marketing courses Assignment

Course Work Guide – Template – This is just a guide to help you to do your CW.

  • Following the template does not mean a sure pass.
  • Proper research and demonstration of understanding of CB is required to secure a good passing grade
  • Students must achieve the learning outcomes to pass the CW



  1. Introduction to CB – Do an overview of what is CB and its impact on Marketing strategy (4Ps) – Generic 4ps – half a page.


  1. Describe about the productThe Brand, and Specific Model

Briefly explain the target market for the product


Eg: HDB 4 ROOM flat in Tampines. HDB is a general housing form the most majority of Singaporeans.


  1. Internal Factor – Academic Research – Choose only ONE See the brown box and the red box.


For the chosen factor, chose a particular model and explain in detail the following:

  • Identify the name of the model if there is Eg: Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
  • Explain how the model works
  • State any underlying assumption for the model if there is any
  • Any Critique about the model – what are some of the ‘flaws’ or ‘positive’ contribution


Above information can be found in journals, magazines and Google scholar.



  1. External Factor – Academic Research – Choose only ONE FACTOR from the blue box.


For the chosen factor, chose a particular model and explain in detail the following:

  • Identify the name of the model if there is Eg: G Hostefede Cultural Model
  • Explain how the model works
  • State any underlying assumption for the model if there is any
  • Any Critique about the model – what are some of the ‘flaws’ or ‘positive’ contribution


Above information can be found in journals, magazines and Google scholar







  1. (a) (i)       Decision Making Process – Explain the 5 stages of decision                     making process linking it to the chosen product. The 5 stages                     must be clearly identified and explained

(ii)      Application of Internal and External Factors to Decision                       Making Process – Discuss how the 2 chosen factors in (3) and                     (4) above can influence decision making and at which stage and                     how

          (b)      Application of CB factors to Marketing Strategies – Explain how                     firms/marketers can use the information in (3) and (4) to formulate their              marketing strategies (4Ps). Here you need to demonstrate how the                               theory is link to real marketing practices



  1. Conclusion


  1. Reference List



Revised 2 Coursework Template -April 2024