Land Law Exam Prep Essays

I require assistance in creating two comprehensive 1000-word law essays, addressing different types of questions. Here are the specifics: 1. Problem Question (Land Law) – Dissect intricate situations and plot applicable legal guidelines or principles. “Carmel runs a bakery business in Northern Ireland from premises that she has leased from Gunther since 2018. The lease provides, inter alia, that: I. The premises shall not be used for any immoral or illegal purpose. II. The tenant shall not suffer any animal to be on the premises. III. The landlord reserves the right to re-enter the premises/forfeit the lease from a period of 21 days following any breach of covenants I and/or II. In 2022, with the written permission of Gunther, Carmel sub-let a flat above the bakery to Dirk and Doreen. Last week, following a police investigation, it has emerged that Dirk and Doreen have been using the flat for the purposes of prostitution. Both have been charged with criminal offences under the Sexual Offences (NI) Order 2008. Additionally, they have also been charged with keeping a dangerous wild animal on the premises contrary to the Dangerous Wild Animals (NI) Order 2004. Incidentally, in the course of the police investigation, it was discovered that Carmel has been running a puppy breeding business from an outbuilding at the rear of the premises. The authorities have taken the view that this business involves no illegality, but have advised that Carmel should find more appropriate premises sooner rather than later. Gunther is a local politician who has aspirations of becoming mayor of the town. He is furious at the publicity he and his premises have been receiving as a result of coverage of this scandal in the media. He is “determined to evict the whole lot of them”. Citing relevant legislation and case law, and considering the rights (if any) of Carmel, Dirk and Doreen, advise Gunther of his right to forfeit Carmel’s lease in these circumstances and explain whether Gunther is likely to be able to consequently gain vacant possession of the premises.” 2. Normal Essay Question (Land Law) – Provide an excellently argued answer to a specific question. “In the law of co-ownership in Northern Ireland, following “severance” the former parties to a joint tenancy will hold as tenants in common, whereas in England the legal title is unaffected and only the beneficial/equitable joint tenancy is severed. Outlining the rationale for this distinction, explain in detail (citing relevant cases) the various methods by which severance can be achieved, highlighting any distinctions between the law in England and the law in Northern Ireland in this respect.” These essays should include relevant cases, journal articles, and legislation. No need for references as I’ll be using them for exam preparation. As such, quality, accuracy, and comprehension are of paramount importance. Ideal applicants should showcase: – A solid background in Law, particularly Land Law. – Past works or experiences related to the topic. – A detail-oriented approach, ensuring all necessary details are incorporated. Note: No plagiarism checks will be conducted, however, originality and unique viewpoints are encouraged to foster a deeper understanding and personal interpretation.