
– Summary of how the research was conducted.
4. Results Slides
– Key statistical findings with graphs and charts.
5. Discussion Slide
– Discuss what the results mean for the industry.
6. Conclusion & Recommendations Slide
– Concise wrap-up of findings and suggestions for service providers.
7. Q&A Slide
– Open the floor for questions.
8. Acknowledgements Slide
– Thank professors, peers, or anyone who helped.