justification of whether this business should implement a non-relational database

You have been approached by a business that have been considering updating their systems. With the upgrade, they have looked at potentially using a non-relational database for part/all of their database. They have approached you as a database consultant to determine their potential use of a non-relational database.

In your report you are required to provide justification of whether this business should implement a non-relational database(s). You will need to discuss the various types of non-relational databases and the pros and cons for that particular business.
It was a report to provide justification on whether to upgrade to the new system using NoSQL/ non-relation database.
Please share with me that requirement though i mentioned about the categories of NoSQL
this is instructor guideline for task 1
Question you asked for:
Also do I have to write both codes and words separately??

Answer from the Tutor:
°For the code on VS code – you need to write code in the software and run. Take screenshot put it on your assignment . While writing code add comments in the program° .

°For words in assignment – you need to explain the program in words like I do in the class on white board which will be counted towards the word count° .