MGT805 Applied Management 1 | P a g e


© Southern Institute of Technology 2022

Project Brief 3




Activity Title: Assignment 4: Annotated bibliography
Paper Number and Title: MGT805 Applied ManagementLevel 8, Credits 30
Learning Outcome: number(s) LO6. Investigate and analyse emerging themes and contemporary issues in management practices.
Conditions: This is a compulsory assignment and counts towards your final result for this paperType of Assignment: IndividualAssignment Prep: Course materials and readings Weeks 14-17



Due date: Monday 6pm, Week 17, via Blackboard


Contribution: 20%


Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%) excluding referencing


References: 6 or more academically relevant source is recommended to be used to support your work


Style: Annotated Bibliography Qualification outcome expectations


Research and referencing: You are required to engage in some research into the theories or concepts underpinning this topic and use other relevant sources beyond the provided reading material in order to successfully complete this assignment. Ensure you are choosing relevant academic sources and using them well to support your arguments. Ensure you include citations and a full reference list using the latest APA v7 guidelines.


Presentation guidelines: Work is expected to be word-processed and submitted as a Word document or PDF, using a clear, readable font and to be within 10% of the given word count (excluding any referencing). Include your name, student number and the paper code and assignment number as a header or footer. Reports should include headings or subheadings as required. Essays should include an introduction, body and conclusion. Spellchecking (NZ English) and proofreading of work prior to submission is strongly encouraged.


MGT805 Applied Management 2 | P a g e


© Southern Institute of Technology 2022


Assessment Task


Research on the emerging themes and contemporary issues in the field of applied (strategic) management. Based on your research, develop a question to answer relating to current applied (strategic) management practices. To answer the question, investigate current literature on emerging themes and contemporary issues in applied (strategic) management practices and write an annotated bibliography. From this annotated bibliography, create a new question to deepen your original research question that has emerged from analysis of the articles.


The annotated bibliography must be based on six current and relevant articles published in the last five years. You must write a separate annotation of no more than 400 words for each article. Each annotation should include a citation, a concise summary of the article, and a brief reflection on the relevance and potential usefulness of the article for your future research.


You may refer to the following link for guidelines on an annotated bibliography


Please take note of the following additional requirements:


a. The annotated bibliography should be approximately 1500 words + 10%. This does not include the cover


page and references.


b. You can choose the articles to annotate from any renounced journal articles. The best way is to


access the online database and journals from your library. Note: You must refer to only those


journal articles published in the last five years.


c. Upload your assessment via SafeAssign on the blackboard and drop a hard copy of your assessment in a


class by the due date and time.


d. The annotated bibliography must be:


Typed and spell checked.


Font type and size should be Arial, 10 pt with 1.5 lines spacing


Margins at 2.5cm.


Properly stapled or bound with page numbers.


Word count provided at the end of the bibliography


e. Refer to the following page for the marking schedule.


MGT805 Applied Management 3 | P a g e © Southern Institute of Technology 2022


ASSESSMENT 3 Marking Schedule Student Name:


Criteria Grade E (0-39) Grade D (40-49) Grade C (50-64) Grade B (65-79) Grade A (80-100) Mark
Embark and clarify Poor (or not) coverage of important session of the annotated exercise. Lacks focus with some inaccuracies and important sections lacking development. Satisfactory coverage of the parts of the annotated exercise Good coverage of all parts of the annotated exercise. Succinct coverage of all parts of the annotated exercise. /10
Find and generate Unrelated/irrelevant information, identification of ideas and themes is disjointed. Little/no attempt to link/connect ideas. Information, identification of ideas and themes is disjointed. Little/no attempt to link/connect ideas.Directly copying and pasting the information from the course materials main source of information; and/or many questionable sources. Identifies Some relevant ideas or themes.Some areas lack development. Heavy reliance on readings, some questionable sources identified Elicits and fleshes out most key themes & relevant ideas. Holistic understanding & ideas coherently linked, Comprehensive selection of relevant, credible sources of information. Elicits and fleshes out all themes & relevant ideas.Holistic understanding & ideas coherently linked, Comprehensive selection of relevant, credible sources of information. /20
Evaluate and reflect No discussion of limitations, no evidence of understanding of strengths and weaknesses Lacks theoretical analysis No critical reflection. Less discussion of limitations, no evidence of understanding of strengths and weaknesses Little theoretical analysisLittle critical reflection. Some reference to limitations, strengths and weaknesses Satisfactorily treatment of literature analysisFair understanding with some attempt at reflection. Good understanding of limitations, strengths and weaknesses of the scope of the literature.Critical theoretical analysis of discourseHigh level of understanding and critical reflection Excellent understanding of limitations, strengths and weaknesses of the scope of the literature.Critical theoretical analysis of discourseExcellent understanding and critical reflection /20
Organise and manage Very poor or no development and connection between different articles, repetition of information and/or main purpose and rationale is unclear. Poor development, repetition, long/ short paragraphs and/or main purpose and rationale is unclear.Very little apparent sequence or relational value to themes/ ideas. Fair understanding of the ideas and well linked to the ideas/themes.Fair attempt at concept mapping Concept paper is good and well linked to main research question and emergent key ideas.Good level of concept mapping of topic area and ideas linked cohesively Concept paper is fluid and well linked to main research question and emergent key ideasEvidence of high-level concept mapping of topic area and ideas linked cohesively /20
Analyse and synthesise Very poor or no analysis.Very poor or no analysis of data, presentation of facts, and/or no interrogation of information. Very poor or no personal standpoint and/or summary. No evidence of high-level thinking and has not recognised the potential for the creation of new knowledge/ideas. Incomplete, and less analysis. Less analysis of data, presentation of facts, and/or no interrogation of information. Little personal standpoint and/or summary.No evidence of high-level thinking and has not recognised the potential for the creation of new knowledge/ideas. Some surface analysis of literatureLimited/Technical analysis and interpretation.Fair positioning of personal/creative synthesis Some middle range analysis evident with new knowledge/ideas alluded to but not overtly stipulated. Good analysis of literature selectedLogical reasoning applied to high level analysis/ interpretation. Clearly summarising the information.Annotations already beginning to show movement towards uncovering of new knowledge/ ideas. Comprehensive analysis of literature selectedLogical reasoning applied to high level analysis/ interpretation. Reasoned personal standpoints in summarising information. Annotations already beginning to show movement towards uncovering of new knowledge/ ideas. /20


MGT805 Applied Management 4 | P a g e © Southern Institute of Technology 2022


Communicate and apply ethically Very poor writing style and similarity % > 35%. Many referencing/ bibliographical errors and may not include a bibliography. High similarity, many referencing/ bibliographical errors and may not include a bibliography.Long, confusing, off-topic headers. Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors affect the overall flow/quality of the paper. Within word limit but writing style informal/ inconsistent. Several errors in referencing & bibliography.Long/vague subheadings; common grammatical, spelling & punctuation errors. Within word limit. Good academic writing style. Few errors in APA 6 referencing style & in-text citation and bibliography.Appropriate titles/sub-headings, few errors in grammar, spelling & punctuation. Within word limit. Appropriate/formal academic writing style.Consistent APA 6 referencing style & proper in-text citation and bibliography.Appropriate titles/sub-headings, few errors in grammar, spelling & punctuation. /10
Overall Comments
FINAL MARK 20% /100


A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D E
90-100% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% 55-59% 50-54% 40-49% 0-39%