Microsoft MSSQL Test


Database Test


Version 1




Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2


Revision History ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3


1. Install MSSQL Express …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4


2. Download Database Sample ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4


4. Questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6


Question 1 – Basic ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6


Question 3 – Advanced …………………………………………………………………………………………… 7


Question 4 – Intermediate ………………………………………………………………………………………. 8


Question 11 – Basic ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9


Question 12 – Basic ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9


Question 13 – Basic ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9


Question 14 – Intermediate …………………………………………………………………………………… 10


Question 15 – Intermediate …………………………………………………………………………………… 10


Question 21 – Intermediate …………………………………………………………………………………… 10


Question 22 – Intermediate …………………………………………………………………………………… 11


Question 61 – Basic ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11


Question 62 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 12


Question 63 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 12


Question 64 – Intermediate …………………………………………………………………………………… 13


Question 91 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14


Question 92 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15


Question 93 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16


Question 96 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 17


Question 98 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 18


Question 100 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………… 19


Question 101 – Advanced ……………………………………………………………………………………… 20


Revision History


Author Date Version Notes
Simon Abi Saad 15/7/2023 1 Creation of initial version


1. Install MSSQL Express


Note: Please download and install Express version and install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).


2. Download Database Sample


3. Restore Database


After restoring database, you can connect and test running a query


4. Questions


Question 1 – Basic


Write a SQL Statement that will give you a count of each object type in the AdventureWorks database. Order by count descending.




Use the sys.objects table


Question 2 – Intermediate


a. Write a SQL Statement that will show a count of schemas, tables, and columns (do not


include views) in the AdventureWorks database.


b. Write a similar statement as part a but list each schema, table, and column (do not


include views). This table can be used later in the course.




Either use sys.tables to join sys.columns and sys.schemas.


Or use information_schema.columns, but you will need to remove the view tables (Use information_schema.views).


Question 3 – Advanced


We learned in question 1 that 89 check constraints exist in the AdventureWorks Database. In this question we are going to determine what the check constraints are doing while creating a new database and table.


a. Create a new database called “Edited_AdventureWorks” (we are creating another database so we don’t overwrite or change the AdventureWorks database). Then write a USE statement to connect to the new database.


b. Using the following tables – sys.check_constraints, sys.tables, and sys.columns to


write a query that will give you TableName, ColumnName, CheckConstraintName, and




c. Create a table named “tbl_CheckConstraint” in the “Edited_AdventureWorks”


database with the following columns and data types:


TableName varchar(100) ColumnName varchar(100) CheckConsraint varchar(250) Definition varchar(500) ConstraintLevel varchar(100)


d. Using the query in part b insert the data into “tbl_CheckConstraint”


e. Using a case statement write an update statement (update ConstraintLevel) that will


specify whether the constraint is assigned to the column or the table.


f. Once you’re done interpreting the results drop the tbl_CheckConstraint table




a. Because we are now connected to Edited_AdventureWorks we must fully qualify


AdventureWorks2019 in our From


i.e., Select * From AdventureWorks2019.sys.tables


b. — tables.object_id = check_constraints.parent_object_id


— Use a left join to join sys.columns to sys.check_constraints. (we want all 89 constraints/rows)


— sys.columns and sys.check_constraints have to be joined on two columns: columns.column_id = check_constraints.parent_column_id columns.object_id = check_constraints.parent_object_id


e. If the ColumnName is null in our created table then the constraint is assigned to the


table not the column.


Question 4 – Intermediate


This is a difficult question; however, the results will be used in majority of the questions moving forward. There is plenty of background to get you started; however, don’t become overwhelmed by it. If you’re struggling then move on to the Hint and the video explanation.


We learned in Question 1 that there are 71 tables in the AdventureWorks Database. We can also see these tables in our entity relationship diagram (ERD). These tables are connected via primary keys and foreign keys. For example, in the Sales.SalesOrderHeader table there is a foreign key on the CurrencyRateID. This Foreign key is connected to the primary key in the Sales.CurrencyRate table. Therefore, when we connect these two tables together we will use the CurrencyRateID from both tables. The name of this Foreign Key in the AdventureWorks database is “FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID”. We also know which Schema, Table, and Column join to the referenced Schema, referenced Table, and referenced column. (See Below)


ForeignKeyName: FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID SchemaName: Sales


TableName: SalesOrderHeader ColumnName: CurrencyRateID ReferencedSchema: Sales ReferencedTable: CurrencyRate ReferencedColumn: CurrencyRateID


In this question you will replicate the 7 columns above (ForeignKeyName, SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName, ReferencedSchema, ReferencedTable, Referenced Column) for every Foreign Key in the AdventureWorks database.




Here are the Joins necessary to answer this question: FROM sys.foreign_key_columns FKC


INNER JOIN sys.objects O ON O.object_id = FKC.constraint_object_id INNER JOIN sys.tables T1 ON T1.object_id = FKC.parent_object_id INNER JOIN sys.tables T2 ON T2.object_id = FKC.referenced_object_id


INNER JOIN sys.columns C1 ON C1.column_id = parent_column_id AND C1.object_id = T1.object_id


INNER JOIN sys.columns C2 ON C2.column_id = referenced_column_id AND C2.object_id = T2.object_id


INNER JOIN sys.schemas S1 ON T1.schema_id = S1.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas S2 ON T2.schema_id = S2.schema_id


Question 11 – Basic


a. How many employees exist in the Database?


b. How many of these employees are active employees?


c. How many Job Titles equal the ‘SP’ Person type?


d. How many of these employees are sales people?




Use the HumanResources.Employee Table and the Person.Person Table


Question 12 – Basic


a. What is the name of the CEO? Concatenate first and last name.


b. When did this person start working for AdventureWorks c. Who reports to the CEO? Includes their names and title Hint:


Join HumanResources.Employee to Person.Person


Question 13 – Basic


a. What is the job title for John Evans


b. What department does John Evans work in?




Use EmployeeDepartmentHistory to join Employee and Department


Question 14 – Intermediate


a. Which Purchasing vendors have the highest credit rating?


b. Using a case statement replace the 1 and 0 in Vendor.PreferredVendorStatus to


“Preferred” vs “Not Preferred.” How many vendors are considered Preferred?


c. For Active Vendors only, do Preferred vendors have a High or lower average credit




d. How many vendors are active and Not Preferred?




a. use the Vendor table


c. Cast CreditRating as a decimal


Question 15 – Intermediate


Assume today is August 15, 2014.


a. Calculate the age for every current employee. What is the age of the oldest




b. What is the average age by Organization level? Show answer with a single decimal


c. Use the ceiling function to round up d. Use the floor function to round down Hint:


use the DATEDIFF Function


Question 21 – Intermediate


AdventureWorks works with customers, employees and business partners all over the globe. The accounting department needs to be sure they are up-to-date on Country and State tax rates.


a. Pull a list of every country and state in the database.


b. Includes tax rates.


c. There are 181 rows when looking at countries and states, but once you add tax rates


the number of rows increases to 184. Why is this?


d. Which location has the highest tax rate?




a. Start by using the StateProvince table


b. Use a left join when joining SalesTaxRate to StateProvince


c. Find the countries/states that have more than 1 tax rate


Question 22 – Intermediate


The Marketing Department has never ran ads in the United Kingdom and would like you pull a list of every individual customer (PersonType = IN) by country.


a. How many individual (retail) customers exist in the person table?


b. Show this breakdown by country


c. What percent of total customers reside in each country. For Example, if there are 1000 total customers and 200 live in the United States then 20% of the customers live in the United States.




b. Be sure the total retail customers found in part a doesn’t change as you join tables.


c. Multiple ways to do this. Try using an Inner Query


Question 61 – Basic


You’ve been asked my Brian Welcker, VP of Sales, to create a sales report for him. This scenario is true for questions 61, 62, 63, and 64.


Write a script that will show the following Columns


– BusinessEntityID


– Sales Person Name – Include Middle


– SalesTerritory Name


– SalesYTD from Sales.SalesPerson


Order by SalesYTD desc Hint:


— Join Person.Person and SalesTerritory to SalesPerson — Add Coalesce to Middle Name


Question 62 – Advanced


You’ve been asked my Brian Welcker, VP of Sales, to create a sales report for him. This scenario is true for questions 61, 62, 63, and 64.


Complete Question 61 before attempting this question. In Question 61 we wrote the script below:


Select sp.BusinessEntityID


,Concat(FirstName,COALESCE (‘ ‘ + MiddleName, ”),’ ‘,LastName) as FullName ,isnull(st.Name,’No Territory’) as TerritoryName


,Format(sp.SalesYTD,’C0′) as SalesYTD From Sales.SalesPerson sp


Inner Join Person.Person p on p.BusinessEntityID = sp.BusinessEntityID Left Join Sales.SalesTerritory st on st.TerritoryID = sp.TerritoryID


Order by sp.SalesYTD desc Add three columns to this script.


1. Rank each Sales Person’s SalesYTD to all the sales persons. The highest


SalesYTD will be rank number 1


2. Rank each Sales Person’s SalesYTD to the sales persons in their territory.


The highest SalesYTD in the territory will be rank number 1


3. Create a Percentile for each sales person compared to all the sales people.


The highest SalesYTD will be in the 100th percentile Hint:


1. Rank() Over(Order by [order_by_clause])


2. Rank() Over(Partition by [partition_by_clause] Order by [order_by_clause])


3. Percent_Rank() Over(Order by [order_by_clause])


Question 63 – Advanced


You’ve been asked my Brian Welcker, VP of Sales, to create a sales report for him. This scenario is true for questions 61, 62, 63, and 64.


Complete Question 62 before attempting this question.


In Question 62 we wrote the script below: Select




,Concat(FirstName,COALESCE (‘ ‘ + MiddleName, ”),’ ‘,LastName) as FullName ,isnull(st.Name,’No Territory’) as TerritoryName


,Format(sp.SalesYTD,’C0′) as SalesYTD


,RANK() Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD desc) as TotalRank


,RANK() Over(Partition by st.Name Order by sp.SalesYTD desc) as TerritoryRank ,Format(PERCENT_RANK() Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD asc),’P0′) as TotalPercentRank


From Sales.SalesPerson sp


Inner Join Person.Person p on p.BusinessEntityID = sp.BusinessEntityID Left Join Sales.SalesTerritory st on st.TerritoryID = sp.TerritoryID


Order by sp.SalesYTD desc Add Four columns to this script.


1. Using the Lag function show the value one rank below. The highest SalesYTD


will show the value of the second rank.


2. Using the Lag function show the BusinessEntityID one rank below. The highest


SalesYTD will show the BusinessEntityID of the second rank3. Using the Lead function show the value one rank above. The highest SalesYTD


will show a null value (no rank is higher)


4. Using the Lead function show the value 1 rank above. The highest SalesYTD


will show a null value (no rank is higher) Hint:


1 & 2. Lag(column,[offest],[default]) Over(Order by [order_by_clause])


3 & 4. Lead(column,[offest],[default]) Over(Order by [order_by_clause])


Question 64 – Intermediate


You’ve been asked my Brian Welcker, VP of Sales, to create a sales report for him. This scenario is true for questions 61, 62, 63, and 64.


Complete Question 63 before attempting this question.


In Question 63 we wrote the script below: Select




,Concat(FirstName,COALESCE (‘ ‘ + MiddleName, ”),’ ‘,LastName) as FullName ,isnull(st.Name,’No Territory’) as TerritoryName


,Format(sp.SalesYTD,’C0′) as SalesYTD


,RANK() Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD desc) as TotalRank


,RANK() Over(Partition by st.Name Order by sp.SalesYTD desc) as TerritoryRank ,Format(PERCENT_RANK() Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD asc),’P0′) as TotalPercentRank ,Format(Lag(sp.SalesYTD,1,null) Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD),’C0′) as LagValue ,Format(Lag(sp.BusinessEntityID,1,null) Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD),’N0′) as LagID ,Format(Lead(sp.SalesYTD,1,null) Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD),’C0′) as LeadValue ,Format(Lead(sp.BusinessEntityID,1,null) Over(Order by sp.SalesYTD),’N0′) as LeadID


From Sales.SalesPerson sp


Inner Join Person.Person p on p.BusinessEntityID = sp.BusinessEntityID Left Join Sales.SalesTerritory st on st.TerritoryID = sp.TerritoryID


Order by sp.SalesYTD desc


Rather than sending Brian a flat file you are going to put this script into a view called Sales.vSalesPersonSalesYTD. Be sure to delete the view when you are done with this question.




Create View As [Insert View Script]


Question 91 – Advanced


There are 290 employees that work for AdventureWorks. Leadership would like to ensure that wish their employees Happy Birthday on their actual Birthday.


a. Using a Cross Join (Do not use any other join for practice purposes), write a statement


that will give a list of all 290 employees FullName, Birthdate, and Age.


b. Add a where clause that will use the GetDate() Function to limit employees that have


a Birthday today.


*Note: My Getdate() date will most likely be different than yours. Hint:


a. Use a Cross Join and where BusinessEntityID are the same. Also, Use DateDiff for Age


b. Use Month() and Day() to find Today’s Birthdates.


Question 92 – Advanced


Batching using a while loop is an effective way to improve performance when working with large datasets. Although in this question we will not be working with a large dataset we will be creating a while loop. We are going to create a table with two columns – SalesOrderHeader.Orderdate and TotalDue… In other words this will give you Daily Gross Revenue. We are going to insert this data into a table in increments of 100. Below you will see a Create Table and Insert Into Statement:


Create Table Sales.DailyRevenue


(OrderDate Date ,TotalDue money)


Insert Into Sales.DailyRevenue


(OrderDate ,TotalDue)


Select OrderDate


,Sum(Totaldue) as TotalDue From Sales.SalesOrderHeader Group by OrderDate


Order by 1 desc


a. This insert statement is inserting 1,124 rows of data into Sales.DailyRevenue. Put this


statement into a while loop and only insert 100 rows at a time.


b. Print a message in the while loop that will give an update on what OrderDates were


inserted into the table. For Example, “Data Between May 2011 through September 2011






a. Use Local variables to define relevant dates


While condition Begin


Insert Into TableName (ColumnName1, ColumnName2)


Select Statement From TableName Where condition


Set Redefine Local variables End


b. Before Redefining Local Variables put your print message


Question 93 – Advanced


You’ve been asked to create a stored procedure that can be used for an online interface. This interface will allow customers to search for their Purchase History at AdventureWorks. When the customer inputs their phone number and account number into the online interface their will be able to see the products they purchased, the date it was ordered/purchased on, and the line total for each product.


a. Write a statement that includes the following elements:


– Person FullName (First and Last Name)


– Account Number


– Phone Number


– Order Date (SalesOrderHeader)


– Product Name


– Line Total


b. Put this statement into a stored procedure. Add two parameters to the stored


procedure – Account Number and Phone Number. These parameters will require input


variables in order to return the correct information.


c. Exec the Stored Procedure for the following Account Numbers and Phone numbers.


– Phone Number: 245-555-0173 Account Number ’10-4020-000001′


– Phone Number: 417-555-0131 Account Number ’10-4030-021762′


– Phone Number 620-555-0117 Account Number ’10-4020-000695′


d. Drop the Stored Procedure


Hint: b.


Create Procedure ProcedureName @Parameter1 datatype


as (Select Statement) c.


Exec ProcedureName @Parameter1 = ‘value’ d.


Drop Procedure ProcedureName


Question 96 – Advanced


If you run the query below you will find that 293 Products have undergone a price change.




Count(Distinct ProductID) CNT


From Production.ProductListPriceHistory


In this question we are going to determine how many of these 293 products have undergone more than one price change. We are going to figure this out using 3 different methods.


*Note: Results for a,b,c will all be the same.


a. Using an Inner Query determine how many products in ProductListPriceHistory have


experienced more than one price change.


b. Using a CTE determine how many products in ProductListPriceHistory have


experienced more than one price change.


c. Using a Self Join (Without using a CTE or Inner Query) determine how many products


in ProductListPriceHistory have experienced more than one price change.


Hint: a. Select




From (Inner Query) TableAlias b.


With CTEName as ( Query)


Select Columns


From CTE c.


Select Columns From Table1 a Inner Join Table1 b on =


Question 98 – Advanced


You will notice that the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table has three indexes: AK_SalesOrderDetail_rowguid


IX_SalesOrderDetail_ProductID PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID


a. Drop the first index – AK_SalesOrderDetail_rowguid


b. Drop the second index – IX_SalesOrderDetail_ProductID


c. Drop the third index – PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID


d. Recreate the first index – AK_SalesOrderDetail_rowguid


Here are the details: On the rowguid column Unique




e. Recreate the second index – IX_SalesOrderDetail_ProductID


Here are the details: On the ProductID column


Non-Unique Non-Clustered


f. Recreate the third index – PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID


Here are the details:


On the SalesOrderID and SalesOrderDetailID columns


Clustered Hint: a&b.


Drop Index IndexName on TableName


c. Drop the whole primary key:


Alter Table TableName


Drop Constraint ConstraintName d&e.


Create Index IndexName on TableName(ColumnName) f. Recreate the Primary Key: Alter Table TableName Add Constraint ConstraintName Primary Key (ColumnName)


Question 100 – Advanced


In Question 99 we practiced using a delete trigger. In this Question we are going to get familiar with the insert trigger.


a. Find the insert trigger on Production.WorkOrder. What is the name of this trigger?


b. What is this trigger doing?


c. Run the insert statement below:


INSERT INTO Production.WorkOrder (ProductID,OrderQty,ScrappedQty


,StartDate,EndDate,DueDate ,ScrapReasonID,ModifiedDate)


VALUES (680,1,0,’2014-06-03′ ,’2014-06-13′,’2014-06-14′ ,Null,’2014-06-15′)


d. We have now inserted a row of data into the WorkOrder table, which also


fired/triggered the trigger on Production.WorkOrder. Based on the trigger defintion the


newly insert data was also inserted into another table. Find the data that was insert


into the other table.


e. Delete the rows of data insert into both tables.


**If you accidently delete more rows then necessary then drop the AdventureWorks database and restore it again.




a. Find the insert trigger via object explorer


b. Once you find the trigger in object explorer then right click on the table “Script table


as” > “Create to” > “New Query Editor Window”


d. Find the table in the trigger script that also has data being insert into.




Delete From TableName Where ColumnName = condition


Question 101 – Advanced


In Question 99 we practiced using a delete trigger. And in Question 100 we practiced understanding an insert trigger. In this Question we are going to practice using an update trigger. However, in this question you will create a trigger that will update another column when fired.


a. Run this statement:


Select *


From HumanResources.Employee Where CurrentFlag = ‘0’


You will notice that every employee in the database is considered a current employee. We are going to create a Trigger for a that will update a departure date when the employee current flag is updated to “1”.


b. Write a statement that will add a column to the HumanResources.Employee table.


Call the column “DepartureDate.” Make it a date datatype.


c. Create a Trigger called HumanResources.uEmployee on the


HumanResources.Employee table. Have the trigger set the DepartureDate = GetDate()


when the current flag is updated to “0”.


d. Now set the current flag = 0 for BusinessEntityID 2. And check the DepartureDate in




e. Write a statement that will drop the trigger if it exists.


f. Add another step in the trigger that will set the DepartureDate to NULL if the current


flag is updated back to “1”


g. Drop the trigger


h. Delete the DepartureDate column


Hint: b.


Alter Table TableName Add ColumnName datatype c.


Create Trigger TriggerName


On TableName After Update As Begin


Set NoCount ON –Optional Update TableName


Set ColumnName = Update condition From TableName


End e.


Drop Trigger If Exists TriggerName


f. See hint c


g. Drop Trigger TriggerName h.


Alter Table TableName Drop Column ColumnName


SCJ_MSSQL_Database_Test (1)