Find 3 research papers measuring nutrient(s) (one or more nutrients measured in the
experiment) in nuts and seeds sample. (No more than 1500 words)
– Compare between the methods used in the paper and the methods used in the
experiment (refer to the lab manual).
– Comment on the advantages and limitaCons of methods used (For example, was
the pre-preparaCon of the samples appropriate in the research? Is the length of
the chromatography column same or different from the experiment (refer to lab
– What was the significance of the research? Would the analyCcal component have
an impact on the research outcome?
You may search the related papers using keywords like the name of the nuts and seeds e.g.
peanuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seed,
grapeseed etc., composiCon of (nuts and seeds name), (nutrients) in (nuts and seeds name)
or generally nuts/ seeds nuts and seeds.