ITDA1001 Database Fundamentals

#ITDA1001 Database Fundamentals


Unit Descriptor
ITDA1001 Database Fundamentals
Section 1 – General Information
1.1 Administrative Details
Associated Higher Education Awards Duration Year Level Unit Type
Bachelor of Information Technology and
Systems (BITS)
Semester or 6-
week Term
1 Core
Unit Coordinator Email Phone Office room
Refer to unit facilitator
contact information posted
on the LMS site of this unit.
Lecturer Email Phone Office room
Refer to lecturer contact
information posted on the
LMS site of this unit.
Unit credit points Total course credit points
6 credit points BITS – 144 credit points
1.2 Overview
The unit covers the underlying theory and basic concepts of relational data modelling, query languages
and database design. You will develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the effective design and
implementation of database systems that satisfy the data management requirements of an enterprise.
The unit will also address the various issues and techniques of data management, including retrieval,
update, integrity, privacy and security aspects associated with data access, manipulation and
This unit will help you develop a sound theoretical understanding of the issues relevant to database
fundamentals. Unification of multiple data sources is central to the ‘big data’ paradigm likely to
dominate design over the coming decades. You will be prepared to critically evaluate and understand
database issues as they arise in practice over the coming years. This unit provides the foundation for
such understanding.
1.3 Delivery Mode and Attendance Requirement
Delivery Mode: Face to Face On-Campus/Intensive
Attendance Requirement: You are expected to attend scheduled classes. In some units, attendance to
some classes is identified as a mandatory component and attendance is compulsory.
1.4 Student Workload
Total timetabled hours per study
Total personal study hours per
study period
Total workload hours per study
36 108 144
Timetabled hours per week under
12-week semester
Personal study hours per week
under 12-week semester
Total workload hours per week
under 12-week semester
3 9 12
Timetabled hours per week under
6-week term
Personal study hours per week
under 6-week term
Total workload hours per week
under 6-week term
6 18 24
1.5 Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
1.6 Student Feedback
VIT reviews each unit regularly to enhance all aspects of its educational delivery. At the most recent
review, the following feedback/recommendations were identified by our staff and students:

Feedback/Recommendation regarding this unit from the most recent review has resulted in the
following improvements been made:

1.7 Work-integrated learning activity
Not applicable.
Section 2 – Academic Details
2.1 Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
1. apply cognitive skills to review, critically analyse and synthesise knowledge within the field
of IT.
2. demonstrate a broad understanding of IT with significant depth together with managerial
knowledge and teamwork skills for effective participation and leadership in industry.
3. adapt knowledge and skills across broad IT areas and apply these in planning, problem
solving, decision making, and communicating ideas and solutions to diverse audiences in a
professional IT environment.
4. utilise their learning experiences with a strong industry focus to deal with real world
5. demonstrate skills applicable for IT industry certification.
6. operate in different professional IT careers within various industry sectors.
7. manage ongoing learning and professional development which will equip them with the
knowledge and skills necessary for career path achievement in this competitive IT industry.
Graduates will be able to demonstrate the following understanding and skills:
8. methods, tools and techniques used in the planning, development, implementation and
management of information products and systems.
9. computer hardware and software technologies.
10. theories and techniques in the selected field of IT study.
11. legal, ethical and philosophical issues relating to IT.
12. code of professional conduct and ethics.
13. application of best practices and industry standards.
2.2 VIT Graduate Attributes (GA)
1. Graduates will have knowledge of their discipline including a global perspective.
2. Graduates will convey ideas and information effectively to a range of audiences.
3. Graduates will apply logical, critical and creative thinking to solve a range of problems.
4. Graduates will recognise when information is needed, and identify, evaluate, and effectively
use information as required.
5. Graduates will be able to recognise, reflect on and respond appropriately to social, cultural
and ethical issues.
6. Graduates will be prepared for lifelong learning through reflective practice in pursuit of
personal and professional development.
7. Graduates will work independently and collaboratively to achieve individual and common
2.3 Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)
ULO No. By the end of the unit, students should be able to: Related CLO#
for BITS
1 Explain the fundamentals of database languages,
models and architecture
2 Identify data requirements and apply relational
modelling concepts and principles to develop Entity
Relationship Diagram.
A, C
3 Investigate problem and apply normalization techniques
to design a database schema.
A, C
4 Critically analyse, identify data requirements, design,
and implement a relational database application by
applying relational database management systems
concepts like data modelling concept, data definition
language, data control language, data manipulation
A, B, D
5 Critically analyse data access issues for database
administration, integrity, security and privacy in the
implementation and use of a database.
2.4 Assessment Tasks
Assessment tasks Learning Outcome Mapping
Assessment Item When due Weighting ULO# CLO# for BITS
1 Assignment 1
Session 5 15% 1, 2 A, B, C
2 Assignment 2
Session 8 20% 1, 3 A, B, C
3 Assignment 3
Session 11 25% 1, 2, 3, 4 A, B, C, D
4 Written Examination Session 14
Exam Week
40% 1, 2, 3, 5 A, B, C, D
In this assessment, you will be tasked with creating an entity-relationship diagram that aligns with
requirements outlined in a practice-based case study. This is an individual assessment.
Assignment 2 is an individual assessment task that requires you to create a database design by
applying normalization techniques.
Assignment 3 is a group assessment task that requires your group to critically analyse database
requirements, design and implement a database, and use SQL to retrieve / manipulate the data from
the database to solve the given complex requirements / problems.
You will complete a written examination at the end of the study period.
2.5 Prescribed and recommended readings
Prescribed Text:
Silberschatz, A., Korth, H.F., Sudarshan, S. (2019) Database System Concepts. (7th Ed). McGraw-Hill.
Ramez, E., Navathe, S.B. (2016). Fundamentals of database systems. (7th Ed). Pearson.
Recommended Readings:
Chavan, H. (2022). Introduction to DBMS. BPB Publications.
Jiawei H. (2022). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann.
Murach, J. (2020). SQL Server 2019 for developers. Mike Murach & Associate, Inc.
Ward, B. (2021). Azure SQL Revealed – A Guide to the Cloud for SQL Server Professionals. APRESS.
Curé, O., & Blin, G., (2014). RDF Database Systems: Triples Storage and SPAROL Query Processing. Elsevier Science &
Technology. [Online]. Available at:
Schönig, H. (2018). Mastering PostgreSQL 11: Expert Techniques to Build Scalable, Reliable, and Fault-Tolerant Database
Applications. (2nd Ed). Packt Publishing, Limited. [Online]. Available at:
Vidhya, V., Jeyaram, G., & Ishwarya, K.R. (2016). Database Management Systems. Alpha Science International. [Online].
Available at:
Australian Privacy Principles (APP) [online] Available at:
Customer Data Right (CDR) [online] Available at:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [online] Available at:
2.6 Any specialist facilities and/or resources required:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2019 or higher version. Note that the current version is
2.7 Study Schedule
Session Number Module Topic Activities and
Session 1  Core Database Concepts
o Introduction to databases
Session 2  Database Languages and Architecture
o Overview of database concepts
Session 3
 Database Design
o Overview of database models
o Relational Database Modelling
Session 4
 Normalisation
o Database anomalies and functional
o Brief description of relation/ table
o Normalization forms
Session 5
 Database Queries
o Data retrieval – Select statement
o Data updates – Update and Delete
o SQL functions
Session 6
 Database Queries
o Advanced queries using aggregationgroup by and having clauses
o Queries involving multiple tables, Join
and Subqueries
Assignment 1 due
Session 7
 Data Definition Language
o Creation and Altering Tables
o Foreign keys and constraints
Session 8  Stored Procedures Assignment 2 due
Session 9  SQL Views
Session Number Module Topic Activities and
Session 10
 Database administration, Data control
language and Data privacy
o Security requirements for databases
and the data stored in them
o SQL for security and control
o Object permission and security ethics
o Administering user rights
o Discussion on Australian Privacy
Principles (APP), General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and
Customer Data Rights (CDR)
Session 11
 Non-RDBMS data management
o Introduction to large datasets and
cloud persistence
o Introduction to NoSQL database.
Assignment 3 due
Session 12  Review and Revision
Study Week
Exam Week Written Exam