Major Project Stage 2: WRITE D. Lemson

Major Project Stage 2: WRITE D. Lemson
You will need to prepare a Power Point or Google slide presentation to go with this
project. Here are some guidelines on how I will be grading the completed project:
Simple Rules for Effective Presentation Slides (Adapted from PLoS Computational Biology,
Kristen M. Naegle, Dec. 2021)
1. Include only one idea per slide
2. Put information that would take one minute to present per slide
3. Make use of your heading.
4. Include only essential points. Do not write in complete sentence structures.
5. Give credit where credit is due.
6. Use graphics effectively; be careful to have the text layered over the graphics and not
“under” images.
7. Design to avoid cognitive overload
8. Design the slide so that the viewer of this project gets the main takeaway.
9. Use a font that is at least a 16-18 count font. Avoid fonts that have the word “Sans”
in them. This is difficult to read for many people.
10. Avoid animations.
Essential information to include in your presentation:
1. Name of composer with birth year and year of death (if applicable); name/names
identifying who is preparing this presentation. This will be your Title Page.
2. Tell us about historical events during his/her lifetime.
a. Wars
b. Inventions and Discoveries
c. Financial
d. Religious preferences in this composer’s country/countries
e. How music was available to people
3. Biography of the composer. Go into depth on this element!
a. Nationality; countries lived in
b. Musical education; instrument/s of expertise
c. Family history
d. Profession besides composing music
e. Where he/she travelled
f. Interesting facts
Major Project Stage 2: WRITE D. Lemson
g. Genres of this composer’s output.
4. Create a Listening Guide to your approved music selection(s). This could be on
multiple slides! Be sure to Include this information:
a. What is the musical genre?
b. What style period does this composer come from?
c. What year was this composition/song written?
d. Where did the composer live when this song was written?
e. Who is performing this selection? (Attach a Video link to the title
of the song)
f. Describe the meter in each movement: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, 9/8,12/8
g. Tonality: Major? Minor? Modal? Aleatoric?
h. Tempo: find a musical score to locate this information. Allegro? Moderato?
i. Range of dynamics: pp p mp mf f ff
j. Performing forces
k. If choral music, describe the text.
5. Dedicate at least one slide about how you came to choose this selection. How does this
selection effect your emotions?
6. List your citations on the final slide. These may be the web address or in a hyperlink
7. Stage 2 will be due by March 22, 2024
8. After Mrs. Lemson finishes grading this assignment, you will be given a score of
up to 50 points. If you are willing to make changes to improve your score, this
document must be resubmitted by April 4, 2024.