Mid-19th Century American Lit Research

Be sure that your paper meets the assigned page requirements (at least 5 pages… 1 line on line 6), parentheticals and works cited page, using standard one-inch margins,

12-point font and double spacing. 2. It must cover the topic effectively and present a well-developed thesis, supported by evidence from primary and secondary sources. 3. It must in some way demonstrate an understanding of the development of scholarship on the topic— that is, the paper itself must incorporate in the text and notes an adequate discussion of the scholarly works on the subject. 4. Must include at least 6 outside sources (3 readings you chose and 3 journals, articles, etc you used to get other supporting information).

EACH ENTRY IN YOUR WORKS CITED MUST BE CORRECTLY CITED IN THE PAPER. 5. It must demonstrate mastery of the conventions of the discipline—i.e., the physical appearance of the paper, grammar, syntax, punctuation, etc.—in accordance with the MLA Manual of Style format and the citation guide. 6. Be sure to incorporate research from scholarly journals. 7. Pages, including Works Cited, must be numbered, starting on the first page of text. The first page of text of the paper should be page 1. 8. Carefully use spelling and grammar check built into word-processing programs. • SPECIFICALLY, THE RESEARCH PAPER IS GRADED ON: • title page (clarity, usefulness, accuracy) • title (usefulness, accuracy) • introduction (specificity, clarity, appeal) • thesis (clarity, initial presentation, use throughout paper, thoughtfulness, accuracy) • arguments/evidence (breadth, logic, quality, use) • organization (clarity, logic, consistency, within paragraphs, in overall paper) • focus • mechanics • sentence structure • punctuation (usage, spacing) • voice (avoidance of passive) • person (avoidance of first and second) • tense (logic, consistency) • spelling • proofreading • page numbering (in text, in notes, and in bibliography) • use of MLA Manual of Style • research (depth, breadth) • exploitation of sources (in notes, in text) • documentation (giving credit for ideas, facts, words) • documentation style • reference notes (first citations) • content notes (usefulness, accuracy, form) • format (parentheticals)) • quotations (appropriateness, logic, ellipses and brackets, identification of authors, punctuation, transition into text) • conclusion (thoughtfulness, appeal, appropriateness, usefulness My outline is: III. Expectations of The American Dream  “The American dream was regarded as a new beginning, a second chance.”  “From the early colonial period until the 1960s, even including the era of the great depression, working hard, thrift having faith in God was once believed to be the American dream.”  “In recent years, with the widening gap between rich and poor, with the gradual dwindling of the traditional middle class in American society, it even changed the core value of American dreams.”  “Amid industrialization and urbanization, many common Americans found solace in the tales of Horatio Alger, whose characters armed with the will of the American dream overcame adversity through hard work, perseverance, self-reliance, and self-discipline.”  “In the depths of the Great Depression, not many Americans discarded their dream. And it even became a “shared dream” when President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act of 1935.”  “Consumerism, especially easy consumer credit deprives the American dream of its fundamental principles like working hard, thrift, perseverance, and self-discipline. Many people believe in striking rich and luck.”  “The increasingly huge gap between the rich and poor distorted the true color of the American dream.”  “He discovered that the conventional symbol associated with the American dream is challenged and people put a question mark in their mind about the true identity of the American dream.” IV. Reality of The American Dream  “Today, a better and fuller life is often viewed in terms of economic and material prosperity such as buying your dream house or car.”  “The focus on materialism and consumption has decreased people’s ability to be satisfied. Americans work so hard for material gain that they often are unable to find joy and excitement in their lives. James Truslow Adams described it best, writing: “We forgot to live, in the struggle to ‘make a living’” (406).”  “The data shows that the dream of rising to the top economically is only available to a select few.”  “The results show that the people interviewed believed materialism and the notion of economic prosperity played a large role in people’s perception of the American Dream. The results confirm a “strong association between homeownership and the American dream” (834). The study also showed that “income is highly correlated with perceptions of achievement of the American dream.”  “The statistics suggest that the Dream has come to seem exclusive. Poor people are less likely to believe that they can achieve the American Dream.”  “For the American dream to be fully attainable to most people, we must begin to recognize the importance of the quality of life and redefine their perception of a better and fuller life.”  “Satisfaction and enjoyment must come from within us, which can be achieved by following our ideas, thoughts, and values. Another key aspect of the good life was health.”  “People become so focused on material gain that they do not take time to take care of their health.” VI. Contemporary Perspectives  “The concept of the American Dream can be traced back to the early days of the United States when the country was founded on principles of freedom and opportunity.”  “The American Dream has faced new challenges in the face of economic inequality, stagnant wages, and rising living costs. The traditional markers of success, such as homeownership and a secure job, have become increasingly out of reach for many Americans.”  “One notable aspect of the modern American Dream is the emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation. With the rise of technology and the gig economy, many individuals aspire to create their path to success by starting their businesses or pursuing creative ventures.”  “The traditional narrative of the American Dream often focused on the experiences of white, middle-class Americans, but today’s vision encompasses people from all backgrounds, cultures, and identities. The pursuit of equality and social justice is integral to the modern interpretation of the American Dream.”  “The meaning of the American Dream has evolved in response to the changing social, economic, and cultural landscape of the United States.”  “As society continues to grapple with complex challenges and opportunities, the vision of the American Dream will continue to evolve, reflecting the aspirations and values of the American people.” This is my intro and thesis : I. Introduction • As I have grown, I have realized that money does not always mean happiness. The American Dream is something many people desire because they believe it would bring them abundant happiness. It is often seen as being full of endless opportunities, but I have come to see it as something that exists more in people’s imaginations than in reality. What the “American Dream” means varies from person to person, based on their own experiences and ideas. It is up to each individual whether they want to pursue those dreams or leave them out of reach. • Introduction to American literature The American dream in many people’s eyes is a life of success, but in the eyes of American literature is different. Many authors do not have it easy and constantly deal with the hassle of achieving their dreams. In literature, the authors display through their writing problems in achieving their dreams. Looking at the “American Dream” in literatures perspective, we can see the affects it has on people around us. • Thesis statement: In literature, the American Dream is portrayed as a journey fraught with challenges and obstacles, yet it often leads to success through perseverance and determination. I have yet to finish the rest but my paper is solely focused on my topic as stated above Topic: American dream in literature Narrowed topic: The expectations vs the reality of the American Dream. V. Women Writers of the Civil War Era • Introduction to significant women writers of the Civil War period, including Louisa May Alcott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Mary Chesnut. • Analysis of selected literary works(you selected!) by these authors, focusing on their portrayal of women’s experiences and their contributions to the Civil War literature. • Discussion of the challenges faced by women writers in a male-dominated literary landscape and their impact on shaping public perceptions of the Civil War. • Reflection on the importance of studying and preserving the voices of Civil War women for future generations. VII. Conclusion • Summary of key points discussed in the paper. • Reflection on the significance of Civil War literature in illuminating the experiences and perspectives of women during this transformative period in American history. • Final thoughts on the ongoing relevance of Civil War women’s literature and the importance of continued scholarship in this area.