LJMU-7506-UNIMBA – Business Consultancy Project



Assessment point: Final Assessment point – Week 24


Assessment task: Consultancy Project Report & Presentation of report & findings Word count limit: 16,000 words (+/- 10%, excluding references and appendices) for the Consultancy Project Report & 15 Presentation Slides for the Presentation of report & findings (excluding references and appendices)


Width: 100% of overall module grade (80% Report & 20% Presentation)


Learning Outcomes assessed


LO1 Identify and negotiate objectives with key stakeholders within an organisation for a business consultancy project


LO2 Complete a proposal for a business consultancy project and be able to justify the proposed options and approach


LO3 Critically evaluate a range of theoretical concepts relevant to managerial research in organisations


LO4 Produce a critical overview of the impact of the business project or produce a critical evaluation of personal learning and development outcomes from the project


LO5 Complete a business consultancy report and present findings


LO6 Critically reflect on the scholarly practitioner role as an agent of organizational change


Extenuating Circumstances


Where illness or other verifiable cause prevent timely submission of the summative assessments, you are required to contact the Unicaf Extenuating Circumstances team in the first instance, via extenuating.circumstances@unicaf.org, for further information on how to make an appropriate request for consideration of your circumstances. It is important to note that any request must be made to the mentioned team in advance of the originally stipulated deadlines, otherwise shall be considered as late and will not be reviewed further unless valid independent evidence exists to support that you could not have reasonably gotten in touch any sooner.


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Academic misconduct including plagiarism


Ensure that you are familiar with the relevant regulations regarding academic misconduct. By submitting the assignment, you declare that it is your own work and that the material and sources of information used, including internet sources, have been fully identified and properly acknowledged. In addition, you confirm that the presented work has not been submitted for any other assessment.


You also acknowledge that the faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct, which, if proven and dependent on the severity level of the offense, may result in a penalty that could affect your progress.


By submitting your work, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the above statements.


You are also reminded that primary data collection is not allowed


General guidance:


Your report should be word processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using time new roman size 12 font, double spaced, with numbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page. The word limits stated for these assignments excludes the reference list at the end of the assignments but includes all text in the main body of the assignment (including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs). Please be aware that exceeding the word count limit will affect the academic judgement of the piece of work and may result in the award of lower marks. Appendices are not considered a supplement, and thus, will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignments. As such, they will not contribute to the grades awarded; however, it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for the report, which is a useful reference for the reader. Please note that appendices are not included in the word count. Please submit your module summative assessment(s) by 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) VLE (UTC) time on the due date at the latest. Any summative assessment submitted up to 5 days late, will be accepted but the mark will be capped at 50%. Any work submitted more than 5 days late after the submission deadline will be recorded as 0%. The majority of references should come from primary sources (e.g., journal articles, conference papers, reports, etc.) although you can also utilise area specific textbooks.


In the report, you must ensure that you use the Harvard style of referencing. Please indicate the word count length at the end of your assignments.


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Marking and assessment: Your written report – the Project Report (Part 1) – is weighted 80% of your module mark. The remaining 20% of your module mark is based on your presentation of the report and findings (Part 2).


You must complete both parts of this 60-credit module to pass the module, as both parts are compulsory. The pass mark is 50%.


Report & Presentation Guidelines


Please number your pages and include your student number in the header/footer of your report.


Maximum word count: 16,000 words (excluding references and appendices), +/-10% allowance – for the Report


Maximum slides: 15 Slides (excluding references and appendices) for the Presentation


Project Report (Part 1) – During this week you are required to submit your final Consultancy Project Report (all chapters). The final report must be submitted through the relevant submission link. Relevant instructions follow.




The aim of the Business Consultancy Project is to produce a piece of business research that advances knowledge in the subject area of business administration (MBA). The project encourages students to explore areas in an organisation or business that have important business implications. The Business Consultancy Project therefore entails applying research and theoretical knowledge to a workplace issue or problem. The emphasis is on researching and conducting an analytical investigation of a real business issue and combining literature and data to both ascertain the nature of the problem and to support conclusions, and recommendations. Particular attention must be given to ethical issues, the context of the problem and to the appropriateness, reliability and validity of the approaches used.


Learning Outcomes of the Project Report:


1 Identify and negotiate objectives with key stakeholders within an organisation for a


business consultancy project


2 Complete a proposal for a business consultancy project and be able to justify the


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proposed options and approach


3 Critically evaluate a range of theoretical concepts relevant to managerial research


in organisations


4 Produce a critical overview of the impact of the business project or produce a


critical evaluation of personal learning and development outcomes from the project


5 Complete a business consultancy report and present findings


Create a project report Document


1. Open up a new Word document


2. Use ‘Heading’ Styles


3. Use ‘Heading’ Styles (try a numbered list) this way you can use the Table of Contents tool


4. Enter in the Headings now for each Chapter


First-person or third-person?


Either is appropriate. You decide.


• Maintain a professional tone and ensure that your argument is supported with evidence.


• If first person, avoid ‘I think’, ‘In my opinion’ or ‘I feel’. The project report is not a place for


personal anecdotes. Instead, use ‘I demonstrate’, ‘I argue’ or ‘I illustrate’.


Project Report


Students should structure their consultancy project reports with the following outline/structure:


Project Report Structure
Cover Page Including Title
Table of Contents

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List of Figures and/or Tables – If appropriate
List of Abbreviations – If appropriate
Abstract (max 400 words)
Chapter 1: Introduction (background, organisational context, research question, aims, objectives) (approximately 2000 words)
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature (approximately 3300 words)
Chapter 3: Research design (methodology & methods of data collection and analysis, ethical considerations) (approximately 2000 words)
Chapter 4: Research Results (findings, presentation of data) (approximately 3300 words)
Chapter 5: Discussion (link your findings back to the literature, research question, aims & objectives) (approximately 3000 words)
Chapter 6: Conclusion (contribution made; limitations of your research) (approximately 2000 words)

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Marking Criteria for the Report


Section/Aspect Content to Cover Marks Available
Abstract (max 400 words) &Chapter 1: Introduction (background, organisational context, research question, aims, objectives) (approximately 2000 words) ● Summarises the whole of the research project in a clear andconcise abstract.● Situates the research within an organisational context andexplains the rationale for the project.● Introduces the key academic themes/concepts/frameworks ofthe research.● States clear research question(s), aims and objectives. 10 Marks
Chapter 2:Review of the Literature (approximately 3300 words) Critically analyses and synthesises the literature relevant to the research questions and objectives (beyond descriptive statements of the literature) -Does it attempt to compare and contrast a number of relevant concepts, models, or theories in a critical manner or is it merely descriptive?Are these used in an effective manner?● Defines conceptual frameworks(themes) which have guideddata collection and analysis.● Demonstrates how the literature has informed the research.● Has a comprehensive range of relevant literature pertinent tothe aim and RQs of the dissertation, or is the impression giventhat almost everything read on or around the problem has beenincluded?● Are the sources used up to date, where appropriate, and dothey have sufficient academic weight? Have sources beenacknowledged and referenced fairly and properly?● Concluding paragraph that summarises the key themesidentified within this chapter. 20 Marks
Chapter 3: Research design (methodology & methods of data collection and analysis, ethical considerations) (approximately 2000 words) ● Explains and justifies the philosophical stance or researchparadigm which underpins data collection and analysis.● Justifies research strategy and methods utilised to address theresearch question and objectives. 10 Marks

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● Explains how data was collected and analysed (are dataanalysis methods discussed?)● Evaluates the validity and reliability of research.● Discusses ethical issues and steps taken to conduct ethicalresearch.● Is there evidence of care and accuracy in the secondary datacollection process?
Chapter 4: Research Results (findings, presentation of data) (approximately 3300 words) ● Discusses and analyses the results of data collected (i.e.,emergent themes, patterns, or relationships).● Does any statistical presentation make the most of the datacollected? Is any qualitative data categorised and presentedsystematically?● Presents the research findings in a user-friendly andinformative way.● Is the data presented relevant to aims and objectives?● Are the findings presented clearly and interestingly for thereader to follow? i.e., is a diagrammatic representation ofdata e.g., tables, charts, etc., embedded in the text? 20 Marks
Chapter 5: Discussion (link your findings back to the literature, research question, aims & objectives) (approximately 3000 words) ● Analyses and interprets the research findings and how theylink to previously reviewed literature or defined concepts,themes, and/or conceptual frameworks (i.e., Agree, disagree, ornew discovery) – Have the findings of the research beencompared and contrasted with findings, theories, models, orconcepts derived?● Discuss, evaluate and summarise the most relevant data.● Makes explicit how the research objectives/questions havebeen achieved/answered.● Identifies patterns in the data and makes a comparison ofvariables and relationships highlighted. 20 Marks
Chapter 6: Conclusion (contribution made; ● Makes explicit the contribution to knowledge and practice. 10 Marks

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limitations of your research) (approximately 2000 words) ● The conclusions are well-grounded in the evidence andarguments presented.● The conclusions follow from the findings.● The conclusions apply to a broader scenario.● States the limitations of the research and any recommendedfuture research.
Structure, Layout, and Referencing(list of references can take as many pages as necessary and not included in the limit/word count – a presentation that follows a sequence of chapters and appropriate structure as indicated in the brief. Presentation of the material that conforms to principles of academic writing and contains minimal errors in sentence construction, grammar and punctuation) ● A high-quality presentation that conforms to principles ofacademic writing and contains minimal errors in sentenceconstruction, grammar, and punctuation.● The assignment followed appropriate academic conventionsregarding in-text citations and referencing. 10 Marks
Total words: 16,000 /100

Presentation of report & findings (Part 2)


Students should read carefully all the instruction mentioned in the Topic Overview of Week 22 and 23 (Topic Overview A: Guidance on presentation of report & findings),a dn the below information in order to develop their presentation and submit during this week with their Project Report.


Learning Outcomes


5 Complete a business consultancy report and present findings


6 Critically reflect on the scholarly practitioner role as an agent of organisational




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Students should structure their presentation with the following outline:


Presentation Structure
Cover Page Including Title, University’s logo, module, submission date
Table of Contents
Project Context & Background (2 slides)
Data Analysis & Findings (3-4 slides)
Influencing Stakeholders (Buy-in) (3-4 slides)
Difficulties & Barriers during the Project (1 slide)
Recommendations & Further Research (2 slides)
Organisational Impact & Reflection (2-3 slides)
Thank you Slide

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Marking Criteria for the Presentation


Section/Aspect Criteria Marks Available
Project Context & Background (2 slides) • Provides a clear and succinct summary of the project context, overallrationale, and aims. 10 pts
Data Analysis & Findings(3-4 slides) • Provides a clear and succinct summary of the results, outcomes, andconclusions. 15 pts
Influencing Stakeholders (Buy-in) (3-4 slides) • Explains how key stakeholders and/or senior buy-in was obtained. 20 pts
Difficulties & Barriers during the Project (1 slide) • Describes how any issues and/or barriers were mitigated and dealtwith. 10 pts
Recommendations & Further Research (2 slides) • Conveys clear recommendations for the organisation, why these areimportant, and the next steps. 10 pts
Organisational Impact & Reflection (2-3 slides) • Confidently conveys the impact of the project on people,partnerships, decision-making processes, risks, and/or finance.• Provides a critical evaluation of personal learning and developmentfrom the project. 20 pts
Structure, Layout, Speaker Notes & Referencing • Structures presentation in a manner that is easy to follow.• A high-quality presentation that conforms to principles of academicwriting and contains minimal errors in sentence construction, grammar,and punctuation.• The assignment followed appropriate academic conventionsregarding in-text citations and referencing.• Presentation Slides: – Are the slides visually clear and easy to read?Are bullet points or concise phrases used instead of lengthy sentencesor paragraphs? – Do the slides encourage the presenter to elaborate onthe key points rather than relying on excessive text?• Speaker Notes: – Do the speaker notes clearly outline thepresentation’s main points and supporting details? – Do the speakernotes contribute to the logical flow of the presentation? 15 pts
Total /100

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Submitting via Turnitin


Both your report and presentation will be submitted via Turnitin. Please note that you are responsible for ensuring you understand the process of uploading your assessment on the VLE before your assignment submission deadline. This includes submitting your work via Turnitin for similarity checks and accepting the Turnitin terms and conditions.


As a first step, you are advised to upload your work as a draft and check the Turnitin similarity indication well before the relevant deadline. This way, you can see whether further amendments are needed to reduce similarity in case this is high. After editing your work, you can proceed with the final submission by the deadline.


Any submitted work not accompanied by a Turnitin similarity report will not be accepted. Please contact your tutor if you experience any issues with the use of Turnitin.


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Mark rangePerformance characteristicGrading criteria
90-100 Exceptional Pass Exemplary attainment of all learning outcomesDemonstrates an outstanding synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of keyissues in the subject areaWide-ranging emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of thedisciplineOffers an exhaustive exploration of the literature and evidence-baseThe material covered is accurate and relevantThe argument is highly sophisticatedThe standard of writing is refinedNo errors in the use of the specified referencing systemWell-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
80-89 Outstanding Pass Excellent attainment of all learning outcomes, with some met to an exemplary standardDemonstrates a comprehensive synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of keyissues in the subject area. Wide-ranging emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefrontof the disciplineExtends far beyond expected levels of engagement with the literature and evidence- baseThe material covered is accurate and relevantThe argument is generally very astuteThe standard of writing is refinedNo errors in the use of the specified referencing systemWell-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
70-79 Excellent pass Excellent attainment of all learning outcomesDemonstrates a thorough synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of keyissues in the subject areaStrong emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the disciplineThorough use the literature and evidence-baseThe material covered is accurate and relevantThe argument is persuasive and there are very perceptive elementsThe standard of writing is refinedNo errors in the use of the specified referencing systemWell-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
60-69 Good Pass Good attainment of all learning outcomesDemonstrates detailed synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of keyissues in the subject areaGood emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the disciplineGood consideration of the literature and evidence-base that develops fromrecommended readingsThe material covered is accurate and relevantThe argument is persuasiveThe standard of writing is refinedNo errors in the use of the specified referencing systemWell-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
50-59 Pass Adequate attainment of all learning outcomesDemonstrates a limited, but sufficient, synthesis of varied theoretical positions inthe analysis of key issues in the subject areaSome emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the disciplineSufficient consideration of the literature and evidence-base, but little considerationbeyond recommended readingsThe material covered is mostly accurate and relevantThe argument is straightforward and relatively clearThe standard of writing is well clear and readable, with some sophisticated phrasingNo errors in the use of the specified referencing systemWell-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.

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40-49 Needs some improvement Meets most, but not all learning outcomesDemonstrates limited synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues inthe subject areaLess than expected emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of thedisciplineBasic consideration of the literature and evidence-base, but restricted torecommended readingsSome inaccuracies or irrelevant materials that suggest confusion andmisunderstandingThe argument is relatively clear, although some elements are difficult to understandThe standard of writing is well clear and readable, but overly simplisticMinor errors in the use of the specified referencing system, but meets key principlesWell-presented and organised in an appropriate academic style.
30-39 Needs major improvement Approximately half the learning outcomes are metDemonstrates very little synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis ofkey issues in the subject areaLittle emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the disciplineMinor consideration of the literature and evidence-base, with inadequate use ofrecommended reading and no exploration outside thatSome materials is accurate, but the amount of inaccurate or irrelevant materialsindicates insufficient understanding of key conceptsThe argument is poorly defined and defendedThe standard of writing is mostly clear and readableSome errors in the use of the specified referencing system, but meets key principlesGenerally, well presented and organised, but does not always conform to conventions ofacademic presentation.
20-29 Needs significant revision Most learning outcomes are not metDemonstrates no synthesis of varied theoretical positions in the analysis of key issues inthe subject areaLittle or no emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the disciplineSuperficial consideration of the literature and evidence-baseThere are major inaccuracies or significant amounts of irrelevant materialThe argument is very weakThe standard of writing is reasonable and there are very few areas of confusionand/or errors in spelling/grammarAttempts to use of the specified referencing system. Meets key principles, but there aresystematic errorsGood presentation that may include some organisational errors and/or tendency not toconform to conventions of academic presentation.
0-19 Needs substantial work Does not meet any learning outcomesDemonstrates misunderstanding of varied theoretical positions in the analysis ofkey issues in the subject areaNo emphasis on knowledge and ideas that are at the forefront of the disciplineNo engagement with the literature and evidence-baseThe material covered is inaccurate or irrelevantThe argument is incoherentStandard of writing is acceptable. The structure is reasonable, but there are some areas ofconfusion and/or some errors in spelling/grammarAttempts to use the specified referencing system, but there are significant errorsAcceptable presentation that may include some organisational errors and a tendency not toconform to conventions of academic presentation.

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