



The Property Management Department of (Org. Name) is responsible for managing the maintenance function in the most cost effective manner possible while maximizing the useful life of SHA’s Real Estate Portfolio and providing the best service to the residents. The following policy statements are designed to establish the structure of an effective and efficient maintenance system.


(ORG. NAME)’s maintenance system shall include certain components:
A. A system of priorities for work requests;

B. Comprehensive working procedures;


C. Performance goals;


D. A work order system;


E. A skills training program; and


F. A long-range planning system.




The work priorities adopted by (ORG. NAME) exemplify its philosophy of delivering maintenance services. This priority system ensures that the most important maintenance work is done at a time it can be performed most cost-effectively. Minimizing vacancy loss is part of the cost-effectiveness calculation. The maintenance priorities of (ORG. NAME) are the following:


A. Emergencies


B. Urgent / Curb Appeal


C. Vacancy Preparation


D. Resident On-Demand Requests


E. Scheduled Operations and Services




The Department Manager will ensure that there are sufficient clear procedures in place to allow staff to implement this maintenance policy statement. All procedures will include the following:


A. A statement of purpose;


B. The job title(s) of the staff member(s) responsible for carrying out the


activities in the procedure;


C. Any forms needed to carry out the activities; and


D. The frequency of any specified activities.


After their adoption, maintenance procedures will be reviewed and updated at least annually.




The Department Manager will establish measures that will allow the effectiveness of maintenance systems and activities to be evaluated. In establishing these standards (ORG. NAME) will take into consideration certain factors:


A. Local housing codes / Landlord Tenant Law;


B. HUD Housing Quality Standards;


C. Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) standards; and


D. (ORG. NAME)’s job descriptions.
Nothing in the documents listed above will prevent (ORG. NAME) from setting a standard that is higher than that contained in the documents.

(ORG. NAME) shall have a comprehensive work order system that includes all work request information: source of work, description of work, priority, cost to complete, days to complete, and hours to perform. This information is required for (ORG. NAME) to plan for the delivery of maintenance services as well as evaluate performance. To obtain the greatest effectiveness from the work order system, all work requests and activities performed by maintenance staff must be recorded on work orders.


Work orders will contain, at a minimum, the following information:


A. Preprinted number


B. Source of request (planned, inspection, resident, etc.)


C. Priority assigned


D. Location of work


E. Date and time received


F. Date and time assigned


G. Worker(s) assigned


H. Description of work requested


I. Description of work performed


J. Estimated and actual time to complete


K. Materials used to complete work


L. Resident charge




In order to allow its staff members to perform to the best of their abilities, (ORG. NAME) recognizes the importance of providing the staff with opportunities to refine technical skills, increase and expand craft skills, and learn new procedures. Each employee must participate in at least 16 hours of maintenance training annually.


The Maintenance Manager is responsible for developing a training curriculum for the departmental staff and working with personnel department staff to identify the means of delivering the training.




(ORG. NAME) will put in place a long-range maintenance planning capability in order to ensure the most cost-effective use of resources and the maximum useful life of (ORG. NAME)’s properties.


Department Manager will develop a property-specific long-range planning process that includes the following components:


A. A property maintenance standard;


B. An estimate of the work required to bring the property to the


maintenance standard;


C. An estimate of the work required to keep the property at the


maintenance standard including routine and preventive maintenance


workloads, vacant unit turn-around, inspection requirements and resident


on-demand work;


D. An estimate of the on-going cost of operating the property at the


maintenance standard;


E. A market analysis of the property to determine if there are any capital


improvements needed to make the property more competitive;


F. A cost estimate to provide the specified capital improvements; and


G. A revised work plan and cost estimate of maintaining property at the


improved standard.




All maintenance work performed at (ORG. NAME)’s properties can be categorized by the source of the work. Each piece of work originates from a particular source — an emergency, the routine maintenance schedule, the preventive maintenance schedule, a unit inspection, a unit turnover, or a resident request.


Emergencies are the highest priority source of work. (ORG. NAME) will consider a work item to be an emergency if the following occur:
A. The situation constitutes a serious threat to the life, safety or health of

residents or staff; or


B. The situation will cause serious damage to the property structure or


systems if not repaired within twenty-four (24) hours.


If a staff member is unsure whether or not a situation is an emergency, he or she will consult with his or her supervisor. If a supervisor is not available, the employee will contact the Department Manager or the Director of Assets.


For emergencies that occur after regular working hours, (ORG. NAME) shall have a twenty-four (24) emergency response system in place. This response system includes the designation of a maintenance employee in charge for each day as well as a list of qualified pre-approved contractors, open purchase orders for obtaining required supplies or equipment, and access to (Org. Name)’s materials and supplies. The designated


employee shall prepare a work order and report on any emergency within twenty-four hours after abatement of the emergency.








Strict adherence to the following Key Control Procedure will ensure that our organization is taking the necessary precautions to limit unauthorized access to all secured areas of each community. Properly organized and executed key control practice is an essential element required to provide “-affordable safe housing.” Although the Property Manager is ultimately responsible to ensure that appropriate key control procedure is being followed at his/her community, it is the personal responsibility of each team member to ensure that he/she is in compliance.


Procedure 1 – Assigned Staff Keys Procedure Components


All site staff will be provided with a copy of a standard set of keys, which will


allow him/her access to the offices, community buildings and storage areas of


the community.


The assigned standard set of keys will be signed for by the employees.


The assigned standard set of keys is the only keys the employee is permitted to take


off-site after their normal work day has ended. Any unapproved deviation from this


procedure may result in disciplinary action.


Procedure 2 – Secured Storage of Community Keys Procedure Components


All keys to the units and remainder of the property must be stored in a secured


key lock box.


The lock box must be installed in a secured inconspicuous location that will be


made accessible to all site staff at any given time.


If the lock box is not operated using a digital opening system, then a copy of


the key to the lock box will be incorporated into each employee’s standard set of




When not in use, the lock box will be closed and secured at all times.


At no time will any key that is not a component of the employees standard key


set, be stored in any location other than the secured lock box.


Procedure 3 – Key Identification Coding Procedure Components


At no time will any key in the lock box be identified using an apartment number


or office/storage location description.


All keys contained in the key lock box will be identified by utilizing a “key tag


coding system”.


The Portfolio Manager will provide the appropriate key-tag coding system for


each community.


Each lock box will have a corresponding “code reference” book. The code


reference book will be stored in a separate secured location that is readily


accessible to all site staff team members.


Procedure 4 – Organization of keys Procedure Components


There is to be one “immobile” original key for every lock located within the entire


community. The immobile key shall never be removed from the lock box except


for duplication purposes.


There is to be a second key copy for every lock located within the entire


community. This mobile key will be used for purposes of gaining entry into units


and secured areas of the community.


There is to be a third set of keys stored in the lock box for vacant units. This set


of keys will be issued to the new resident at the time of their move in.


Procedure 5 – Key Tracking


Procedure Components


Whenever a team member removes or returns a mobile key from the key lock


box it must be tracked.


A key “check out” log will be stored in close proximity to the lock box. When


logging a key # on the log sheet, the key code must be noted, not the


corresponding apartment number.


o A team member will follow the same procedure in order to check out a


mobile key to a vendor as they would to themselves.


Procedure 6 – Access to Vacant Apartments Procedure Components


Immediately upon being vacated, the locks on vacant units will be changed.


It is the policy of (ORG. NAME) to reoccupy vacant units as soon as possible. This policy allows (ORG. NAME) to maximize the income produced by its properties and operate attractive and safe properties.


The Department Manager is responsible for developing and implementing a system that ensures an average turn-around time of five to seven calendar days (56 working hours). In order to do so, he or she must have a system that can perform the following tasks:


A. Forecast unit preparation needs based on prior years’ experience;


B. Estimate both the number of units to be prepared and the number of


hours it will take to prepare them; and


C. Control work assignments to ensure prompt completion.


The maintenance procedure for reoccupying vacant units relies on the prompt


notification by residents of the planned vacancy, fast and accurate inspection of the unit,


ready availability of workers and materials, and good communication with those responsible for leasing the unit.


The Department Manager has the responsibility to create special teams for vacancy turnaround or to hire contractors when that is required to maintain (ORG. NAME)’s goals.




Preventive Maintenance Program is part of the planned or scheduled maintenance program of (ORG. NAME). The purpose of the scheduled maintenance program is to allow (ORG. NAME) to anticipate maintenance requirements and make sure (ORG. NAME) can address them in the most cost-effective manner. The preventive maintenance program focuses on the major systems that keep the properties operating. These systems include heating and air conditioning, electrical, life safety and plumbing.


A. General Operating Systems


The heart of any preventive maintenance program is a schedule that calls for the regular servicing of all systems. The development of this schedule begins with the identification of each system or item that must be checked and serviced, the date it must be serviced, and the individual responsible for the work. The servicing intervals and tasks for each system must be included in the schedule. The completion of all required tasks is considered a high priority for (ORG. NAME).


The systems covered by the preventive maintenance program include but are not limited to:


1. Compactors


2. Condensate pumps


3. Elevator equipment


4. Emergency lighting


5. Exhaust fans


6. Exterior lights


7. Fire extinguishers and other life safety systems


8. Swimming Pools


9. Mechanical equipment and vehicles


10. Sanitary drains


11. Air Conditioning equipment


12. Domestic water/back flow devices


13. Dry Wells


14. Septic


A specific program will be developed for each system. This program shall include a list of the scheduled service maintenance for each system and the frequency and interval at which that service must be performed. The equipment and materials required to perform the service will be listed as well so that they will be on hand when needed. As assessment of the skills or licensing needed to perform the tasks will also be made to determine if an outside contractor must be used to perform the work. The preventive maintenance schedule must be updated each time a system is added, updated, or replaced.


B. Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance


(ORG. NAME) will protect the investment it has made in vehicles and other motorized equipment by putting in place a comprehensive maintenance program. The vehicles and equipment to be covered include:


1. Trucks and Vans


2. Snow blowers


3. Leaf blowers


4. Weed cutters


5. Lawn mowers


6. Chain saws


7. ATVs and Gators


The Maintenance Manager is responsible for the development of this plan which shall contain components for minimal routine service as well as servicing for seasonal use. Serviceable components for each vehicle or piece of motorized equipment will be listed in the plan along with the type and frequency of service required.


The Maintenance Manager shall also maintain a system to ensure that any employee that operates a vehicle or piece of motorized equipment has the required license or certification.


C. Life Safety Systems


(ORG. NAME) shall have a comprehensive program for maintenance of life safety systems to ensure that they will be fully functional in the case of an emergency. The Maintenance Manager shall be responsible for the development and implementation of a schedule that includes the inspection, servicing and testing of this equipment. The equipment to be included in the plan includes the following:


1. Fire alarms and fire alarm systems


2. Fire extinguishers


3. Emergency lighting


4. Smoke detectors


5. Sprinkler systems


The plan will include the required testing and servicing as required by manufacturer’s recommendations. It will also include a determination of the most reliable and cost effective way to perform the work including the decision to hire a contractor.




(ORG. NAME)’s goals of efficiency and cost-effectiveness are achieved through a carefully designed and rigorously implemented inspection program. This program calls for the inspection of all Real Estate Portfolios of (ORG. NAME) including the dwelling units, the grounds, and major service systems.


A. Dwelling Unit Inspections


The unit inspection system of (ORG. NAME) has two primary goals:


1. To assure that all dwelling units comply with standards set by


HUD and local codes; and


2. To assure that the staff of (ORG. NAME) knows at all times the


condition of each unit for which it is responsible.


The achievement of these goals may require more than the annual required inspection. The Maintenance Manager is responsible for developing a unit inspection program that schedules inspections at the frequency required.


For all non-emergency inspections, the Resident shall be given at least two (2) days written notice of the inspection.


The maintenance staff shall perform the unit inspection program of (ORG. NAME). During each inspection, the staff shall perform specified preventive and routine maintenance tasks. Any other work items noted at the time of the inspection will be documented on (ORG. NAME) inspection form. All uncompleted work items shall be converted to a work order within twenty-four hours of the completion of the inspection or included in the maintenance plan as determined by the Department Manager. The maintenance staff shall endeavor to complete all inspection-generated work items within 30 days of the inspection.


All maintenance staff is responsible for monitoring the condition of dwelling units. Whenever a maintenance staff member enters a dwelling unit for any purpose, such as completing a resident request for service or accompanying a contractor, he or she shall record on a work order any required work he or she sees while in the apartment or included in the appropriate maintenance plan as determined by the Property Manager.


B. Grounds Inspections


Regular inspections of the property grounds and building exteriors are required to maintain the curb appeal of the property. This curb appeal is required to maintain the attractiveness of the property for both current and prospective residents. The inspection procedure will specify the desired condition of the areas to be inspected. This defined condition will include any regulatory or locally required standards. The existence of these standards shall not prevent the (Org. Name) from setting a higher standard that will make the property more competitive in the local market.


Grounds inspections must cover these areas:


1. Grounds


2. Porches or patios


3. Parking lots


4. Sidewalks and fences


5. Lawns, shrubs and trees


6. Exterior Lighting


7. Common Areas


8. Outdoor furniture


9. Mailboxes


10. Sprinkler Systems


An inspection form will be developed to support the grounds inspections. The staff member responsible for the inspection shall note all deficiencies on the form and provide the resident and the Property Manager with a copy of the inspection form. The Property Manager is responsible to perform all necessary follow-up actions.


Nothing in this policy shall prevent any (ORG. NAME) staff member from reporting any needed work that they see in the regular course of their daily activities. Such work items shall be reported to the Property Manager or Department Manager.


C. Systems Inspections


The regular inspection of all major systems is fundamental to a sound maintenance program. The major systems inspection program overlaps with the preventive maintenance program in some areas. To the extent that inspections, in addition to those required for scheduled service intervals, are needed, they will be a part of the inspection schedule. Any work items identified during an inspection shall be converted to a work order within twenty-four hours and completed within thirty (30) days or included in the appropriate maintenance plan as determined by the Maintenance Manager.




This category of work refers to all resident generated work requests that fall into no other category. These are non-emergency calls made by residents seeking maintenance service. These requests for service cannot be planned in advance or responded to before the resident calls.


It is the policy of (ORG. NAME) to complete these work requests within seven (7) days. However, unless the request is an emergency or entails work that compromises the habitability of the unit, these requests will not be given a priority above scheduled routine and preventive maintenance. By following this procedure, (ORG. NAME) believes it can achieve both good resident service and a maintenance system that completes the most important work first and in the most cost effective manner.




(ORG. NAME) will contract for maintenance services when it is in the best interests of (ORG. NAME) to do so. When the employees of (ORG. NAME) have the time and skills to perform the work at hand, they will be the first choice to perform a given task. When the employees of (ORG. NAME) have the skills to do the work required, but there is more work than there is time available to complete it, (ORG. NAME) will determine whether it is more cost effective to use a contractor to complete the work. If (ORG. NAME) staff does not have the skills to complete the work or (ORG. NAME) doesn’t have the proper equipment, a contractor will be chosen. In the last instance, (ORG. NAME) will decide whether it will be cost effective to train a staff member to complete the work.


Once the decision has been made to hire a contractor, the process set out in (ORG. NAME)’s Procurement Procedures will be used. These procedures vary depending on the expected dollar amount of the contract and the funding mechanism.