Marketing and Communications for Hospitality


Module Handbook


Marketing and Communications for Hospitality


School Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management
Level 5
Semester Semester 2
Credits 20
CRN 17028



Module Leader Trish Coll
Email Address





Communication Protocol: module staff will reply to student questions within a reasonable time, but this will normally be within office hours only.  Students are advised to check this handbook and also to see if there are any online/noticeboard announcements or FAQ answers that deal with their enquiry before contacting staff.





Introduction from the Module Leader

Communicating with consumers to influence their behaviour is a major priority for any hospitality businesses.  Managers are required to communicate with their target market, before, during and post consumption using traditional and online media channels.  This module will address the many ways that communication is possible in the hospitality industry today – both theoretically and practically. Students will have the opportunity to explore effective communication strategies and tactics to influence consumers to engage with hospitality businesses and share their experiences with the hospitality business and other consumers.

Module Leader:          Trish Coll


Office Phone:              0113 812 6719

Module Aims

To provide students with the ability to identify and explore different ways hospitality businesses can communicate and influence consumers through a range of traditional and online communication channels, to achieve specific communication goals.

Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

1 Organise, connect and make informed decisions from marketing concepts and theories for hospitality businesses.
2 Organise, connect and make informed judgements of communication concepts and tools and examine the value of each in particular situations.
3 Select, gather and organise appropriate communication strategies and tactics from both traditional and online channels to achieve specific communication objectives.

Module Learning Activities

Content will, as appropriate, be drawn from:

  • The marketing process
  • The promotional mix
  • Traditional communications
  • Digital communications
  • Brand ownership
  • Consumer markets and behaviour
  • Word of mouth and e-word of mouth


To accompany this content, the following skills will be introduced, taught and delivered in this module:

  • Report writing
  • Interpretation of databases and research reports
  • Accessing online social media platforms of hospitality businesses
  • Reviewing digital communications


In this module the indicative learning activities students will enjoy are:

  • Attending and participating in all module activities/lectures/workshops and, from time-to-time, individual or small group discussions with module tutors
  • Proactively studying and working individually and in teams
  • Directed study and other preparatory activities set in advance of classes and meetings each week
  • Learning to become self-motivated and independent learners
  • Linking theory to practice using applied learning and hospitality industry learning scenarios and case studies.


Graduate Attributes Developed and Assessed

  Developed Assessed
Enterprise ü ü
Digital Literacy ü ü
Global Outlook ü  

More information on graduate attributes is available here:

Relevant information is also available within your Course Handbook, which is available via MyBeckett and




We will communicate with you through MyBeckett. Please monitor MyBeckett and your student e-mail address for announcements.

You must notify your Course Administrator if you are absent for more than one day (for example for an interview, emergency unforeseen circumstances, or for compassionate leave).  If you are going to apply for mitigation you will need to provide written evidence of the reason for your absence (see Extenuating Circumstances and Mitigation for further information).


Weekly Schedule

Semester 2

Week Commencing Date Lecture/Seminar Lecture/Seminar Reading


Review etc

Directed study and additional resources

Week 1


Independent activity – spend some time considering an organisation with a Facebook or Instagram account which could be improved. The aim of this is for you to work with the social media accounts of this organisation in order to improve how they connect with and engage their audiences with their brand. See My Beckett for instructions.

Assignment briefing is in week 2.

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Click the Reading List tab on MyBeckett and explore further via Discover in Library Resources

Week 2

Introduction to the module. Assignment briefing and discussion.

Integrated marketing communications touch points.


Traditional and Online Marketing Communications.

Changes in consumer and business behaviour

The Consumer Journey (PIECE model)

Understanding social media Web 1.0 to 5.0

Share your desk research findings about your organisation.

Check your ‘adspend’ per country using WARC

Teamwork: The consumer journey infographic

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Click the Reading List tab on MyBeckett and explore further via Discover in Library Resources
12. 02.2024

Week 3

Social Media Marketing (part 1 assignment)

Definitions/ Advantages and disadvantages

Social Media Marketing Strategy and Goals


Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

Case Study from Marketline

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Please refer to: Suggested reading
19. 02.2024

Week 4

(Tourism fieldtrip)

Online storytelling. Creating a sense of belonging within online communities.

Brand development

Risks of engagement

Customer Relationship Management

Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

Teamwork – online behaviours

…who posts what where and when?


Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Click the Reading List tab on MyBeckett and explore further via Discover in Library Resources

Week 5

Consumer behaviour and social media


Key Performance Indicators

Submit ethics forms for your content analysis.


Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

Case studies and formative presentations

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Please refer to: Suggested reading

Week 6

Working on your content analysis. Social media marketing plan

Creating engaging campaigns

Strategies and tools 1 (Main organisation)

User Generated Content (UGC) and Advertising

Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

External environment SWOT

The strategic marketing plan

How does this fit social media marketing?

Working on your content analysis. Social media marketing plan

Creating engaging campaigns

Strategies and tools 1 (Main organisation)

User Generated Content (UGC) and Advertising

Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

External environment SWOT

The strategic marketing plan

How does this fit social media marketing?


Week 7

(field trip for Hosp students)

Consumer engagement. Consumer appeals, behaviour, uses and gratifications (Gratification theory)


Social Media Examiner Industry Report

Exploring Uses and Gratifications within tourism and hospitality business via Facebook and Instagram

Assignment reminder (critical analysis and synthesis)

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Please refer to: Suggested reading

Week 8

Working on your content analysis. Social media marketing plan

Creating engaging campaigns and competitions

Strategies and tools 1 (Main organisation)

UGC and Advertising

Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

External environment SWOT

The strategic marketing plan

How does this fit social media marketing

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Click the Reading List tab on MyBeckett and explore further via Discover in Library Resources


University Easter Break


University Easter Break

Week 9

Working on your content analysis. Social media marketing plan

Strategies and tools 2 (Chosen organisation)

Feedback/Feedforward from Directed Study

Internal environment SWOT

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Please refer to: Suggested reading

Week 10

Analysing/ Working on your content analysis. Social media platforms

Advantages and Disadvantages 1

Competitions and nudges

Content Analysis – Introduction

Co-create with team



Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Click the Reading List tab on MyBeckett and explore further via Discover in Library Resources

Week 11

Analysing/ Working on your content analysis. Social Media Platforms

Advantages and Disadvantages 2

Developing Content Analysis

Co-create with the team

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Please refer to: Suggested reading

Week 12


Scheduled assignment support sessions – these may be timetabled outside of your typical timetabled classes

Please refer to:

Module Content

on MyBeckett

Click the Reading List tab on MyBeckett and explore further via Discover in Library Resources  
Assessment due in Friday 3rd May 2024






Contact Hours

Activity Number of Hours
Minimum Total Contact Hours 48
Guided Independent Study 152


Key Resources to Support Learning

A Reading List is available on the left hand menu on the module in MyBeckett.


Disability Advice and Support

All disabled students requiring additional support or alternative arrangements must declare and provide evidence of their disability to the Disability Advice Team as early as possible:


Assessment Summary

Assessment 1

Assessment Method: Report Re-assessment Method: Report
Word Count: 4,000 words Word Count: 4,000 words
Assessment Date and Time: Friday 03.05.24


Re-assessment Date and Time: Friday, 05 July 2024
Feedback Method: Online via Turnitin Feedback Method: Online via Turnitin
Feedback Date: 03.06.24 Feedback Date: Within four working weeks of the submission deadline
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1, LO2 and  LO3




You will receive feedback within four weeks of your assessment (University closures do not count as a working week). Your mark is provisional until it is ratified by the Module Board and External Examiner. Re-sit instructions for your assignments will be posted on My Beckett.



Assessment Details


Assessment 1 – Individual Report – 100% of Module Marks

Your assessment is a Report which has two parts:

Part 1: A Business Report, and

Part 2: A Selection of supporting Exhibits, or Appendices:


Part 1: The word count for the Business Report is 2500.  This EXCLUDES the Executive Summary, Exhibits (appendices)  and the List of References which are inserted at the end of your Report.


Include the following on the cover sheet of your Report

  1. Word Count – Excluding References at the end of your Report
  2. Word Count – Including References at the end of your Report – why?


Part 2: The word count for the Selection of Exhibits/ appendices is equivalent to maximum word count. 


The Marketing Consultancy Brief

You are marketing consultant working for a Client who has commissioned you to provide  a report with supporting information and examples to guide their future decisions. The sections are as follows:

  1. Introduction to set the scene and explain the key elements within the report.
  1. A discussion which critically evaluates why social media marketing and social media marketing platforms are vital parts of a business’s promotional mix.  The critical evaluation will provide details of the strengths/benefits/advantages and weaknesses/disadvantages of social media marketing and social media marketing platforms through the lens of consumers and the Client. This is a good place to insert gratification theory and other academic models and concepts top support your work. Choose either Facebook or Instagram.
  2. A critical evaluation of consumer behaviour theory/ies reviewing the benefits that consumers seek from social media marketing and marketing platform activities (choose either Facebook or Instagram).
  3. The Client would also like to know the benefits they, as a business, gain from engaging with Social Media Platforms activities (choose either Facebook or Instagram) (approx. 1,000 words).
  4. A content analysis, using a Taxonomy, is also required. Using deductive skills, social media metrics will be critically reviewed, reflected upon and assumptions made. You should produce two content analyses:

The first will be that of an ‘expert’ business’s  Facebook or Instagram communication activity over a period of 3 weeks (21 days).

The second will be a content analysis of the Client’s Facebook or Instagram communication activity over a period of 3 weeks (21 days).

  1. You will create and critically review communication solutions for the Client in the form of  a Facebook or Instagram Communication Plan spanning 3 weeks (21 days).
  2. You are required to create an engaging Facebook or Instagram competition and a targeted Facebook or Instagram advertisement for a summertime 2023 event, or, Masterclass that you recommend to the Client.  A short discussion is required to support the competition and advertisement highlighting the expected benefits consumers and the Client will gain.
  3. Conclude and summarise the main findings for the Client from all sections above.


This assignment will enable you to build on the knowledge and skills you gained through attendance at the lectures/seminars and tutorials/practical sessions and by completing the associated online activities.



Additional Notes to Students

Part 1: Report

Students must work individually to develop the report; this is not a group/course activity.

Part 1: The Report Outline

Section Content Approximate number of words* Structure
1.0 Introduction to the Consultancy Brief  approx.100 words. Report
2.0 Discussion which critically evaluates

a)     Why social media marketing and social media platforms are vital parts of the promotional mix.  (choose either Facebook or Instagram).The critical evaluation will provide details of the strengths/benefits/advantages and weaknesses/disadvantages of social media marketing and social media platforms through the lens of consumers and the Client(choose either Facebook or Instagram).

b)     The Client is also interested in receiving a critical evaluation of consumer behaviour theory/ies that critically reviews the benefits that consumers seek from social media marketing and social media platforms activity.

c)      The Client would also like to know the benefits they, as a business, gain from engaging in social media marketing activities

a) approx. 300 words.







b&c) approx. 700 words.





A content analysis is also required: using a Taxonomy of Facebook/Instagram Messages, the content analysis will be transformed into a set of social media metrics; namely Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2.  Using deductive skills, social media metrics will be critically reviewed, reflected upon and assumptions made.


There will be two content analyses, the first will be that of an ‘expert’ business’  communication activity over a period of 3 weeks (21 days). Choose Facebook or Instagram.

approx. 300 words discussing Exhibit 1





Exhibit/ appendix 1




  The second will be a content analysis, of the Client’s communication activity over a period of 3 weeks (21 days). Choose Facebook or Instagram. approx. 300 words discussing Exhibit 2 Exhibit/ appendix 2
4.0 Create and critically justify a Communication Plan for the Client over a period of 3 weeks (21 days).  showcasing breadth of social media marketing Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages.  Choose Facebook or Instagram. approx. 400 words discussing Exhibit 3 Exhibit/ appendix 3
5. Competition and an advertisement: Create and critically review Exhibit 4 which is a competition and an advertisement (for the Facebook or Instagram social media platform of the Client).  The competition and advertisement will present an event, or Masterclass for the Client to host during late summer 2023. approx. 200 words discussing Exhibit 4 Exhibit/ appendix 4
6. Conclusions: key conclusions will summarise the main findings from all sections.  approx. 200 words Report
  Total 2,500*  


*The total number of words for this part of the assignment is 2,500: The word count for the Exhibits/ appendices is equivalent to 1,500 words.  Total is 4,000 words.

Word Count Note: A maximum of 2,500 words. All work will be marked up to 2,500 words.  The tutor will stop marking at that point.  Any information provided after 2,500 will not be marked.


Part 2 – Report: Selection of Exhibits/ Appendices


The Report includes the following selection of Exhibits in the appendix.

Exhibit 1 – A content analysis of an ‘expert’ business’ communication activity over a period of 3 weeks (21 days). Choose Facebook or Instagram.


Exhibit 2 – A content analysis of the Client’s communication activity over a period of 3 weeks (21 days). Choose Facebook or Instagram.


Exhibit 3 – A Communication Plan over a 3 week period (21 days).

Students will also present creative solutions for the Client through a workable social media marketing Communication Plan. Choose Facebook or Instagram.


Exhibit 4 – A Competition and an Advertisement.

Students will create an engaging competition and advertisement. Choose Facebook or Instagram.


The word count for the Exhibits is equivalent to 1,500 words.


This module will also enhance digital literacy and enterprise skills as students will access, store, organise and research social media posts to enable them to create a communication plan, a competition and an advertisement for the Client.  Details of the expert business will be provided.


How do I write a report, and what format should it take?

Click the link below it has written details, templates and podcasts to help you

  • To be awarded high marks for this assessment, a wide range of secondary academic and/or industry sources need to be consulted, and secondary data information analysed through content analysis.  The secondary data should be used clearly and succinctly in your assignment, especially when you are comparing and contrasting concepts and making summary judgements.
  • Marks are awarded for the skills in analysing, comparing, contrasting and making summary judgements. Therefore, assignments that are mainly descriptive or over-reliant on quotes or has poor paragraph development leading to weak summary judgements or conclusions will receive fewer marks.
  • Higher marks are awarded to those students who have researched literature extensively and show a clear understanding of the concepts.
  • A list of references from all sources used in the preparation of your work is required.  The list must be from a range of academic books/journals, company reports and industry sources.
  • Please use the correct Harvard system to reference the literature you consult – see Skills for Learning if you are in any doubt – remember to use the latest edition of Quote Unquote.

NOTE: 80% (or above) of references MUST be from the year 2010 onwards (i.e. not more than 10 years old) – ensure your references are up to date.  It is recommended that over 10 references are required in this assignment.

Do NOT use of Wikipedia, marketingprofs or other such random “google search” materials.


Additional Information for Students: Full Business Report Format

Front Cover provided, see MyBeckett, Skills for learning.

Please include the module title (see font details below for the main report) and  the total number of words and the word count as outlined in Quote Unquote Version 2019*.


Contents page Use Word © tools to support development, showing

  • Sections and Subsections
  • Figures
  • Tables
  • Appendices/ Exhibits
  • Page numbers

Sections and subsections, numbered with appropriate headings.


Executive summary – separate page of A4, single line spacing in size 12 font (for Executive Summary and throughout the report). Approximately 200 words – but this is NOT included in the word count*.

Note: The Executive Summary provides:

  • context in which the report was written
  • aim(s) reason(s) of the report
  • main findings regarding based on the  main sections
  • convincing conclusion


This is what an executive summary should do.

The format and content of an Executive Summary should include all elements of the assignment, justifications and key findings/recommendations.  An “executive” should be able to read the Executive Summary and know the key parts, aim(s) of the report, objectives, the key findings and recommendations/conclusions.  By simply reading the Executive Summary, the Executive, can speak confidently and convincingly with people that have constructed the report or others that have read the full report.  The Executive Summary, therefore, will show your skills of effective summarising and the art of writing clearly and concisely. These skills are highly valued at university and when you enter the workplace:



Introduce the assignment and state the aim(s)/reason(s) for the assignment. Outline the main sections contained within the report together with key points.


Main body

To complete the main body of the report it is essential that you get involved with the directed study and read the suggested texts.  Remember there are four sections to the assignment and it is necessary to include references throughout, where appropriate, to the selection of Exhibits in Part 2 of the Report.




Note: See above for a suggested outline for Part 1: The Report

For Part 2: For the Selection of Exhibits templates are provided.


Format of Report: Use Times Roman or Calibri (Body) font, size 12

1.5 line spacing

Headings in size 14

Sub-heading in size 12 italic

Use Word © heading styles to ensure a consistent table of contents.




Student Instructions for Submission of Coursework

This module requires you to submit your work online.

You MUST submit your work through MyBeckett using the link set up by the tutor. Receipt of your work will be recorded.

Your “Turnitin assignments” in MyBeckett can be set up so that you can check your assignment yourself as you submit it. This checking is done by creating a “Similarity Report”.  If this report shows that there are some problems with your work, such as un-cited quotations, you should be able to make corrections and re-submit the work again before the due date. More information about Turnitin is available online here:

Please note: Tutors will follow up any suspected breach of academic integrity found after the submission date as per University policy. Late penalties will apply as per University Regulations.

Instructions to Students

Please read carefully the assessment and grade/marking descriptors overleaf:


Course Title(s): BSc (Hons) Hospitality Business Management, BSc (Hons) Hospitality Business Management with Marketing, BSc (Hons) Hospitality Business Management with Foundation Year, BSc (Hons) Hospitality Business Management with Marketing with Foundation Year
Module Title: Marketing and Communications for Hospitality


Assessment Title: Report
Level: 5


Weighting: 100%



Criteria and Weighting Exceptional




Very Good






Fail Unsatisfactory


(Section 1 and Section 6)


Introductions and Conclusion of the report.


10% of the total mark

Has an outstanding, engaging introduction,  contextualises the issue and presents the assignment brief competently.


Presents an outstanding powerful, convincing conclusion highlighting the main findings/ recommendations.

Has an excellent and engaging introduction that contextualizes the issue and presents the assignment brief competently.


Presents an excellent powerful, convincing conclusion highlighting the main findings/ recommendations.

Has a very clear introduction that states the issue very well and presents the assignment brief very well.


Has a very good, clear conclusion which brings together the main points brief highlighting the main findings/recommendations very well.

Has an good introduction that states the subject and arrangement of the assignment brief.


Has a good conclusion which outlines the main points included in the assignment well.

It is difficult to discern the main focus of the issue and/or the outline of the assignment brief.


Has a satisfactory conclusion but is lacking in detail of the main points included in the assignment findings/


Has an introduction which is confused or serves little purpose for the reader.


The conclusion is unsatisfactory as it does not present or summarise the assignment findings/ recommendations.

(Section 2)

A critical evaluation discussing why social media and Facebook/Instagram, in particular, is a vital part of the promotional mix.

The critical evaluation will provide details of the strengths /benefits/advantages and weaknesses/disadvantages of social media and Facebook/Instagram for their consumers and the Client.

This section will also provide; for the Client, a critical evaluation of consumer behaviours theory/ies that reviews the benefits that consumers seek from social media marketing and Facebook/Instagram activity demonstrating the benefits for consumers and the Client.


40% of the total mark


Outstanding analysis using multiple theoretical sources, demonstrating excellent knowledge and understanding.  Exceptional judgements and recommendations Excellent analysis using multiple theoretical sources, demonstrating excellent knowledge and understanding.  Excellent judgements and recommendations






Very good analysis using a very good range theoretical sources, demonstrating  very good knowledge and understanding.  Very good judgements and recommendations Good analysis using a satisfactory number of theoretical sources, demonstrating good knowledge and understanding.  Satisfactory judgements and recommendations Satisfactory analysis of using a very limited theoretical sources, demonstrating weak knowledge and understanding.  Weak judgements and recommendations Unsatisfactory analysis of using very few/no theoretical sources, demonstrating poor knowledge and understanding.  Poor judgements and recommendations
(Section 3)

Critical evaluation of to “expert’s” and Client’s Facebook/Instagram page and activity.


Reflect and evaluate details of the strengths and weaknesses of their Facebook/Instagram activity; using deductive skills the social media metrics will be critically reviewed, reflected upon and assumptions made from data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2.


20% of the total mark

Outstanding, precise evaluation of the expert and Client Facebook/Instagram page and activities supported by data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2. Excellent comprehensive and precise evaluation of the expert and Client Facebook/Instagram page and activities supported by data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2. Very good evaluation of the expert and Client Facebook/Instagram page and activities supported by data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2. Good background of

evaluation of the expert and Client Facebook/Instagram page and activities supported by data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2.

Satisfactory evaluation of the expert and Client Facebook/Instagram page and activities supported by data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2. Superficial evaluation of the expert and Client Facebook/Instagram page and activities not fully supported by data gathered from Exhibits 1 and 2.
(Section 4)

Critically review the Facebook Communication Plan for the Client showcasing the breadth of Facebook Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations as shown in Exhibit 3.

10% of the total mark

Outstanding review the of the Communication plan for the Client.  Exceptional, commercially relevant discussion showcasing the breadth of Facebook/ Instagram Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations Excellent critical review the of the Communication plan for the Client.  Excellent discussion showcasing the breadth of Facebook/ Instagram Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations. Very good review the of the Communication plan for the Client.  Very good discussion showcasing the breadth of Facebook Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations. Good review the of the Communication plan for the Client.  Good discussion of the Facebook Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations.


Satisfactory review the of the Communication plan for the Client.  Satisfactory discussion of the Facebook Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations. Unsatisfactory review the of the Communication plan for the Client.  Limited and thus unsatisfactory discussion of the Facebook Goals and Sales/Marketing Messages recommendations.
(Section 5)

Critically reflect upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promotes a summer-time 20212 event/Masterclass for Client and the benefits for consumers and the Client; as shown in Exhibit 4.


10% of the total mark


Outstanding critical reflection upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promote an event/Masterclass for Client and the benefits for consumers and the Client. Excellent critical reflection upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promote an event/Masterclass for Client and the benefits for consumers and the Client. Very good critical reflection upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promote an event/Masterclass for Client and the benefits for consumers and the Client. Good reflection upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promote an event/Masterclass for Client and the benefits for consumers and the Client. Satisfactory reflection upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promotes an event/Masterclass for Client in a satisfactory manner.  Satisfactory information provided as to benefits for consumers and the Client. Unsatisfactory reflection/no reflection upon the Facebook/Instagram competition and advertisement that promotes an event/Masterclass.  The promotional activities are not clear/conducive for Client and the benefits.  Unsatisfactory explanation of the benefits for consumers and the Client.
Presentation and appearance of the final document. Quality of writing, structure of overall document and quality of supporting Harvard system of referencing.

10% of the total mark




Word Counts

You must not exceed the stated word count. Any text included over and above the stated maximum word count will not be marked. You may write anything up to the stated maximum word count.  If your word count falls significantly below it, you should review your work to check that you have responded to all areas of the marking criteria.



Referencing is an important part of academic work and we expect you to reference your work correctly. If your work is not referenced correctly, you will have marks deducted for this. The penalty for this is up to 10 marks for every piece of work. If you have more than 6 marks deducted for poor referencing your work will be reviewed for a suspected breach of academic integrity (see Understanding Your Assessment Responsibilities and Section 10 of the Academic Regulations).



Feedback on Your Assessments

Feedback forms a large part of your learning experience and is vital to your personal and professional development.

Whatever your academic level, building on your feedback is vital. Noting and acting on feedback is key to independent learning, continued progress and long-term success.


Your tutor will provide written feedback for your written work via email.  Your work will be assessed against the published assessment criteria and the assessment brief.   Your feedback will highlight areas where you have strengths and there will also be feedback and advice on areas that need improvement.  Please read and reflect on the comments as they will help you learn what you are good at and areas that need developing.  Feedback for this assignment helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses in this assessment which can then be developed for other assessments.


Understanding Your Assessment Responsibilities

Extenuating Circumstances and Mitigation

If you are experiencing problems which are adversely affecting your ability to study (called ‘extenuating circumstances’), then you can apply for mitigation.  You can find full details of how to apply for mitigation at:

The University operates a fit to sit/fit to submit approach to extenuating circumstances which means students who take their assessment are declaring themselves fit to do so.  More information is available at the above link and here:

Late Submission

Without any form of extenuating circumstances, standard penalties apply for late submission of assessed work.  Full details of the penalties for late submission of course work are available at

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a fundamental principle within the University and is strongly linked to good academic practice.  All assessments must be submitted with due attention to issues of academic integrity, expression, and good academic practice, including clarity in grammar, semantics and syntax.

Any suspected breach of academic integrity will be investigated by the University and could have serious consequences on your studies.  Breaches of academic integrity include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating.  Definitions and the potential consequences of an admitted or found breach of academic integrity are detailed in the Academic Regulations at:

There are a range of resources available to help you understand what is and what is not permitted and how to use other people’s ideas in your assessed work.   These include the LBU Academic Integrity tutorial, which is available on Academic Integrity Tutorial for 2023/24 and the Skills for Learning website which you can access here An Academic Integrity Factsheet for Students is available to view at:


Your Feedback on the Module

A mid-module review will be timetabled into your module.  This is an opportunity to resolve modular issues promptly early on in the module.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback formally at the end of your module-.  These comments will be reviewed by your course team and some may be considered via the course monitoring and enhancement process, in which your Course Representative is involved.





2023_24 Module Handbook – L5 – Marketing and Communications for Hospitality – FINAL(2) 3