MGT805 Applied Management 1 | P a g e


© Southern Institute of Technology 2022


Project Brief 2




Activity Title: Assignment 3: Research Report and Presentation
Paper Number and Title: MGT805 Applied ManagementLevel 8, Credits 30
Learning Outcome: number(s) LO5. Present a business case and change management approach for implementing a new strategy, organisational change or a new product/service in an organisation.LO6. Review approaches to measuring strategic organisation performance and formulate appropriate measures in practice.
Conditions: This is a compulsory assignment and counts towards your final result for this paperType of Assignment: Individual/ PairsAssignment Prep: Course materials and readings Weeks 10-12



Due date: Monday 6 pm, Week 13, via Blackboard


Contribution: 30%


Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, table of contents, appendix, and references References: a minimum of 15 academically relevant sources should be used to support your work Style: Report


Qualification outcome expectation


Research and referencing: You are required to engage in some research into the theories or concepts underpinning this topic and use other relevant sources beyond the provided reading material in order to successfully complete this assignment. Ensure you are choosing relevant academic sources and using them well to support your arguments. Ensure you include citations and a full reference list using the latest APA v7 guidelines.


Presentation guidelines: Work is expected to be word-processed and submitted as a Word document or PDF, using a clear, readable font and to be within 10% of the given word count (excluding any referencing). Include your name, student number and the paper code and assignment number as a header or footer. Reports should include headings or subheadings as required. Spellchecking (NZ English) and proofreading of work prior to submission is strongly encouraged.


MGT805 Applied Management 2 | P a g e


© Southern Institute of Technology 2022


Assessment Task One: Report (Individual/ in pairs) (75 Marks)


Write a report based on a specific business case that involves introducing and implementing a new strategy, process, or product/ service.


The report is to document the business case and specific implementation considerations. Include measures for reviewing strategic organisation performance and apply those to the new strategy, process or product/ service. Your report must include the following elements.


Business overview and introduction to change (select one type of change only)


Evaluation of two strategic options for change (e.g., Porters generic strategy, cost leadership,


differentiation), focus (cost focus, differentiation focus), Grand strategies (concentration,


diversification, defensive, other)


Analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change


Evaluation of change management strategies


Assessment of strategic organisational performance post-change implementation using two models


(e.g., strategy evaluation assessment matrix, balanced scorecard, auditing, Porter’s five forces, VIRO,


and any other relevant models).


MGT805 Applied Management 3 | P a g e


© Southern Institute of Technology 2022


Please take note of the following additional requirements:


a. Your report should be 2500 words ± 10%. The specified word count does not include the cover page,


references and any other supporting evidence. Additional supporting documents can be attached to the


report as Appendices.


b. Upload your assessment to the blackboard.


c. Marks are awarded for Report Format and Presentation. The report must be in the following structure:


Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Business overview, Strategic options for change,


Drivers and resistance to change, Change management strategies, Assessment of strategic organisational


performance, Appendices and Reference List.


d. Report specifications are to follow the below:


Typed and spell checked.


Font type and size should be Arial, 10 pt with 1.5 lines spacing


Margins at 2.5cm.


Properly stapled or bound with page numbers.


Your cover page should have the Report title, individual (pair) name, and student ID numbers.


Word count should be included on the cover page.


e. Refer to the marking rubric given after two pages.


MGT805 Applied Management 4 | P a g e


© Southern Institute of Technology 2022


Task Two: Video Presentation (Individual / in Pairs) (25 Marks)


You are required to present and record your findings in a video presentation from Task One and upload it to the blackboard. The presentation must be ten minutes (+/- 10%). Note: Any presentation above 11 minutes will not be assessed.


The presentation will be individually assessed.


The presentation will be assessed on the following criteria:


Assessed on logical sequencing, professional presentation, time management, effectiveness and


persuasiveness of the presentation


Assessed on communication, including articulation, tone and pace, body language, grammar and choice


of words.


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ASSESSMENT 2 Marking Schedule Student Name:


Criteria Grade E (0-39) Grade D (40-49) Grade C (50-64) Grade B (65-79) Grade A (80-100) Mark
Business overview and introduction to change Very poor or no overview of the business and introduction to the change provided. Limited overview of the business and introduction to the change provided. Overview may include, but is not limited to mission/ vision, history, product/ service and industry. Adequate overview of the business and introduction to the change provided. Overview may include, but is not limited to mission/ vision, history, product/ service and industry. Good overview of the business and introduction to the change provided. Overview may include, but is not limited to mission/ vision, history, product/ service and industry. Excellent overview of the business and introduction to the change provided. Overview may include, but is not limited to mission/ vision, history, product/ service and industry. /10
Evaluation of two strategic options Very poor or no evaluation of the strategic options. The evaluation has limited relevance to the context and is not supported by research/ evidence. Limited evaluation of the strategic options. The evaluation has limited relevance to the context and is poorly supported by research/ evidence. Adequate evaluation of the strategic options. The evaluation is somewhat relevant to the context and is somewhat supported by research/ evidence. Good evaluation of the strategic options. The evaluation is mostly relevant to the context and is mostly supported by research/ evidence. Excellent evaluation of the strategic options. The evaluation is highly relevant to the context and is highly supported by research/ evidence. /15
Analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change Very poor or no analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change. The analysis has no relevance to the change and is poorly supported by research/ evidence. Limited analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change. The analysis has limited relevance to the change and is poorly supported by research/ evidence. Adequate analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change. The analysis is somewhat relevant to the change and is somewhat supported by research/ evidence. Good analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change. The analysis is mostly relevant to the change and is mostly supported by research/ evidence. Excellent analysis of drivers of change and resistance to change. The analysis is highly relevant to the change and is highly supported by research/ evidence. /15
Evaluation of change management strategies Very poor or no evaluation of the change management strategies. The evaluation is not supported by research/ evidence. Limited evaluation of the change management strategies. The evaluation is narrowly supported by research/ evidence. Adequate evaluation of the change management strategies. The evaluation is somewhat supported by research/ evidence. Good evaluation of the change management strategies. The evaluation is mostly supported by research/ evidence. Excellent evaluation of the change management strategies. The evaluation is highly supported by research/ evidence. /10
Assessment of strategic organisational performance post change implementation using two models Very poor or no assessment of strategic organisational performance post change implementation. No models has been used to discuss evaluate the post change implementation. Limited assessment of strategic organisational performance post change implementation. The models selected have limited relevance to the context and the assessment is poorly supported by research/ evidence. Adequate assessment of strategic organisational performance post change implementation. The models selected are somewhat relevant to the context and the assessment is somewhat supported by research/ evidence. Good assessment of strategic organisational performance post change implementation. The models selected are mostly relevant to the context and the assessment is mostly supported by research/ evidence. Excellent assessment of strategic organisational performance post change implementation. The models selected are highly relevant to the context and the assessment is highly supported by research/ evidence. /15


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Format and presentation Very poor report format, major elements are missing.Major problems with spelling, grammar and academic conventions, skills in written communication need work urgently. Does not achieve appropriate report format, some elements are missing.Major problems with spelling, grammar and academic conventions, skills in written communication need work urgently. Report format attempted, but effective structure not achieved, overall structure needs workEditing for relevance of content needs work, logical sequencing of ideas needs work Partially conforms to spelling, grammar conventions, inconsistencies / inappropriateness in style, formatting and tone, skills in written communication need work. Report format generally successfully achieved, but requires refinement, overall structure reasonably effective Articulation of relevance of content reasonably effective, logical sequencing of ideas reasonably effective Generally, conforms to spelling, grammar conventions; minor errors.Generally appropriate style and tone, solid skills in written communication. Highly effective report construction, highly effective structure Effective articulation of relevance of content, logical and coherent sequencing of ideas Consistently accurate spelling and grammar, consistently appropriate style and tone, well -to highly-developed skills in written communication. /5
Citation and references Very limited or no referencing attempted, or none follows APA guidelines. Less than 5 authoritative sources providedMany references were inconsistent between the text and the list; several errors in the reference list and intext citation. Between 5 and 7 authoritative sources provided.Some references were inconsistent between the text and the list; in text citation and reference list with some errors. Between 8 and 10 authoritative sources provided.Referencing and citation style was consistent between the text and the list; reference list with very few minor errors More than 10 authoritative sources providedReferencing and citation style were correct and consistent between the list and the text; reference list completely concise without errors. /5
Task 2: Oral Presentation
PresentationAssessed on logical sequencing, professional presentation, time management, effectiveness and persuasiveness of presentation Rambling, unfocussed, disorganised, unrelated presentation. Message was quite unclear and runs over time or too brief. Rambling, disorganised, poorly connected presentation. Message was vague and runs over time or too brief. Mostly focused presentation: message was mostly clear and kept almost to the time. Well-structured presentation with clear structure, proper timing and mostly effective and persuasive presentation. Message was clear. Professionally delivered presentation with clear structured, proper timing, effective and persuasive Tightly focused; Well structured, theme is clear; /10


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Assessed on communication including articulation, tone and pace, body language, grammar and choice of words. No eye contact focusing on a small part of the camera.Poor word choice. The presenter was difficult to understand. Inappropriate body language. Minimal eye contact focusing on a small part of the camera.Limited word choice.The presenters spoke too quickly or quietly making it difficult to understand.Disinterested body language. Presenter focused on only part of the camera. Sporadic eye contact, poor word choice. Speakers could be heard by only half of the audience.Body language was distracting. Good communication; steady eye contact on the camera, correct word choice. Presenters spoke at a suitable volume.Some fidgeting by member(s). Regular/constant eye contact on the camera. Appropriate speaking volume, tone & body language. /15
Overall Comments
FINAL MARK 30% /100


A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D E
90-100% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% 55-59% 50-54% 40-49% 0-39%